For anyone wishing to know the process:
Go to and create an account. Once you login, follow these steps:
Go to your Dashboard.
On the left hand menu, click on Deposit.
Select the coins you wish to deposit.
Enter the coin amount in the gray box. Make sure it is over $20 USD.
Click Submit.
In a few seconds, a deposit address will be generated in the gray boxes under the QR code.
Use that address to send your coins to for payment. Only send the amount you wrote in the upper gray box.
When your coins arrive, use those to purchase USDEX.
You should see it in "Your Balances" on the dashboard. When you see that, click on the left menu where it says "Buy USDEX" and follow the process.
After you make your purchase, Click on Withdrawal on the left hand menu. Enter your USDEX wallet address and the amount you wish to withdrawal and submit. Your coins will go to your wallet.
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