This area is for requesting donations for a public or private cause. You can also mention NGO or other associations that take donations in cryptocurrencies, or news from the media about the topic. Rules below (updated 2019.05.15):
1 - When posting about your own cause, please give as much details as you can. This will give you better chances of getting noticed and getting some contributions. I especially recommend you to give some evidences if collecting funds for somebody who has health/legal/bankruptcy problems.
2 - You can post about donation requests from charities and/or other associations, but do not post a funding address here. Instead post the link to the official donation page.
3 - Donations for coins or software projects are ok, unless they are self funded projects. No ICO/STO/IEO.[/url].
4 - You can report spam and off-topic using the "Report to moderator" button.
5 - Do not spam and don't try to smartass your way around these rules!
(Please note, general forum rules always apply: