Luckcoin is a new but mostly a fun growing digital currency. We all are Lucky charms and with Luckcoin you'll
definitely gain a lot of luck and success. Luckcoin is partly a staking coin with a PoS of 225% per year. SpecsCoin name LUCKCOIN
Scrypt pos/pow
Total coin supply 515000000 coins
Premine percent 20%
RPC port 22088
P2P port 22087
Block reward 25 coins
PoS percentage 225% per year
Mining blocks 900000
Coinbase maturity 4 blocks
Transaction confirmations 5 blocks
Node Wallets!tnByETiB!h0KrWphZ19R_eFZHkfQTuZkWZ4kpj6n3ej7ibjyLv9E!ErJyFBRK!b-E7k1odZOY4PIt8OzSo4iwuXeEbDkz3o02E5bFzAAg Mining pools!Stratum :
Password : c=LUCK
Website : : Every hour
Fee : 1.00 %
Variable Difficulty : 8 ~ 64
🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://
🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]
🔥 Variable Difficulty : 64 ~ 8192
🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://
🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]
🔥 Variable Difficulty : 8192 ~ 65536
🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://
🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]
🔥 NiceHash
🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://
🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]
🔥 Fees : 3%
🔥 Payout cycle : 15 mins
🔥 Minimum Payout : 1 LUCK
A big thanks in advance!Bounties
We'll add a few bounties later on in the project.
We need social support, translations and much more.. Stay tuned!
1st bounty: Post our topic on Bitcointalk - 250 LUCKCOINThis is a one time job, we appreciate it if you could also keep the topic up-to-date.
2nd bounty: Create a Discord channel - 400 LUCKCOIN