A little more than three month after its successful ICO, the blockchain for enterprise enabler Unibright has teamed up with Lufthansa, the biggest European airline, to boost blockchain adoption on the mass market.
As already known, Lufthansa supported Unibright‘s “Hackathon without a single line of code” at Pillar Unconference 2018 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The carrier-giant offers awards to the best developers who worked on visual definitions for a real life use case, encouraged by Lufthansa:
- asset lifecycle of planes and equipments in the blockchain,
- Miles & More and alliance/partner loyalty programs in the blockchain,
- voucher management for Lufthansa partners in the blockchain,
- personal seat and flight booking management for professionals and resellers.
These practices showcase how the Unibright platform can be teamed with existing businesses processes to create value for enterprises. The goal of the hackathon is to create understanding on how smart contracts work and how hard it still in these days to code a contract manually.
The Pillar Unconference, also known as the “Woodstock of Crypto,” is set to attract a wide mix of the cryptocurrency and blockchain community including entrepreneurs and smart contract developers.
Lufthansa, the company which is investigating blockchain-based technology for the airline’s future, rewards the best participants with flights from Vilnius to a follow-up blockchain use-case workshop in Frankfurt. It will involve winning participants, Lufthansa, Unibright, and technology solution provider Zühlke, and be held later in 2018.
Unified framework for blockchain based businesses
For the big players offering tech solutions there are similar hurdles to overcome as for large companies wanting to make use of the unique feature blockchain technology offers.
A product or framework is needed enabling the integration of this exciting new blockchain world, to the already existing off-chain world. Top layers patterns are needed that allow to focus on business processes and not on technical details coming with different blockchain implementations.
A unifying approach is asked for, caring about the whole life-cycle of a business process, meaning its definition, implementation, maintenance, monitoring and integration.
It might be a bad idea to bind oneself to one specific blockchain implementation and build up expertise for it, unsure about its future and the development of the whole domain of blockchain technology.
Unibright, that describes itself as a “unified framework for blockchain based business integration”, offers a unified framework bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage. With its “no-coding-needed” approach, smart contracts get generated, deployed and updated automatically based on visual definitions. Unibright’s existing integration platform allow the automatic integration and monitoring of these smart contracts into existing off-chain systems like for example SAP ERP or other legacy systems.
After a successful ICO in April which saw 13.5 million utility UBT tokens purchased, the German-based company has been busy working to implement its blockchain innovations into the hands of real programmers, users, and companies. The UBT token will be used to power smart contract creation and connection.
For those interested in the currency side of things and want to purchase the UBT token as a way to be part of this promising ecosystem, the token is listed on the QRYPTOS exchange.
This will be a great leap in terms of crypto legitimacy. Countries will adopt this with adoption of airlines.