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Author Topic: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX  (Read 3514 times)


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New Thread in ETH Tokens:

The First Industrial Token that is secured by 200% in real assets with a market value.

White Paper

Don't miss the chance to become a co-owner of the production company.

StoneToken  will be Available  in DEX Waves in the following currency pairs:.

Project overview

The project to implement a blockchain-product – a derivative of StoneToken (ST) – combines the advanced financial technologies and industrial production of one of the most popular product on the world and Russian market – activated mineral powder (AMP).
The goal is to construct a plant for producing mineral powder with the capacity of 200,000 tons/year in the town of Slantsy, Leningrad region, RF.
The project initiator has reserves of raw materials (crushed stone) in the amount of 9 million cubic meters, which is approximately 11.5 million of tons and the total value of 10 million dollars.
The project initiator own the industrial site required for equipment installation.The value of the derivative StoneToken is 1 USD and is based on the rating as of April 16, 2012 and the wholesale price on the Russian market. The retail price of 1 cubic meter of crushed stone is 600-700 rubles, which is 10-11 US dollars.
The cost of the Activated Mineral Powder is 23 US dollars. The Profitableness of the Token, minus production costs, will be about 200-300%.
The main advantage of this project is availability of own raw materials base, which will ensure the workload in at least 15-20 years.

The scope of mineral powder:
Part of asphalt concrete;
Production of roofing materials;
Mineral additive for animals feed production;
Additives in concrete ;
Deoxidation of soils;
Production of dry building mixtures;
Manufacture of glass.




Stage 1. PRE-ICO, ICO. .

ICO realization on purchase the StoneToken option using the United States dollar (USD), bitcoin (BTC) and other crypto currencies. At the beginning, there will be "sale" of Tokens at the price which is 15%, 10%, 5% less than the current market price for the asset. After that the price will be increased evenly. Forming the investment budget  will be made purchasing the equipment and production run.
Note: additional information will be placed in the personal account of the investor on the project website.

Stage 2. Production. March - April.

 Launching the production line of mineral powder.
May 2018 – starting first sales and shipments of the products.

Stage 3.  Repurchase June 2018.

Repurchase of the StoneToken options will start 8 months after the end of ICO. The repurchase will be held monthly in the amount equivalent not less than 100,000 US dollars and the price will be not lower than 2 US dollars per Token. The monthly amount for repurchase will increase in proportion of the production growth.
The main goal of crowd-investments in the StoneToken commodity option for investors is to purchase the option with the potential profitableness of at least 200% per annum.

Total Token Pool Size Including Reserve: 9,000,000
Token ID:Cu5Dw4oqDEmknNnsVbHwjCF2Tf5YJiTsbc9yt6JFAsg4

ICO Platform - Waves

1 StoneToken = 1 cubic meter of crushed stone.


1. What is mineral powder?
Mineral powder is a flour, a powder obtained by drying and grinding of the carbonate sedimentary rocks of chemical origin . The scope of application of powder: road construction, mortar, tiles, manufacture of glass. In agriculture is used as an additive in animal feed and for soil deoxidation. A wide range of applications ensures products of high demand.
The consumption of mineral powder increased from 2012 by almost two times, up to 7 million tons per year. According to our marketing studies, consumption growth will continue and by 2020 will reach 10-11 million tons.

2. On the market there are similar products at a lower price?
Our main advantage is the ownership of huge reserves of raw materials (9 million cubic meters.). The low cost of raw materials, successful completion of ICO and no need to pay  Bank interest rates will affect the pricing of the final product. All this will allow us to sell products at below market prices.

3.What is the need in this material?
The annual demand in Russia is about 7 million tons per year, respectively, our facilities will cover only 2-3% of the needs. This shows the great demand for our product and future expansion.

4. As you need to attract to build the plant?
At the moment we think that we need to raise at least $ 7 million. This is the minimum amount for a plant with capacity of 200 thousand tons per year.

5. Why not a Bank?
The banking sector of Russia is currently under sanctions pressure, which affects loans to small and medium businesses. So we decided to go to independent from politics and sanctions financial platform. The blockchain is our future!!!

6. Who can become an investor?
The investor could be absolutely anyone, except US citizens. The most important thing is to thoroughly read the White Paper.

7. Why platform WAVES?
The main advantage of the Waves, we see this as a easy interface, both for users and for the creators of the Token. The second very important point is the good technical support that quickly answers all questions and solves problems.

