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Korvan is an experimental digital currency forked from Bitcoin 0.16.2 that enables instant payments to
anyone, anywhere in the world. Korvan Network uses peer-to-peer technology to operate
with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried
out collectively by the network. Korvan is the name of open source
software which enables the use of this currency.
The project name is a play on the archaic word korva meaning edge - referring to the focus we have on developing cutting edge technology and to be the most efficient cryptocurrency for on-chain utilities in the blockchain sector. Korvan will start life as a proof-of-work only blockchain til our titan release is completed which is a currently in active development shortly have launch you can track our progress on branch proof-of-stake note all updates will be released in a easy to understand format bi-weekly. Currently the team consit of Simon a university graduate in computer science looking to change how business is done on the blockchain and Zack a self-taught developer fulent in many programming languages seeking to build disruptive technology. Interested in running a pool or other services built on Korvan feel free to join us on discord to discuss partnerships. A small coin sale [30 Masternodes] on discord will take place to jump start project growth, any unsold coins will be burned. These funds will cover exchange listing fees, design cost, marketing, and roadmap development. Each feature in our roadmap will have it's own whitepaper followed by the Korvan purplepaper currently being refined.
Korvan is the second blockchain to implement the 'Balloon' memory-hard hashing function, superior in strength to Argon2, while remaining resistant to cache/side-channel attacks.
Additionally, the Balloon Hashing function does not require anywhere near as much memory to demonstrate its memory-hardness; making it possible for low-memory devices to verify proofs. Balloon supports both CPU and GPU mining. Balloon makes it easy to introduce different length inputs, memory and mixing parameters so we can always prevent asic and fpga mining.
Algorithm: Balloon(128/4)
Difficulty Algorithm: D601
Unit: KVN (U+1F13A) **🄺**
Block Max Size: 8 MB
Max Block Serialized Size: 16 MB
Block Time: 45 seconds
Block Reward: Slowly increases over 10k blocks to a max of 10 KVN
Block Maturity: 200
TPS: 500+
Max Supply: 22M
Premine: 3%
Atomic Swaps: Compatible
Native Segwit: Compatible
Masternode payments enabled after block 12k
Masternode Collateral: 10000 KVN
Masternode Reward: 25% of block reward
Finney Roadmap
Port masternode technology from Dash 12.3 ✔️
Change Difficulty Algorithm to handle 45 second blocks ✔️
Vertical appmenu and theme engine with dark/light style ✔️
Support large blocks via Segwit ✔️
Native Bech32 addresses ✔️
Balloon Proof-of-Work (128kb per thread/4 mixing rounds of AES) ✔️
Generate config on first launch ✔️
In-wallet cpuminer ✔️
Public Mainnet Release
Titan Roadmap
Multi Proof-of-Work algorithm support
Proof-of-Stake with cold staking support
Complete HD wallet with hardware wallet support
Encryption between all peer-to-peer connections inspired by BIP151
kPrivacy - Stealth addresses and bulletproofs
kChains - Deploy private/public nanochains atop Korvan
kFiles - Save files across the encrypted masternode network
kWeb - An alternative internet protocol without ad tracking and data mining
Join Us
Seeking members experienced in cryptoOriginal Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4952743.new#new