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Author Topic: [meccoin4me] cropbytes earn crypto while playing farmgame  (Read 972 times)


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[meccoin4me] cropbytes earn crypto while playing farmgame
« on: December 20, 2020, 09:21:30 AM »
Cropbytes is a blockchaingame which is in development from 2018 , in this game you can grow crops , feed your animals and get extracts from trees and animals and utillity, which you can sell in the build - in exchange , all the assets you own , you realy own them , remember it is a blockchaingame.

if you start with the game , you will get some assets like a plot (land) to grow different crops and some animals which give milk and other opportunitys , BUT you will only have them for 7 day's , after this period they will dissapear and you will have to go on with what you have earned.

after this or while you are playing you can also buy assets on the exchange :

for now they also running a referall period which give you the change to get a free asset which is worth between 100 and 12000 trx , when using the referal link , you get one asset and i got one asset which you can keep for free after completing the task , which is , you have to complete 5 cropharvests you can also login without referallink but you do not get the free asset worth to 12000 trx

the game is still in development so it even get better , minigames will be added which give us the opportunity to only earn more and better


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