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Author Topic: [ANN] [PoW] [PoS] [MN] [Xevan] Onlax Coin – safe private currency [ZeroCoin]  (Read 401 times)


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Onlax Coin
Onlax Coin is open source decentralized cryptocurrency. Our goal is to create innovative safe private fast currency. Onlax coin is a Xevan-based currency with some improvements. Onlax coin provide:

• High-level anonymity as a digital currency:
- Decentralized;
- TX obfuscation;
- Libzerocoin based protocol;
• Worthy rewards for miners:
- Dark Gravity Wave ensure honestly rewards for everyone;
- Unique adopted system that ensure high mining profit for early miners;
- Special economic model that ensure modern mining ways;
• Gainful rewards for masternode owners:
- Stable honestly distribution model;
- High profit rewards provided by special calculated efficiency finance system architecture;
- High-tier part of system through budget;

First of all we thinking about anonymity and privacy. Today it’s a real problem for most of us because there is so much digital footprints. Everyone have a right toprivacy.
Our global aim — world system that provide private transactions for everyone without any trace. System that rewarding you for using. Like bank that never closed and never ask you anything. Like bank that working for you. You are bank.
You can use your currency and don’t even care if someone ask you: “Can you prove that it’s yours?” because you can’t. Nobody can’t. You shouldn’t prove and it’s legal. It’s a system by peoples for peoples.
There is no government. There is no trace. There is no answers. There is no questions.

Onlax Coin Features:

• Blockchain based - open source and decentralized;
• Xevan algorithm stable, efficient and ASIC resistant;
• Variable seesaw rewards system;
• Block distribution configured to be much faster than others;
• Unique economic models to provide maximum profit for masternodes and miners;
• Secure and private with Zerocoin Protocol;
• SwiftTX transactions without any confirmation time;
• Budget system;


Name: Onlax Coin;
Ticker: ONL;
Algorithm: Xevan;
Block time: 60 seconds;
Difficulty adjustment: Dark Gravity Wave V3 – each block;
Max block size: 7.5 MB;
PoW part: start block #2 – end block #129,600;
PoW part coin supply: near 3,110,400;
MasterNode: 3,000 ONL;
PoS part: start block #129,601 – infinite;
DarkSend: TX obfuscation;
InstantX: SwiftTX;

PoW Reward System:

Part 1: [2-480] 1% Miner (0.06 ONL) | 1% Masternode (0.06 ONL)
Part 2: [481-7,200] 125% Miner (7.5 ONL) | 5% Masternode (0.3 ONL)
Part 3: [7,201-21,600] 80% Miner (4.8 ONL) | 20% Masternode (1.2 ONL)
Part 4: [21,601-43,200] 45% Miner (2.7 ONL) | 55% Masternode (3.3 ONL)
Part 5: [43,201-129,600] 20% Miner (1.2 ONL) | 80% Masternode (4.8 ONL)

PoS Reward System:
(10% distributed to budget system)
Part 1: [#129,601 – #259,200] 6 ONL
Part 2: [#259,201 – #388,800] 5.8 ONL
Part 3: [#388,801 – #518,400] 5.5 ONL
Part 4: [#518,401 – #648,000] 5.1 ONL
Part 5: [#648,001 – #777,600] 4.6 ONL
Part 6: [#777,601 – #907,200] 4 ONL
Part 7: [#907,201 – #1,036,800] 3.3 ONL
Part 8: [#1,036,801 – #1,166,400] 2.5 ONL
Part 9: [#1,166,401 – #1,296,000] 1.6 ONL
Part 10: [#1,296,001 – infinity] 0.6 ONL

Premine [Block #1] allocation:

Onlax coin has 58,490 ONL (~1.88% of year circulating supply) premine that will be used for:

Bounties (~7.69% of total premine);

Listing exchanges and masternode websites (~41.03% of total premine);

Developing Web wallet, Android wallet, IOS wallet (~12.82% of total premine);

Advisory and marketing campaign (~38.45% of total premine).

Roadmap (Phase One):

Q4 2017 – Research, concept, team building, starting phase one;
Q1 2018 – Agile methodology implemetation, active development, network/regression/highload testing, infrastructure build&launch, alpha version;
Q2 2018 – April: announce, release wallets, official explorer, pre-sale auctions, bounties, exchanges and masternode websites listings;
May: Whitepaper, Website launch, Web wallet, Android wallet, IOS wallet, more exchanges listing, Zerocoin Protocol update;
June: Advisory and marketing campaign, company registration, budget system update;
Q3 2018 – Release phase two roadmap, business whitepaper, first partnership, codebase upgrade, new wallet with business-algorithm integration, Zerocoin Protocol activation;
Q4 2018 – Global expansion, forming own full-time development team, preparing worldwide buisness integrations.
December: releasing 2019 roadmap.

Useful links:

Wallet Windows:
Daemon Windows:
Virustotal scan:

Linux pre-compiled binnary and MacOS .dmg soon.
You can use the autogen script to prepare the build environment.
./ ./configure --with-gui
make Wallet: src/qt/onlax-qt
Daemon: src/onlaxd
Nodes for stable network:
Windows: %appdata%/onlax/onlax.conf
Linux: /root/.onlax/onlax.conf

-a xevan -o stratum+tcp:// -u WALLET -p c=ONL
-a xevan -o stratum+tcp:// -u [Wallet Address]-p c=ONL
-a xevan -o stratum+tcp:// -u ONL_WALLET -p c=ONL
-a xevan -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p c=ONL


Official links: Bitcointalk:



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