Climate Change is getting worse by the minute and it affects every part of the Earth. It is not a matter of debate as concrete scientific evidence shows the reality of it.
1) Carbon dioxide levels in the air is at its highest in 650,000 years (406,17 parts per million).
2) 16 of the 17 warmest years on record have occurred since just 2001.
3) In the summer of 2012, Arctic sea ice had shrunk to the lowest level ever recorded in history.
4) Satellite data shows that Earth's polar ice caps are losing mass (287 GT per year). The CLIMATECOIN token is a new and unique cryptocurrency based in Ethereum that permits any citizen in the world to participate in the fight against climate change. It utilizes blockchain technology for that purpose while also giving back quarterly profits to its token holders.
With the money Climatecoin Foundation gets from the CLIMATECOIN token sale, it will be buying stakes in companies that have ground-breaking products for fighting the current climate change crisis. CLIMATECOIN may buy companies that are already profitable, make seed investments in early-stage companies, create its own companies or projects, or buy solutions from other organizations to implement into the foundation’s projects.
The CLIMATECOIN Foundation will collaborate with companies that create solutions against climate change and they will utilize blockchain technology to do so. We will provide investment and business consulting to these companies to make their environmentally friendly products more economically feasible. The main goal for these companies is to remain profitable, in which they may be able to redeem dividends from the organization. The profitability of these partnered companies is essential to appreciating the value of the currency.
Another method for increasing the value of the coin is our depletion program: 2% of the total amount invested by the Foundation in any company will be reinvested into CLIMATECOIN CO2 tokens to allows the net asset value (NAV) of the token to increase over time. This program will function as a locked smart contract that will be locked in perpetuity to guarantee that the funds will be spent in this manner.
Our Video presentation:
https://youtu.be/q02v0g_8krQYou can also check our white paper here:

DETAILS Climatecoin Organization is issuing CO2 tokens through the smart contract system operated by Ethereum (ref to Annex 1).
The Climatecoin Foundation is a publicly registered body in Switzerland with legal responsibilities and is subject to audits. This will ensure the transparency of operations and the secure custody of the funds.
Token name: CLIMATECOIN CO2 Token - Climatecoin Profit-ShareSmart Contract The tokens will be assigned pro-rata to the funds provided to Climatecoin FOUNDATION in the InitialCoinOffering(ICO).
• Participants willing to contribute to and support the development of CLIMATECOIN can do so by sending Ether to the designated address.
• By doing so, contributors create CLIMATECOIN CO2 Tokens at the rate of 210 CLIMATECOIN CO2 tokens per ETH.
• It will begin on November 1st
• The contribution period will run for 30 days (until December 1st, or within 36 hours of the soft cap being achieved).
• There will be a pre-sale on the 23rd of October lasting 7 days for contributors of 100ETH or more and is capped at 100.000ETH.
• All unsold tokens will be burned.
• Climatecoin Foundation controls the contract and the address to which gathered Ether will be sent (implemented as a multisig address).
• CLIMATECOIN CO2 Tokens received by contributors will be transferable at 7 days after the end of the contribution period. (7 days Cliff)
• Security audits: To ensure beyond any doubt that funds will be secure, we are working with some of the most respected Ethereum security advisors. The results of the audits will be made public.
We are aiming at an ambitious strategy to position CLIMATECOIN as a central authority of the fight against climate change. We will aim to be the central asset manager for the best and most innovative companies in the environmental market. Funds above our Core Operating Budget (80-90% of raised funds) will be used in investments to ensure our success and createa “floor”effect on the C02 Token price.
• 65% Business Development & Stake Purchases: The development of companies and/or
stakes in acquisitions will be the primary focus.
• 10% Core Dev Team: The expansion of the Climatecoin development team will allow us
to implement additional functions to the software. Venture capital experts, business
managers, blockchain experts and other industry specialists will be hired.
• 10% Marketing: Online marketing in order to generate awareness in the blockchain and
climate change market about CLIMATECOIN existence in order to become a symbol for
the cause and attract attention for our currency and in the companies we approach.
• 15% Reserve: For future unforeseen costs.
• 5% Legal & Compliance: Most of which will be allocated for acquisition deals and the
creation of the worldwide network of companies that will be acquired. A small portion
will go into administration and accounting.
Our Team:

ProjectsWe will be selecting mainly projects proposed by the United Nations. You can see some examples in this website:
http://unfccc.int/ttclear/projects Examples of what these projects can look like:

Our roadmap