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About the Vision currencyA new altcoin created by Danny and Rick. With the Vision currency you can easily order and settle your payments by connected Vision design agencies. These agencies provides all kinds of assignments like the creation of stickers, sign boards, posters, car stickers and much more. We stil have to develop the software. More about this in the roadmap. Once we successfully integrated the Vision currency we want to expand the usage of the currency to more design agency's. This way more people can take advantage of this coin.Let's introduce:Danny Hi Danny here, i'm 32 years old and graduated on the design university. I met Rick in my college years. Back in the days we had two separate groups of friends and one of them knew Rick very well. One day we were all going to the same club and that's when i came by Rick. We shared some ideas and we didn't meet again for two whole years after that party. Until we met again 2 months ago. We both wanted to have our own agency in design. We are also very creative but not specifically leaders. Now two months later we want to take a leap of fate and we're now working on this brand new project. So leaders or not, we are great companions.RickHi my name is Rick and i'm 29 years old. I studied economics, got married 3 years ago and we have a dog named Sam. I have two completely different sides. One is my creative side and the other is my eager to do something with economics like we're creating now. The crypto currency is called Vision.RoadmapWe are creating the roadmap asap. We hope to get this ready in 5 days. The roadmap will describe on how we are planning to create the software.SpecsCoin name VISIONAlgorithm ScryptType PoW/PoSCoin abbreviation VISIONAddress letter VRPC port 24660P2P port 24659Block reward 100 coinsTotal coin supply 580mPremine percent 20%PoS 345% yearLast pow block 250000Maturity 4 blocksSpacing 1 minuteTimespan 1 blockConfirmations 3 blocks WalletsW:!4mZzAJyJ!iy5WFyQ5xssY3jzvVzudKOjfDHGGQJj9KaP78dn9QsY L:!ViQ3zBKS!OuZG0CDL306_K4VeKGG3yk53cmh7A2DP5eJe0f0GzGY ExchangesVision crypto currency will be soon listed on Novaexchange. Once we have the exact date we will post it here.Node104.200.67.220 Source mediaWill be up and running within 2 working daysBounty programWill soon be launched in the correct category on this forum.We need mining pools, who wants to help us out?
Hi guys, who wants to create a block explorer for us? Also, we are focussing to get Vision listed on coinexchange istead of nova.