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Author Topic: 小比特币UBC:如果区块链真的是未来,我们又该怎么做?  (Read 237 times)


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关于区块链令牌(Token)的优势,下面举个很实在的例子。比如UBitCoin(UBC), 在世界各地的使用者仅仅只需携带一串仅属于自己的UBC私钥密码,就可以满世界游山玩水,在支持UBC的店铺兑换商品与各类服务,根本无需因为兑换各国的纸币而消耗无谓的精力,也少了很多因此而来的烦恼,更重要的是,这将会带给你一种极佳的消费体验。作为互联网的第一代原住民,我们是有理由选择这样一种更具优势特征的生活方式的。



2010年5月22日,一位名叫拉斯洛·汉耶兹(Laszlo Hanyecz)的小哥哥,还只是佛罗里达州的小程序员,作为挖矿界的吃货,有天他突发奇想,在bitcointalk论坛中发帖,询问是否有人帮他在店里订两个披萨,作为回报他可以获得1万个比特币。帖子发出后,大多数人都在“围观”,但还真有一位英格兰的“好心”网友帮他下单了两张披萨。在那个时候,比特币并不具备任何价值,这是史上首笔用数字货币完成支付的交易,这一天也被定为比特币披萨日。


UBit Coin (UBC): What should we do if the block chain is really the future?

Ten years ago, in 2009, Nakamoto wrote the first line of characters in the Bitcoin White Paper on his laptop. From then on, Bitcoin began its long and tortuous journey, until today. The most intuitive contribution is to make the term block chain the latest scientific and technological pronoun, even to the extent that it is well known in some areas.
Needless to say, no matter from the point of view of technical value or sociological value, the block chain contains tremendous power. This is why more and more people call it the Value Internet. Block chain will lead the arrival of programmable economy, which will lead our society towards a more fair, transparent, safe, efficient and harmonious future.

Programmable economy enforces pre-embedded instructions through code to ensure the automaticity and integrity of transaction execution. It has brought us unprecedented technological innovation and greatly reduced the cost of economic activities such as transactions at the execution level. For example, the system can stipulate that a charitable donation can only be used for the purchase of first aid equipment, can also stipulate the conditions of a heritage heir, can also limit the amount of money to support college students only for tuition fees, such ideas can be programmed on the block chain and strictly implemented. Well, it's good. Does it feel like science fiction has a bright future? However, this technology has come into our life. Intelligent contract is a realistic solution.

Due to the need of scalability, there are various competition chains besides Bitcoin, such as Etaifang, EOS, Bitcoin cash, Bitcoin gold, UBitCoin and so on. According to different research directions, these public chains listed above have different development directions. They are considered to be the most valuable public chains besides Bitcoin, and may even become the basic public chains leading the mainstream of the future block chain value network.
History has always been strikingly similar, similar to what Bitcoin encountered in its early days. Currently, these competitive public chains, especially those in the early stages of operation, such as UBitCoin (UBC), often suffer from intense market prices in the short term due to factors such as the inability of their markets to spread and promote on a large scale, and the improper operation of some large holders in the community. In a state of fluctuation.

Then we may discuss why there is always a slight lag in market development. We will find that one of the reasons should be the most fundamental and direct one.
The value discovery of the public chain mainly depends on the promotion and dissemination of the community, rather than on the traditional highly efficient centralized corporate subject, which is a double-edged sword for the development of all block chain projects.

Nevertheless, on the other hand, from the perspective of economics, we seem to see a better picture.
The token incentive mechanism of block chain, with excellent incentive economic model, can mobilize human production enthusiasm to the greatest extent. Through block chain technology, for the first time, human beings rely on algorithms to build trust in an unfamiliar Internet environment, without relying on an authoritative person or a powerful institution, thus realizing the safe transfer of value on the Internet.

The token incentive mechanism is indeed a very important part of the block chain technology. Just as human blood is important to the human body, especially the public chain. The function of token is mainly embodied in the effective cooperation mechanism and the effective incentive mechanism. If it works well, it can mobilize the enthusiasm of human production to the greatest extent.

With regard to the advantages of block chain tokens, here's a real example. For example, UBitCoin (UBC), users all over the world can travel around the world with only a string of UBC private key passwords. They can exchange goods and services in stores supporting UBC. They don't need to consume meaningless energy because of the exchange of banknotes from different countries. They also have a lot of trouble. More importantly, this will bring you a very good one. Consumer experience. As the first generation of aborigines on the Internet, we have reason to choose such a more advantageous way of life.

It can be predicted that in the future we will see more and more interesting social experiments presented to us one by one. This ecology is doomed to rise and fall one after another, and it is also very lively.

But as all the staunch believers and preachers who have kept Bitcoin from 2010 to today's unsold preach, if the block chain represents the future, the future of the world must belong to long-term investors with staunch beliefs.

When it comes to the market value of block chain tokens, one of the most prominent allusions in Bitcoin's history has to be mentioned:
On May 22, 2010, a brother named Laszlo Hanyecz, a small programmer in Florida, came up with the idea of ordering two pizzas in the Bitcoin Talk forum in return for 10,000 bitcoins. After the post was sent out, most people were "watching", but there was really an English "kind" netizen who helped him order two pizzas. At that time, Bitcoin had no value at all. It was the first time in history that a payment was made in digital currency. It was also designated Pizza Day.

From another point of view, today is tomorrow's history. Maybe we will see and even experience something that may be considered ridiculous and ridiculous by everyone in the future, but it will happen all the time without being noticed by most people.
Here, I just hope that it will not happen to the readers of this article as far as possible. At the end of this article, I wish you all an early realization of financial freedom.

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