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Messages - HeavLeighGill

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I pay my mortgage, car payment, power, phone time, and insurance at the beginning of the month. Then we have bills weekly that my husband pays. His phone time, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, his truck payment, his insurance, a loan, credit cards, Fingerhut, and so on. I hate dealing with it all through the month and would much rather pay it at the beginning, but we have to do it that way since we can't afford to do it all at once.

General Discussion, Non Crypto Stuff / Re: What is trading best platform?
« on: November 26, 2022, 04:41:59 PM »
I'm fond of trading on MT4 through CedarFX. Hard to say what is the best because we all have different needs and opinions.

You could look into CedarFX. They only require a $10 deposit which is good for beginners and have some other things I see as beginner friendly, like 24/7 support and so on.

General Discussion, Non Crypto Stuff / Re: Why invest
« on: November 26, 2022, 04:40:12 PM »
Crypto is volatile but I believe it will continue to grow in popularity and provides a good investment opportunity, so I see it as a worthwhile investment.

General Discussion, Non Crypto Stuff / Re: How do you earn money?
« on: November 26, 2022, 04:38:01 PM »
A few different ways, I do some freelance stuff, sell old stuff on marketplace, etc.
Mainly through forex and crypto trading.

General Discussion, Non Crypto Stuff / Re: About Forex
« on: October 17, 2022, 07:59:49 PM »
I'm a forex trader. I think it gives people a good opportunity to make money from home and there aren't a lot of jobs like it.

I just recently finished the new Jeffrey Dahmer show on Netflix and it was really good if you like true crime. I did hear some people had a hard time because it can be graphic, but Evan Peters did a really good job.

When we make purchases, our brain releases serotonin. Maybe find other ways to get that serotonin high that don't involve spending money Like exercise or yoga, or something else?

I used to buy cheaper furniture, but as I've gotten older, I've leaned more towards paying more money for things that will last. I'd say your budget should take into account how many rooms and what you currently have. I recently went to Rooms to Go and we financed a new couch and bedroom suit for my daughter (one of the fancy princess ones) and our payment is only $70 a month, so not bad at all.

I started helping my mom with her wreath business. Made a TikTok account and uploaded one video to a popular sound and it got around 500+ views. I thought that was pretty good for a start and plan to continue making them for her, especially since you don't have to pay to promote yourself on there to get views.

Through my broker (CedarFX). I do have an Instacoins account that I use from time to time, but I just prefer doing it the alternative way.

I prefer MT4. Only downside is that they took it off the app store recently for iPhone, but you can just use web trader instead or download it on your PC.

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I know that is difficult. Not sure about your religion, but I'll pray for you.

Most of the bad things that have happened to me happened when I was a teenager. Now, as an adult, I actually have a really good life. I'm with my soulmate and we have 3 healthy kids, along with everything we need. I'm definitely lucky to be here now.

Member Introductions / Re: Hi everyone
« on: October 17, 2022, 07:10:04 PM »
Hi Jeff! Welcome to the community.

I came here for similar reasons. Still got a lot to learn about crypto. As for Dogecoin, I've honestly seen a lot of mixed opinions. Some think it's a great investment, others think it's a horrible one. I have more research to do to form my own opinion. Curious to see what everyone else here thinks.  :D

Member Introductions / Re: Hello everyone
« on: October 17, 2022, 07:08:05 PM »
Hi! Glad to see that you're back!

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