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PARSIQ’s universal tool launched into crypto space


PARSIQ launches a comprehensive tool for blockchain analysis and monitoring

Both Bitcoin and the transactions in its blockchain, as in the alternative cryptocurrencies (Altcoins), tend to be much more traceable than assumed. Data and transactions in the blockchain are publicly legible by all. Transactions, by the nature of the network, are interconnected and create “routes” between them. PARSIQ is a universal tool for the analysis and monitoring of blockchains that is born at a time when data is flooding the Internet.

The tool provides an analytical view of the transaction history in blockchains. They are providing ease and speed when analyzing massive correlated data. Considering the growth of the sector, tools related to data management and analysis are essential. The tool doesn’t just scan the network and create a simple listing; it also provides real-time monitoring of accounts, transactions, and other issues related to the blockchain.

These include advanced analysis and processing of transaction trees using extensive data; analytical techniques and machine learning algorithms provide detailed information on asset movements in blockchains. The platform will eventually work for multiple chains and implements a modular design designed to provide various applications for various use cases. In essence, PARSIQ is intended to be an open, accessible, and extensible platform system; therefore, offering a suitable approach to the scalability of networks in terms of processing and analysis is critical.

What services does the PARSIQ universal tool cover?

PARSIQ addresses the lack of simple monitoring and analysis tools for the conventional and expert user. It is providing a complete blockchain analysis platform with functions oriented to users and institutions. The system is implemented as a mix of centralized and distributed systems that combine monitoring and analysis of high-performance transactions; providing a processing service with decentralized tracking in real time of both confirmed and unconfirmed transactions.

At a deeper and more fundamental level, it monitors block chains separately in real time; providing through virtual instruments (machines that can classify transactions) filters and comparisons of different factors or events.

The result of analysis and monitoring can be used for forensic and analytical purposes or as triggers for user-specific real-time monitoring services. We have witnessed data market launches, news with scandals about large purchases, losses, or even data theft. With the start of PARSIQ, the analysis and monitoring of data related to cryptographic transactions find a new competitor with cutting-edge technology. The uses for which the PARSIQ ecosystem is designed to users and institutions; for this reason, it has been developed based on the necessary versatility covering a complete menu of use cases. We present them below.

  • Real-time monitoring and notification of blockchains
  • AML Compliance Solutions
  • Market intelligence for cryptocurrencies and tokens
  • Forensic analysis of blockchains
  • Enhanced security solutions

In summary, PARSIQ is the new state-of-the-art platform for monitoring blockchains and intelligence.

The global context in which PARSIQ’s universal tool is born

The toolkit presented poses problems of insufficient monitoring and analysis. All this, with a development, focused on the availability of instruments adapted to existing and new ecosystems of cryptocurrencies and tokens. In terms of management, the ability to analyze and manage data will provide the simplicity required in the reorganization of users’ patrimonial and financial infrastructures. These tools are now privately traded. This makes them more expensive, and therefore they end up under the control of vast fortunes, corporations, or political entities. In short, they are difficult to access and end up under the supervision of centralized giants.

As a result, the proliferation of the adoption of cryptography has meant the change from centralized networks to networks of decentralized structure, open, free, and neutral. So it frees up the need for a trusted third party. The documentation on its website reveals that PARSIQ is capable of generating information about the digital assets and architectures of the most challenging transactions to monitor.

The most privacy-focused block chains have their advanced pseudo-anonymity systems, and block scanners are often limited or straightforward when it comes to deep analytics by unversed users or non-specialized entities. PARSIQ brings a new ecosystem of support tools for monitoring and analysis within everyone’s reach.

PARSIQ attends as bronze sponsor the Blockchain Expo 2019 held in AmsterdamAnatoly Ressin (co-founder) and Hendrik Henrikson (CBDO) will represent the platform.

Key features of the PARSIQ platform

The key features of the platform are listed in the official documentation. We can find a Whitepaper and its short version (One-Pager) in which a complete breakdown of the technical part is made; we have extracted the following section:

Smart Triggers

Smart Triggers redefine how PARSIQ users can monitor the state of the blockchain in real time. Using the platform’s native programming language, ParsiQL.

24/7 cryptographic alarms

Configurable notifications and programmable actions allow users to react in time to an event of interest in the blockchains.

Continuous audit for legal compliance

Continuous auditing helps to track blockchain’s compliance with market rules and regulations. Offering the integrity claimed in adoption matters.

Retrospective analysis

PARSIQ allows users to reproduce any part of the blockchain to collect information about previous states. Reproducing any moment in the past.

Geographical distribution of the infrastructure

The technologically advanced infrastructure of the platform is distributed in several global locations; this is done to achieve the minimum delay in synchronization with any chain of blocks. Offering excellent response times.

Real-time feature extraction

During the monitoring process, specific characteristics are collected and added for analysis, monitoring, and pattern formation. Offering real-time data management without the need for long waits.

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