The Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family is based on Skylake microarchitecture and built with industry-leading 14nm process technology. It delivers server- and workstation-class performance, superb power efficiency, and impressive graphics performance (for models with graphics) at budget-friendly price point, making it a great solution for small to medium businesses. It helps businesses keep up with market dynamics, evolving customer expectations, and the multitude of applications and data. Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family-based platforms offer fast access to data, protect the data’s integrity, and have proven reliability for a range of business needs.
Intel® Skylake Xeon E3-1240V5, 4x2x3.5 GHz
32GB ECC DDR4 2133MHz
3 Gbps uplink
Internal KVM over IP
12 month - $1506 + (one week free of charge) Only (125.5$ / month)
6 month - $779
3 month - $409
1 month - $144
Servers can be customized for your own needs. BITCOINS ACCEPTED!BALTICSERVERS
Our features:
• 24/7 Support, first response to ticket in 15min.
• Personal manager who can be reached on phone/ skype/ mail anytime of the day.
• Servers are ready in 1-3 hours after your payment.
• Bare Metal Server Hardware.
• vLAN (10 Gbps Private Network)
• IP KVM (Remote Hands).
• Average ticket response time <1h
• Technical live support 1min.
• Uptime: 99,97%
FREE TRIAL FOR BUSINESS USERS! PLEASE CONTACT ME ON SKYPE (paulius.balticservers) OR EMAIL ([email protected])