Warning: Thread locked for SPAM
It looks like VEIL is running a spam campaign in a number of forums, including us. Those posts are violating a number of rules, not to mention, the way chosen to advertise the project it is at least objectionable. Users caught violating the rules are getting banned.
Ever since the creation of bitcoin ,the blockchain technology has grown exponentially.
Unfortunately , the adoption rate is never encouraging and this could be attributed to the security challenges that seems to be threatening the continuous growth of the blockchain technology.
Security issues in this context is the traceability of users transaction history.
This issue has become a concern to potential institutional investors who would want to invest into cryptocurrency but are reluctant due to the issue of transaction history being viewable by just anyone .
Hackers seem to be having a field day stealing users funds because they can trace transactions to senders and so are in the position to know what wallet has good amount of funds or not.
I do not think I would be wrong if I say that the structure of the blockchain is indirectly egging hackers on.
I think that people should be given the right over their transactions data on the blockchain.
The current structure of the blockchain today makes it easy for people to view ,monitor anothers transactions history .
In the quest to solve this issue, some projects came up with technologies , unfortunately these technologies didn't provide a holistic solution to the issues.
This is where veil project comes into the mix.
Veil is committed to providing a hollistic solution by improving upon the solution of other projects by combining cutting edge technologies such as the Dandelion technology, bullet proof technology , version 0.17.1 together with the advanced cryptography based privacy protocol zerocoin etc.