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Messages - Jentemi

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Crypto Discussion / Re: Do we need blockchain technology?
« on: May 12, 2019, 04:47:42 PM »
We definitely need blockchain technology but though there  are lot of worthless project that we really don't need or has no prospect with real life, not withstanding blockchain technology is an innovative for the future, that's why am happy that sec coming up with policies and regulations if not everything will be calamity.
That being said this is where security and privacy comes into play, coins like veil and monero plays a major role in this. Veil solve this problems facing blockchain technology by employing a number of different techniques, giving its users a truly anonymous and privacy means of exchanging value.

Mining / Re: mining is profitable?
« on: May 12, 2019, 01:16:19 PM »
Few things in the Crypto space remain static and that's why it's worth looking into rising alts to keep updated with mining opportunities with a wide margin between price of acquiring a coin and cost of electricity need to acquire a coin. An example would be VEIL, which was listed at the start of this year.

Crypto Discussion / Re: Which alts will survive?
« on: May 11, 2019, 10:44:46 AM »
Even a crypto analyst can't really predict which altcoin will at a long run, it boils down to project functionality, market cap take veil for example. Veil is a privacy coin and privacy coins are having good prospect in the cryptocurrencies space. Veil is aiming to repair the cracks causes by comprised privacy in blockchain. That being said I think veil is one of the good ones that will definitely survive the long eun

Trading / Re: Short or long term investment
« on: May 06, 2019, 02:23:45 PM »
You can't really say that for all investment. Some are good for long term while others are short term it all depends on the market cap and potential of the coin, take for instance Veil which is a privacy coin which main aim is to solve the key problem in the privacy coin space  and privacy coins have done and it still doing well in the market. So investing long term there are some criteria that must be consider first don't just invest without thorough investigation of a project.

Mining / Re: mining is profitable?
« on: May 06, 2019, 10:51:09 AM »
Depending on the coin you intend mining. As for if have the opportunity to start mining, I will prefer new altcoins like veil for example. Veil is more profitable because incase you have a higher energy bill you can still make profit unike bitcoin. So in essence go with altcoins that have substantial movement in exchange which veil has so as to make your profits

Trading / Re: Your greatest trading regret?
« on: May 06, 2019, 10:31:13 AM »
I think in cryptosystem and trading it about having a good entry point in buying a coin and having a good knowledge about the project. In February this year I bought evx  token at 0.14$ there about within a month it did more than ×8 and presently it @ 0.8$ tho I sold already. There are tokens that you should buy at a very good entry point like VEIL now I bought veil 0.24$ and it presently @ 0.27$ still holding it cos veil has the potential of doing well in the market.

Mining / Re: X16RT mining algorithm - How veil came about it
« on: April 28, 2019, 11:44:56 PM »
Absolutely correct, efforts focused on a fair distribution of veil by resisting the more dominant, commercially aimed ASIC miners. Being ASIC resistant means that GPU miners actually have an opportunity to earn not only by mining but also by staking their veil as it is accumulated.

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