Welcome to the Airdrop of Primulon.
Would you like to order some great amount of free Primulon to start?
Easy, just do one of the following tasks and our crew will send you free coins to your wallet!
Start by installing our Wallets:
https://mega.nz/#!Nf50DZDS!TqZnRbYQaSNj9s1PudDD1MTBnFATYSJqF89H8ARqG40 (win)
https://mega.nz/#!0H51QTzT!rZzj6R4dGa5BqvW7730VExryHODHnrH8kGqK6qTJBVg (linux)
1. Get 100 Primulon for following/reweeting/liking our messages on Twitter.
2. 100 coins, To like & Share and write about us on facebook
3. 100 coins Share information about Primulon thru snapchat/instagram & instagram stories[/size]
Good luck earning those first coins!

The Original Topic:
Expected to be launched in the beginning of July 2017!
Primulon the coin not just for regular fighters
Welcome to the Fight of your life!Aren't we all fighting for a better life for our-self and of course for our relatives and friends around us. This is why we should all realize that freedom and everything what comes with it are not for granted. In some parts of the world there are conflicts or even wars. This should stop. This must stop. We should fight for it to stop. This brings us to the main purpose of this ALTCOIN. Buy, Sell, trade or stake this coin while Fighting for a better life for everyone.

Algoritm = Scrypt
Type = POW / POS
POW rewards per block 10
POW Blocks 6000000
Staking Rewards per year 50%
RPC port 19668
P2P port 19667
Prermine: 20P
Coinbase maturity 20
Target spacing 64
Target timespan 1
Transaction confirmations 6
Total coin suppy 750m

1. Devs agreed on the creation of Primulon Coin2. Registration and creation of the topic.3. Social media campaigns and other marketing4. Development of the Windows wallet5. Development of the Linux wallet6. Devs will be bussy with our main server deamon and nodes.7. Submision to several Altcoin exchanges8. Start of the trading at the first Exchange.
9. Upgrades and development of the Mac wallet
10. Agreements for acceptance in Miningpools
11 Agreements for acceptance in several faucets
12. Development of our website and intergration of merchants services, so sites and portals can accept Primulon coins as payment option.
13. Airdrops and other giveaways to attract more endusers, daytraders and stakers
https://mega.nz/#!Nf50DZDS!TqZnRbYQaSNj9s1PudDD1MTBnFATYSJqF89H8ARqG40 (win)
https://mega.nz/#!0H51QTzT!rZzj6R4dGa5BqvW7730VExryHODHnrH8kGqK6qTJBVg (linux)

Soon from now

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Our airdrop has started.