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Author Topic: [Neur0manSer] Masternodes - Cold masternode setup guide - PYRK at  (Read 1126 times)


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How to setup a cold masternode for Pyrk - for Windows 10 - step-by-step guide with pictures.

1. Go to and download the wallet for your system. Install a Pyrk wallet and wait for the wallet to fully synchronize with the Pyrk network. In your wallet, go to "Receive" and select "Request payment" there -

 you create a new address, save this address and then send exactly 1000 PYRK to this new address(must be exactly that amount - 1000 PYRK, no more and no less). Wait for 15 confirmation on this transaction.

2. Register at and fund your account balance, you must have at least 0.99€ on your account balance, masternode hosting for one masternode requires 0.99€ per month. On go to "Main Menu > Masternode Hosting" and select Pyrk -

3. In your Pyrk wallet go to "Tools > Debug console" -

 type "masternode outputs"(without"") and press "enter" on your keyboard - you will get something similar to -

"dd53a67ba736b7202c15cd78feb2df86065ac6de187c0f72558f88aa090b5c35": "1"

first long string  - transaction ID, second string - Transaction Index

Copy the data(without""), then put this data in the corresponding fields in " > Main Menu > Masternode Hosting > Pyrk" and click on the “Buy” button.

4. On go to "Dashboard > Hosted Masternodes" and select your masternode there.

Copy masternode text to clipboard,

then go to your local Pyrk wallet, go to "Tools > Masternode config file",

in the opened document paste the copied masternode text in a new line, then close and save the masternode config file. Attention - now you must close the wallet and then restart the wallet for changes to apply.

5. Again, on go to "Dashboard > Hosted Masternodes" and select your masternode there.

Copy text - "masternode start-alias PyrkMasternode1",

then go to your local Pyrk wallet, go to "Tools > Debug console",

 paste the copied text there and press "enter" on the keyboard - you must see text message saying, that your masternode started.

On your masternode status should now be - "Masternode successfully started".

Congratulations! You have set up your Pyrk masternode and will begin to receive rewards very soon(It may take up to 3 days for your first reward, after which the rewards will be regularly every day)

          - Useful information, Tips & Tricks  -

1) Now you can close your Pyrk wallet on your computer and close the website in your browser. No need to keep your wallet open all day. You only need to pay 0.99 € per month for hosting your masternode at, no other actions are required.
Masternode rewards will be sent to your Masternode address.

2) Pyrk is already traded on 4 exchanges. I can recommend , as fast and secure exchange - NO KYC Required.

3) It's handy to have a masternode tab in your local wallet. So, in your local wallet go to "Settings", then choose "Wallet", and there check the "Show Masternodes Tab" box. Close the wallet and then restart the wallet for changes to apply. Now you can check your masternode in your local wallet.

4) Back up your wallet.dat file. On Windows 10, location for wallet.dat - " C: > Users > Your Username > AppData > Roaming > Pyrk > wallet.dat ". Save a copy of your wallet.dat file somewhere in cold storage(USB flash drive).

5) You can also save your private key for the masternode address  - in your your local Pyrk wallet, go to "Tools > Debug console" and type there - dumpprivkey"your masternode address".
Save the address of your masternode and private key in a text file and and then put this text file in cold storage(USB flash drive).

6) When a new version of the Pyrk wallet is released, you must upgrade your local wallet to this version, because your masternode has stopped and a restart is required. So, go to and download the new wallet version. Back up your wallet.dat file. Then just install the new version in the same directory where you previously installed your Pyrk wallet("C:Program Files" is the default directory), no need to delete anything. After the wallet is installed, wait for the wallet to fully synchronize with the Pyrk network, then on go to "Dashboard > Hosted Masternodes" and select your masternode there. Copy text - "masternode start-alias PyrkMasternode1",

then go to your local Pyrk wallet, go to "Tools > Debug console",

 paste the copied text there and press "enter" on the keyboard - you must see text message saying, that your masternode started.

On your masternode status should now be - "Masternode successfully started". You have successfully restarted your masternode and soon you will begin to receive masternode rewards again.

7) Pyrk wallet addresses is something like - PTrKKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJvK7VmdYrk . Address start with "P"  for PYRK transactions. Address start with "T" for for Simple Token transactions.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2020, 02:20:39 AM by Neur0manSer »
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