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Author Topic: [BOUNTY][ICO] ICO Bounty Program  (Read 2181 times)


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[BOUNTY][ICO] ICO Bounty Program
« on: August 21, 2017, 11:35:17 PM »

The Swarm.Fund Bounty Program


We're excited and we hope you are too. We're allocating 0.5% of tokens raised, uncapped, to our bounty program. Limiting the number of languages for translations and maximising allocations to Media and Social parts of the campaign. We want you along for the ride with us, creating quality content and becoming true evangelists.

The Swarm ICO will start on September 9th, last 19 days and finishing on September 28th. Bounty tokens will be allocated into the different pools (See below), then distributed to each individual holder dependent on their stakes (See below). This will happen with 3 days of the finish of the ICO.

The bounty campaign is split into 3 pools; Translation, Media and Social.

The Translation campaign is on a first come, first serve basis. Meaning that the first people to reserve their spots and fill out the quick form for the translation bounty, who is then approved by us, will be given the stake.

Media and Social Campaigns will run throughout, finishing on September 15th.


  • No Spam of any kind
  • Simply Google Translating other's articles will not be accepted and will be checked
  • Simply posting on a site such as reddit will not count
  • Quality over quantity
  • No duplicate signups (It's very easy to notice)
  • Have fun :)

The breakdown of Bounty pools are as follows:
Translations - 20% of Bounty Tokens
Media - 60% of Bounty Tokens
Social - 20% of Bounty Tokens

In order to join any of the Bounty campaigns, you should first signup to the corresponding Google Form, follow our Twitter and Join the official Slack to find out and follow along if you're in. Please use the same email in your slack as your Google form, so that we can match them up.


The languages we're looking for are Mandarin ~ French ~ Spanish ~ Thai ~ Russian ~ Japanese ~ Korean , please only apply with these languages.

To apply for the Translation Campaign, click -> Here

What we need translated:
  • Our Whitepaper
  • Our Litepaper
  • Our Website Landing Page (Starts 24/08/2017)

You can find the Whitepaper here, our Litepaper here and our landing page here

We're compensating Bonus Tokens based on Stakes. For the Whitepaper Translation we offer 4 stakes, Litepaper 2 stakes and Landing Page 2 stakes.

Stakes work normally, such that there's a total of 8 stakes available for each language, 7 languages in total. Leaving roughly 14.2% of Translation tokens up for grabs, for each language.

Translation Rules ~ We will take random samples from each page, from differing lines, to make sure that they haven't simply been Google Translated. Once you have applied on the above form, you'll be notified if you have a place reserved. Upon receiving your reservation, you'll have 96 hours to complete any and all translations you were chosen to work with us on. This will then be collected into a Google sheet, along with your BTCTalk username and ETH address.


You can apply for the Media Campaign -> Here

If you've had a chance to check out our Whitepaper, linked above, you'll notice that Swarm is a DAO based community structure. Many ICOs talk about community,
but our tokens are actually utility based, voting-enable tokens. Usable and democratic within our platform. We wanted that to be represented in our Bounty program.

So we tried to create the most simple, yet incentive based campaign.

Create ANY content you like, that fits you the best. A presentation on Slide share, a video on youtube, an article on steemit, whatever you think you can create quality content for.

To qualify, the content must 1) Reach at least 500 views (Or it's equivalent on the platform) 2) Have an engagement rate of at least 2% ( 2 likes/comments for every 100 youtube views etc... ) 3) Link to 4) Have original, quality content.

An example would be looking at our unique bonus structure for the ICO, demonstrating that as an infographic on Imgur and sharing it. Perhaps doing an in-depth look at Swarm in it's entirety such as this youtuber's review ()

This campaign is split into two tiers:

  • News updates ~ 1 stake
  • Original content ~ 3 stakes

News updates could be short, 500 word briefs on things such as the current raise size, latest announcements and so on. Original content is considered to be anything on a unique platform or medium, that either goes into detail or takes a specific part of our whitepaper and explains or critiques it. Yes, we're not just looking for shills. We would prefer to have unbiased content from real view points, addressing and explaining to others different aspects of what we're trying to achieve.

On top of this, we'll also be using multipliers. If you're posting on a site such as Medium or Youtube, then our Multiplies is as follows: 0 - 1000 views = X1, 1001 - 5000 views = X2, 5001 - 15000 views = X3, 15001 - 30000 views =  X5, 30001+ views = X7.

For your own websites, or News outlets such as Forbes, CoinTelegraph, Huffington Post and so on, we'll use to create a traffic multiplier: 0 - 10000 users per month = X1, 10001 - 25000 users per month  = X2, 25001 - 50000 users per month  = X3, 50000 - 100000 users per month  = X5, 100001+ users per month = X7.

Total traffic and views are calculated & looked at on September 21st.

As an example, if you were to create your own original video on your youtube channel and it gained 10000 views, you would be entitled to (3*3) stakes, earning 9 stakes.

TWITTER CAMPAIGN ~ 20% of Bounty

Our Social Campaign is super straightforward, to qualify, please signup -> Here

After you've put your name down, then go ahead and join us on our Slack Channel - > Here

Finally, follow us on Twitter @swarmcorp

To enter this campaign, you simply have to follow us on Twitter, then RT at least 10 of our tweets, starting from September 1st and ending September 25th. We'll use a bot to collate all followers and RTs, matching them against the above form's signups. As simple as that.

You must have more than 100 followers on Twitter to participate, successfully signing up to form, slack and completing the Twitter campaign with result in 3 stakes.

Any questions, drop them below and we'll get to them asap. We really will be able to reply a lot faster if you ask in the Slack, but we know that may not be for everyone. Best of luck and thank you for participating!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2017, 11:43:25 PM by AakZaki »


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Re: [BOUNTY][ICO] ICO Bounty Program
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2017, 01:00:51 AM »
Please unlock the format first, We can't open it.


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Re: [BOUNTY][ICO] ICO Bounty Program
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2017, 02:39:40 AM »
may be waiting on september to open form sign up ;D ;D


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Re: [BOUNTY][ICO] ICO Bounty Program
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2017, 04:59:35 AM »
The concept will not work. 1 person in the shark tank series have pitched the same idea of collaborative real estate ownership. Every Shark was against it. They had also en some valid points why this is not gonna work. for eg: If someone wants to sell his/her stake in the real estate then?


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Re: [BOUNTY][ICO] ICO Bounty Program
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2017, 06:36:06 AM »
Our Social Campaign is super straightforward, to qualify, please signup -> Here
the link in private mode. check please


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  • Re: [BOUNTY][ICO] ICO Bounty Program
    « Reply #6 on: August 22, 2017, 07:52:00 PM »
    cant open this link...
    please fix it...
    == Facebook == Twitter ==


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    Re: [BOUNTY][ICO] ICO Bounty Program
    « Reply #7 on: September 05, 2017, 03:55:45 PM »
    I have joined this bounty.


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