The Atlas Cryptocurrency was created to provide financial freedom, safety, anonymity, protecting privacy, for a better future for all the inhabitants of the earth and for offer to charitable causes and organizations.
Economic freedom. Everyone can produce the Atlas Cryptocurrency need to use a computer or specialized electronic systems, that’s call miners.
Global – World without borders. Use the Atlas Cryptocurrency for transactions between individuals or businesses on a global basis without borders.
Anonymity. The Atlas Cryptocurrency is your electronic wallet and use anonymous without a need for any banking institution.
Safety and secure. The cryptocurrency a can not be forged and és not controlled by banks and governments. The Atlas Cryptocurrency is based on the bitcoin technology with the only difference that it uses the formula algorithm scrypt borrowed from the famous LiteCoin.
Peer to Peer. With the Atlas Cryptocurrency the payments go directly to the individual or business, removing the need for a bank or building society.
Coin PropertiesAlgorithm Scrypt Type PoW Coin name Atlas Coin abbreviation ATLAS Address letter L RPC port 9068 P2P port 9067 Block reward 250 coins Block halving 475000 blocks Total coin supply 250000000 coins Premine percent 5% Premine amount 12500000 coins 5% premine for bounties, giveaways, development, support and maintenance, new feature developments etc.
Advanced PropertiesCoinbase maturity 20 blocks Target spacing 5 minutes Target timespan 60 minutes Transaction confirmations 6 blocks
Seednode 1
For more information, as well as an immediately useable, binary version of the Atlas client software, see us to the GitHub here: Coinsmarkets.com SOON COINGARTHER
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