Wow! Our website is launched out our BRAND NEW AND IMPROVED AIRDROP NOW!Want to earn even more Cyclone coin?
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Jov 2: Follow & Retweet & Like our Tweets at ( 250 coins )
Job 3: Follow /Like / Post about us on Facebook: ( 250 coins ) 
Welcome to Cyclone COIN
In the year 2017, another new generation of POW/POS coins has been born! It's not just the climate, the high tides, the earth quakes. Not even the bad breath we all have in the morning, It's the year where the Biggest Cyclone is going to enter the ALTCOIN Market!. In this topic we are going to reveal the thru power of the KING of all Cyclones.. And how you can get started right away.
Team & Purpose of Cyclone Coin:
We've agreed with our tiny team to develop worlds first Cyclone coin! With the Cyclone coin we want to show the world that a decentralized coin can do the trick. It's both anonymous and extremely safe. With the coin everyone will be able to both trade the coin on several altcoin exchanges and keep the coin in your wallet for a nice 10% POS. For the miners among us, we made a rather large number of pow blocks to make sure there will be enough power to keep it healthy while you can earn some good coins.
Cyclone Airdrop Warning:
Follow & Share/Write something about our project on Twitter = 250 coins
Do not forget to vote for us on How to get the coins?
Post you wallet adress in this topic with proof of your great work.
Social: name CYCLONE COIN
Algorithm Scrypt
Type PoW/PoS
RPC port 19200
P2P port 19199
Block reward 16 coins
Total coin supply 550000000 coins
Premine percent 20%
PoS percentage 10% per year
Last PoW block block 12500000
Coinbase maturity 6 blocks
Target spacing 64 seconds
Target timespan 1 block
Transaction confirmations 5 blocks
Before 24 august 2017
Soon suggestions welcome.
Wallets:!YC42CDJC!CrwqC9FrVOsMwVgvljn_9bCIr4dH-tLGMaOS_4D-yYU (windows)!MShmjIzQ!FiUiFD3314Sx085fw5kfJG6wP-CdwIeVZn2iWL1NZVU (Linux)
In early August 2017!
More great updates will follow later.