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Author Topic: [ANN] [XMG] Magi | 1st PoS-II | 1st PoM | Fair Distr | Tor | M7M CPU 1st POI  (Read 69267 times)


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You did it again Goldlabel.
Awesome picture! ;D
Tour de Magi!

Cool one! Nice job!


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Your picture made me think about a little game.
The Magi Tour de France game!

Whoever predicts the winner of the next ride of the Tour de France good and post the name here before 12:00 hours  (on the day of the ride)
wins 300 XMG.
Only the first one with the right prediction will receive the price!
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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Another race!  ;D
Magi entered the top ten on Cryptsy coinvotes!
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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The Magi Tour de France game Part 2!

Whoever predicts the winner of the heavy ride at july 16 2015 from the Tour de France (Etappe 12) good and post the name here before 12:00 hours  (on the day of the ride)
wins 300 XMG.
Only the first one with the right prediction will receive the price!
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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The Magi Tour de France game Part 2!

Whoever predicts the winner of the heavy ride at july 16 2015 from the Tour de France (Etappe 12) good and post the name here before 12:00 hours  (on the day of the ride)
wins 300 XMG.
Only the first one with the right prediction will receive the price!

Chris Froome

Ok etappe 12 is started a few hours ago.
Let's see if Froome can do it again!
Nobody predict right?
Let's take a look at another hard etappe!
I will get back on this.


Find one! Think etappe 20 would be a nice one!
So predict the winner of that race and win 500 XMG!!!
First one who post the name of the winner wins!
Remeber this one is also on bitcointalk!
So be the first and post your winner!
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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The Magi Tour de France game Part 2!

Whoever predicts the winner of the heavy ride at july 16 2015 from the Tour de France (Etappe 12) good and post the name here before 12:00 hours  (on the day of the ride)
wins 300 XMG.
Only the first one with the right prediction will receive the price!

Chris Froome

Ok etappe 12 is started a few hours ago.
Let's see if Froome can do it again!
Nobody predict right?
Let's take a look at another hard etappe!
I will get back on this.


Find one! Think etappe 20 would be a nice one!
So predict the winner of that race and win 500 XMG!!!
First one who post the name of the winner wins!
Remeber this one is also on bitcointalk!
So be the first and post your winner!

Chris Froome


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Magi XMG Proof of Interest II 2015 Launch 01-08-2015
Coin of the Magi the next generation digital currency!
twitter @103tango

Banks do give interest but not very much! Magi does this better!
The Coin of the Magi is the digital currency of the future, fair unique and for all people living everywhere!

Rules for the Magi Proof of Interest II 2015!

The base is very simple.
Time period: The Proof of Interest will last two months.

When can I register to participate? Registration will be open: 01-07-2015

How do I sign up? Tell me that you want to join the PoI here:  Registration is done by posting your XMG address replying here on Bitcoingarden or PM me here or in,,, &

What information should I include? Write your participating wallet XMG address in a reply here: (only one address allowed to join, all addresses will be made public at the end of registration in interest of fairness of the campaign.)
(only one address a person allowed to join)

The team will check the address's initial balance, and that balance will start participating in the PoI. (After confirmation participant)

When will I receive my interest? Interest will be paid on 01-10-2015

What happens if I have more XMG in my wallet on 01-10-2015? You will receive interest on the amount present in your wallet on that date. (Advantage participant)

What happens if I have less XMG in my wallet on 01-10-2015?
You will not receive any interest from campaign, if your initial balance has decreased more than 15% at the campaigns end! (Drawback participant)

What happens if I XMG have used to pay for goods? This has no negative effect on your interest. (Receipt required)

How will be interest distributed? The interest will be distributed by means of a specific calculation. This can be influenced by the number of participants, level of the fund and total number of coins that participate.Team will check addresses random and record the coins in that address. Based on that the interest calculation will be done!

Who will pay the interest for this Proof of Interest campaign? I received the donation of 25,000 XMG.
(For the second time! Love this guy)
On his request, the donor will remain anonymous! Payouts will be done by me.

Interest will be paid to the designated address wallet.
Changes of participating address during the Proof of Interest is possible only once per user in the two months period (changing is not advisable, though).
Exchanges or wallet address on an exchange are excluded from participation.

NOTE: The team reserves it's right to send a warning to a drawback member, that his balance is decrease more than 15% on their regular random balance checks.

If you have questions don't hesitate just ask me.
More info about the unique M7M PoS II PoW PoM Coin of the Magi check:

Proud to share this:
On september 15, 2014, The Coin of the Magi, first M7M PoSII PoW etc. successfully launched.
So on september 15, 2015 Magi will pass his first year.
To celebrate this there will be some nice surprises for our awesome Magi community. Also for the participants to the Proof of Interest campaign!

Talking about campaigns!!
The register for the Proof of Interest II campaign will close on 28 july 2015 20:00 hours CET.
Received request after that date/time will NOT be added to this unique campaign!
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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I have included the new XMG mining pool Minerclaim in the list of pools supported by my Autominer software for Windows. If you are already using this software, run the setup program C:\XMGminer\Setup.bat and choose "Download latest list of mining pools" when prompted on the drop-down menu. This will only take a few seconds and then return to the menu. Choose "Proceed with setup" and continue as usual to complete the setup procedure as required.

I see that this new mining pool could do with some more support right now so if you can switch some hashpower over that would be good :)

I have recovered all my possessions from the dangerous building that I was housed in previously, but have yet to find a new permanent place to live so it will be some time yet before I am back up to speed with everything. In the meantime, rest assured that I will be looking in from time to time and will offer as much support as I can with the limited resources at my disposal.

You don't get rid of me that easily :D

I have been monitoring the price of XMG on the exchanges. There seems to be rather less XMG for sale now so I think the price may have bottomed-out. I have some BTC burning a hole in my pocket ...
Thanks Spexx for giving us an update!
Think you are right about the price.
Keep us informed and good luck with finding a new place to live!
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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Reminder: Last week for register to the Proof of Interest campaign is started! Check give-aways on bitcoingarden!
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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A good coin and I want to get it. It's great to see that the price hasn't already sky rocketed up 500% before I found this coin.

I think you might have spotted XMG just in time! The exchange price seems to have bottomed-out and there is much less for sale now than there was two or three weeks ago. It's buying time. Grab 'em cheap while you can and with the Proof of Interest campaign starting soon, there is all the more reason to have some right this minute.

I think this coin should be worth at least ten times what it is now. I mean at least ten times :D
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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Reminder: only 2 days left for register to the Proof of Interest II campaign!
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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Hey guys!  Just thought I would post instructions for compiling the miner on linux.  I can confirm that these instructions work for both ubuntu and CentOS.  I don't know if any changes in instructions are needed for different versions of linux so please post if you have success.

In the command console paste these lines:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y git curl unzip gedit automake autoconf dh-autoreconf build-essential pkg-config openssh-server screen libtool libcurl4-openssl-dev libtool libncurses5-dev libudev-dev
cd ~
git clone
cd ~/m7magi-cpuminer-v2
chmod +x
./configure CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native"
sudo make install

Then to run, type:
./minerd --algo=m7mhash --url=stratum+tcp://  --user=<username> --pass=x

Thanks Fragilefungi! Its nice to have the right info in one post! Well done.
BTC 1J7wFce3Ve8iPoY3BXQRvvLLcg6mfWSQHz
XMG 97XBFXZX5Ce77BQWGbg5N5ygCyqmwGJ1Z8


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