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Author Topic: Blockchain Conference | 14-15 June 2017 | Astana, Kazakhstan  (Read 6492 times)


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Blockchain Conference | 14-15 June 2017 | Astana, Kazakhstan
« on: March 30, 2017, 10:23:43 AM »
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Blockchain Conference to Take Place in the Country of New Fintech Opportunities - Kazakhstan

The capital of Kazakhstan will host Blockchain Conference Astana on June 14 - 15, 2017. The conference organizers have chosen Astana to be the conference location for several reasons. Firstly, Kazakhstan has a great potential for development of the fintech industry. The country has shaped its course for accelerated technological modernization of the economy. Secondly, in 2017 Kazakhstan will become the center of attention for the whole world as the world-famous exhibition EXPO will take place in its capital from June to September.

According to the Kazakhstan President, the top priority fintech sectors for the state development include online commerce, mobile banking and digital services. In 2017, the government developed Digital Kazakhstan Program. Moreover, the state plans to create an international techno park to attract entrepreneurs and investors from around the world. To this end, some appropriate infrastructure and favorable tax and labor conditions for business will be established. Digital Kazakhstan Program pays particular attention to the blockchain technology.

As an international platform for the exchange of information and experience when   implementing the best solutions in the blockchain world, BConference Astana stands a good chance to become an effective tool for communication of experts and achievement of set objectives within Digital Kazakhstan Program.

The conference program will consist of two days - June 14 and 15. The first day of the event will focus on the following topics:
o   Blockchain technology capabilities for the financial environment: solutions for banks, payment systems, money transfers, exchange operations, etc.
o   Energy trading and renewable energy
o   Smart grids
o   Data tracking and analysis using the blockchain

The second day, June 15, 2017, will involve a tour to the unique Expo 2017 Future Energy complex, where exhibits from over 200 countries of the world will be presented.

Participation in BConference Astana may be of interest to representatives of banking and financial sectors, managers and owners of companies in the field of money transfers and exchange operations, energy companies, oil & gas sector representatives from around the globe, save-energy companies, blockchain start-ups as well as representatives of public authorities at all levels.

BConference Astana will take place at the Diplomat Hotel & Business Center on June 14-15, 2017.
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