It is our hope to spread an ecosystem worldwide whereby “the more you do the things you like, the more you automatically make the world a better place” by connecting individuals, companies, and society.
You can receive a cash back payment every time you make a purchase in the Social Good Ecosystem™, which is supported by AI and blockchain technology (patents applied for). Furthermore, a portion of the Cash Back payment will automatically be donated via AI to organizations that contribute to society.
ICO Price: 1SocialGood= ~100$
1. Go to the SocialGood Website 2. Scroll down to the bottom of page and select, "Join with Airdrop". Sign up and verify your e-mail address
3. You will be redirected to the dashboard. Connect your Twitter & Telegram accounts
4. Follow, retweet and mention the Twitter page, also join the Telegram via the dashboard
5. You will receive 0.1 SG tokens. You can earn an additional 0.03 tokens for every referral