All the things you wanted to know about Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies

Regionalism, the most ancient form of decentralization


Europecoin is deeply rooted in the process of crypto education and bitcoin/altcoin telling. One of Europecoin’s aims is, to do one of the very few jobs, that a good managed altcoin could do better than Bitcoin. It’s the job, any so-called-country-coin, should have done, but failed to deliver: Getting closer to the people, by adapting to their local culture and in that way, fostering the deepest form of decentralization.

A strong local economy

Path to a modern form of regionalization, this is why Europecoin and its funding Partner Bitcoinsulting are about to publish a “localbitcoins” a-like altcoin/bitcoin person-to-person exchange and local education platform, to foster local trade and merchants inclusion, across Europe.

When LocalBitcoins got banned in Germany, they decided to fill that niche and successfully launched a German version for Bitcoin and Europecoin: Bitcoin Treff.

Now, the new, international portal, has been further developed, to provide additional altcoin markets and a business / merchant support center for their payment solutions. Localcrypto gives crypto minded people the ability, to find out about the crypto economy around them to get in touch with each other, to trade and to find or recruit crypto accepting merchants.

When Bitcoinsulting will be launching their point-of-sales hardware collection (ETA three month) they will start enabling everybody, to build their own business, by consulting merchants in their area. Europecoin and partners will support their users with a growing set of tools, to facilitate new adoption and to build a network of crypto accepting merchants and services.

Europecoin has been working since a long time towards these goals and is welcoming everybody to take part. Having reported on their development since day one, I have been able to experience, what they are meaning with:

“We are favoring an open and sharing multi-currency society”

Networking as a base for local multi-crypto environments

Though it is funny how many side-projects this team is managing, I can’t find even one project that doesn’t progress fast and smooth. The Team points out, that this fact is a living prove, that true open collaboration always wins. I already have been reporting about their “Federated Blockchains” proposal. After their fusion with the “Internet of Coins” team, this project spikes from zero to announcing its first alpha test-network launched in March 2017.

The features they have already working today (~70%) are suggesting a hard time for Lisk, Ethereum and SuperNet. Different to those projects, they have placed their features into a tor like network protocol, which delivers following to any connected altcoin and to bitcoin: “permisssionless, decentralized API Federation Protocol”.

  1. automatic generation of APIs to connect ANY ALTCOINS with each other and with BITCOIN;
  2. a shared API to connect any APP and service to all those coins and to BITCOIN;
  3. shared smart-contract processor to deliver Ethereum alike smartcontract execution to ANY connected ALTCOIN and to BITCOIN;
  4. shared INTERNET-of-THINGS standart compliant and CROSS -COIN / -APP / -BLOCKCHAIN transaction API to tranact and communicate across payment processors, exchanges, across different altcoins and to Bitcoin;
  5. this code has been and still is being developed by the “Internet of Coins” Team since two years by 3-5 full time programmers.

Given, I have been witnessing this vast network of enthusiasts exploding exponentially, from starting with Europecoin to now including Bitsend, Bitcoinsulting, Federated Blockchains, Localcrypto, Bitcoin-Treff and Internet of Coins, I have to repeat myself saying: watch these guys!

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