Below, are four different sized 2BACCO coin images, free to use:
Largest 2bacco coin pics can be found at free to use.
When you accept 2BACCO Coins at your cigarette store or website,
then people who have 2BACCO Coins can buy cigarettes from you!If you do accept 2BACCO Coins, please send a tweet to: say: 'I accept 2BACCO Coin at my store or website' and include the name or url of your store,
and if there is other details please make sure to let us know, thank you
or you can tell us you accept 2BACCO at the 2bacco main thread at bitcointalk, you can also display the '2BACCO Coin Accepted Here' pic at your Store or Website,
to let people know you accept 2BACCO Coins.

Trade Symbol
*If the exchange only allows 5 characters for ticker, then please use 2BACO
as ticker 
The Smoker Friendly Coin
Make Friends or Make Peace With Smokers 
To Download 2bacco coin wallet(windows):
www.2bacco.comTotal coins = 81,454,545
2bacco coin premine of 12% = 9,774,545.4 was needed to pay for current and ongoing costs for 2bacco coin
2bacco coin specifications:
total coins = 81,454,545
Block Time = 2 minutes
Coins mature after 2 blocks
Target timespan = 33 hours
512 coins mined per block to start
block size/amount halves each 70,000 blocks or approximately each 6 months
512 coins/block (1st 6 months. from now until near the end of december 2015 approx)
256 coins/block (2nd 6 months)
128 coins/block (3rd 6 months)
64 coins/block (4th 6 months)
32 coins/block (5th 6 months)
16 coins/block (6th 6 months)
2BACCO Coin In The NewsJuly 19, 2015:
2BACCO Coin Road Map Clarified 11, 2015:
2BACCO Coin Gets Added For Trading At and Gorilla.exchange
2bacco coin Mining Pools (2bacco needs mining pools):
2bacco coin crowd funded node is up!
at www.bitnodes.netadd addnode= to conf file2bacco needs Mining pools for mining 2bacco coins2bacco did have 3 mining pools, but now has 0 mining pools, so 2bacco needs mining pools.
MP Hosting
Pool hosting
Pool: Explorer:
2bacco coin Exchanges:
(Preferred) please use 2BACCO as the ticker
*If the exchange only allows 5 characters for ticker, then please use 2BACO as ticker 
But I think the exchange could put a note on the 2BACCO trading page,
to let people know that it is 2BACCO coin(with 6 characters), thanks.

Yobit.net2BACCO coin [2BACCO] is listed: coin Dice: Coin is Now Trading At SouthXchange, an Exchange Based In is temporarily NOT IN SERVICE, please withdraw all your coins today(july 10-11, 2015)Feel free to add to your source if you want free seednodes
Stores that accept 2bacco coinsIf Stores Display A '2BACCO Coin Accepted Here' pic, then we know they accept 2BACCO Coins,
we are waiting for the good news that your store accepts 2BACCO coins,
please post in this thread to tell us accepts donations to crowdfund the existing 2bacco node: is therefore the first store to accept 2bacco coins, although it is only for donations for that
one existing node at this time, but a big thank you to for accepting 2bacco coin.
Bounties are on hold, waiting for 2bacco wallet upgrade.
Translations of This OP of 2bacco coinIndia 2BACCO forum at bitcointalk 2BACCO forum thread at bitcointalk:
thank you Rago for the Hindi translation
Portugese 2BACCO forum thread at bitcointalk: you to peterson33 for the portugese translation 
Medical Tobacco or Cigarettes?Below is a pic of a tweet I made from

When I refer to 'medical tobacco/cigarettes' I am talking about zero tax tobacco/cigarettes.
Any other way of looking at it, is a different topic altogether.for example:
When I say Medical Tobacco, I am not referring to when a person or group forces their will, and imposes
replacement things that I do not personally want or need.
Are we clear on that?
Medical Tobacco = zero tax cigarettes or tobacco (likely lower priced, and high quality too, and easily accessible for smokers to obtain. Of course, it has to
be ok'd by the state/authorities in the world, so people don't get in trouble with them)
if the reason for getting zero tax cigarettes is addiction,
then all smokers get zero tax cigarettes, because they are all addicted!
Hold Onto Your 2bacco coins!If/when price fixing occurs, then One 2bacco coin might be pegged to the price of One Pack of 25 cigarettes!
But, 2bacco coin is one of the only coins that wants that to go down in price!
Depending on where your location is, a pack of 25 cigarettes might cost $8 to $10 maybe less or maybe more.
But a goal for 2bacco coin might be to get a pack of 25 cigarettes down to maybe 0.50 cents per pack!
If price fixing occurs, currently One 2bacco coin = $8 to $10 per coin
but if goals of 2bacco coin are achieved then One 2bacco coin = only 0.50 cents per coin
The details of this are still being worked on 
2bacco coins can be a good investment for smokersPeople spending their money on tobacco or cigarettes can invest into 2bacco coins,
and buy their cigarettes or tobacco with 2bacco coins,
and then when they spend their money on cigarettes it might not be a complete loss,
because they are supporting their investment into 2bacco coins.
2BACCO Road MapI know some people are curious about the roadmap, or what it is that I am doing with 2bacco coin.I am only able to give you a partial picture of what it is I am doing,
but as things develop more over time, then I should be able to reveal more then.

At this time, there are a couple of things I am doing.
In Brief:
1- Smokers Advocacy
2- Involved with 2bacco coinThe 2BACCO coin work includes trying to find:
- mining support to mine 2BACCO coins
- Exchange listings to trade 2BACCO Coins
- Payment Processor(s) to process transactions of 2BACCO Coins
- Contact stores locally and on the internet, and ask them to accept 2BACCO coins
Finding another developer(s) is perhaps the most important thing for 2bacco coin in these early days.I have long term intent to be doing those works involved with smokers advocacy and 2bacco coin.

2BACCO Road Map part 2(
these are estimates only)To enable processing transactions, there are two early hurdles for 2bacco coin:
enabling the buying of one pack of cigarettes from a local store, paying with 2bacco coinsDONE2- enabling the buying of 3-4 cartons(the minimum order size of online cigarette websites)
paying with 2bacco coins...
2bacco is able to process transactions for 1 pack of cigarettes.3-4 cartons = 0.5 to 1 btc = $140 to $280 approximate estimates (with btc trading at approx 250-300)
That is the amount of money that will need to be sitting in buy orders,
ready to do the processing of the minimum buy orders of 3-4 cartons of cigarettes.
Some locations might be more or less expensive.
My estimates of what that means for the price of 2bacco coins?low ranges: 750 to 1000 satoshi
high ranges: 10,000 or more satoshi
2bacco coin will likely move up into the top 50-100 coins to coincide with becoming enabled
to process the minimum cigarette orders sizes.These price estimates are just to process the minimum buy orders of 3-4 cartons of cigarettes.
There should be upwards pressures on the price of 2bacco coins on exchanges after achieving
the liquidity required to process the minimum orders, because the intent of 2bacco coin is to
grow and to be able to process larger orders than just the minimum. (There are alot of factors involved, these
are just speculative estimates I showing here)
If/when 2bacco coin becomes enabled to process 30-40 cartons of cigarettes continually having
liquidity sufficient to do that on exchanges, then 2bacco coin
should move up into the top 5 or 10 altcoins, and might even become the number 2 coin overall,
second only to bitcoin.
How To Try And Make Friends, Make Peace With Smokers

Ways That You Can Help To Support 2BACCO Coin

Thank you all for your support of 2bacco coin
you are the best!
Trust is very important to the success of 2bacco coin