8. What are the risks for the investor?
In the case of our Token risks of the investor is equal to zero because it is secured by the amount of raw materials that are our property in our warehouse. The second important factor is that the cost of raw materials is far below market because the presented in variant wholesale implementation. In terms of our ICO, in case of its successful completion and collection of the minimum required amounts, any holder of a Token may exchange it for the real quantity of raw materials. We are confident that our Token will have the demand on the exchange.
We will show all the stages of construction of the plant. We install online-WEB camera.
Optionally, the investor may disclose your personal data and get a share in the company.
This condition also applies in the case if the investor have more than 5% of the Tokens from the amount of emission.

9. Why do you use foreign investment Fund?
At the moment the turnover of cryptocurrencies in Russia is in the "gray" area. For the project we attract Singaporean company that implements cryptocurrency exchanges and will provide us an interest-free loan which we will repay. These funds will be allocated to repurchase the Token.

10. How long will it take for ROI?
The return of investment in the project will require 2 years from the time of its launch. Buy back of Token we will begin in 8 months, after the end of ICO. This term is due to the fact that the manufacture of the equipment for a specific industrial site will take a 5 months, plus delivery, installation and commissioning.
Parallel to this process we will work to conclude preliminary Contracts for the supply of our products.

11. What will you do if you do not manage to collect the necessary amount through ICO?

If the minimum required amount will not be collected, we will refund all the money without acceptance back to the buyers or revise a business plan.

12. What volume of products you plan to produce?

The facility is designed to produce 200,000 tons per year or, about 16.000 tons per month.
It's only 2-3% of the total required of such products on the Russian market. The market size is constantly growing because there is an active road construction, increasing the number of agricultural enterprises, increasing animal feed, etc.
We're working on the export. Before the Ust-Luga port just 70 km.

13. What is the technology?

Production technology -  is the use of crushing equipment with further addition of activators, depending on the conditions of the customer. The equipment meets all environmental standards of the Russian Federation.

14. Why blockchain?
We believe that the blockchain technology is our future. This is a great opportunity to attract investment and receive the income from them.

15. Why having such reserves of raw materials you will not find these miserable 7000000$?
The fact is, what conditions make investors. One who is ready to invest $ 7 million. requires 75%-80% of the company and complete control over the enterprise. In this case the investor does not want to work in the enterprise and participate in its activities. These are the realities of business. With the technology of the blockchain we do not lose control over the enterprise, but share profits and allow all investors to earn with us.



Let's do it together!

StoneToken  will be Available  in DEX Waves in the following currency pairs:.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 10:44:19 AM by secco »


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2017, 05:20:16 AM »
Hey I am interested to know if you need any translation services for the content you have. I have experience doing spanish translations and I would like to give your project exposure in the latin american and spanish markets.


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2017, 09:42:56 AM »
Hey I am interested to know if you need any translation services for the content you have. I have experience doing spanish translations and I would like to give your project exposure in the latin american and spanish markets.
Hi! Thanks for the offer! What are your terms?


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2017, 03:09:42 AM »
Hey I am interested to know if you need any translation services for the content you have. I have experience doing spanish translations and I would like to give your project exposure in the latin american and spanish markets.
Hi! Thanks for the offer! What are your terms?

I'll send you a pm, thanks for considering it.


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2017, 06:06:52 AM » - sum free StoneTokens faucet)
Hey it would be a nice thing to reload the faucet :) it seems a lot of people were interested in it, it dried really fast.


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2017, 04:49:19 PM »
Hi! Nice to hear it)) It will be done soon!! ;D


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2017, 07:34:22 PM »
Hi! Nice to hear it)) It will be done soon!! ;D
1000 StoneTokens for free)))


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2017, 07:50:40 AM »
Hi! Nice to hear it)) It will be done soon!! ;D
1000 StoneTokens for free)))
Thanks I was able to claim 10 :)


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2018, 09:00:55 PM »
interesting project
looking forward


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Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2018, 10:22:03 PM »
interesting project
looking forward
Thanks! Soon our Token will be on Ethereum blockchain)) We think it can make our project more interesting for investors! Stay tuned!!


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  • Re: [ANN][ICO] StoneToken - Token secured by 200% in real assets! DEX
    « Reply #11 on: April 20, 2018, 10:42:46 AM »
    Hacker, Pirate, Milf Hunter, Owner of Bitcoin Garden


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