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Insteresting coin!new bounties, airdrop?Reverve Spanish translation!
Quote from: darkso on October 15, 2017, 05:06:40 AMInsteresting coin!new bounties, airdrop?Reverve Spanish translation!after the swap of the old kings in circulation will be completed bounties will be given for twitter telegram campaigns etc
ccminer.exe -a x11 -o stratum+tcp:// -u LLgGoz6i4ytQghFh44LRLXUjkdesBmyDrJ -p c=L
Hello KingCoin is now available on LycheeBit mining pool.It's based on YiiMP, no registration is needed :Stratum : : YOUR_L_ADDRESSPassword : c=LWebsite : : Every hourFee : 1.00 %Example of CCMiner command line :Code: [Select]ccminer.exe -a x11 -o stratum+tcp:// -u LLgGoz6i4ytQghFh44LRLXUjkdesBmyDrJ -p c=LHappy mining
KingCoin ready for mining 🔥 Variable Difficulty : 0.001 ~ 1.28 🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp:// 🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress] 🔥 Variable Difficulty : 1.28 ~ 2.56 🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp:// 🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress] 🔥 Variable Difficulty : 2.56 ~ 10.24 🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp:// 🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress] 🔥 NiceHash 🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp:// 🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress] 🔥 Fees : 3% 🔥 Payout cycle : 20 mins 🔥 Minimum Payout : 3 KING
Thread Updated friends!