**We are glad to announce Trittium as our new Trusted partner for NODES HOSTING**
:boom: trttNodes is a masternode investment platform -
https://node.trittium.cc/ :boom: UNITED KOREA is listed now as **PREMIUM LISTING**, it includes
- **FREE STAKING** into the trttnodes platform wallet. Just hold your coins there to earn rewards.
- **Mobile wallets app** for IOS and ANDROID.
What does Trittrium service offer:
- **Investments with no limitations or barriers** - starting from 10 EUR minimum value.
- **Instant rewards** - no waiting for the first rewards or masternode filling, get paid 4 times a day, on every 6 hours
- **Instant withdrawals**
- **Compound interest by Reinvesting** - enable "Re-invest" feature and get the accumulated rewards automatically added to your investment.
- **Flexible management** - you can add more coins to running investment or withdraw from it any amount, whenever you wish.
- **Low fees** - 4 EUR/month flat fee per masternode and 4% on rewards for the amounts less that full MN.
- **Fees paid in TRTT** - your coins won't be sold on the market and drive the price down.
- **No tech Knowledge needed**
- **3-clicks setup**
- **Dedicated Servers**
- **1.79 €/Month. Volume discounts available**
- **Fees charged daily in TRTT**
- **24/7 service**
- UKC is **integrated now into the new trttExplorer**, check it here:
:book: **Guides**
Cold Nodes setup at trttNodes - <https://medium.com/@Trittium_cc/cold-nodes-setup-at-trttnodes-4157645dc1f>
How to invest with trttNodes - <https://medium.com/@Trittium_cc/how-to-invest-with-trttnodes-af2d829d07ed>
*** If you have any concerns and questions, feel free to contact Trittium team on their Discord server -