This token contract (thanks to Giveth, Griff Green, and many others) - Minime token contract
"token contract can be used for are:
Generating a voting token that is burned when you vote.
Generating a “coupon” token that is redeemed when you use it.
Generating a token for a “spinoff” DAO.
Generating a token that can be used to give explicit support to an action or a campaign, like polling.
Generating a token to enable the token holders to collect daily, monthly or yearly payments.
Generating a token to limit participation in a token sale or similar event to holders of a specific token.
Generating a token that allows a central party complete control to transfer/generate/destroy tokens at will.
All the applications the standard ERC 20 token can be used for, but with the ability to upgrade in the future as desired in a decentralized fashion.
All these applications and more are enabled by the MiniMe Token Contract. The most amazing thing is that ANYONE can give new functionality to MiniMe token holders in a permissionless yet safe manner without affecting the parent token’s intended functionality."