Coin Home / [NSFW] Sexcoin [SXC] | Scrypt. Super Sexy and DeliCious Coin (18+) :-*
« on: March 21, 2014, 05:59:29 AM »

Super Sexy and Delicious

Currency Name: SexCoin
Currency Code: SXC
Algorithm: Scrypt
Difficulty: Network Hashrate: - http://www.coinwarz.com/cryptocurrency/coins/sexcoin
SXC.Sexcoin Block Explorer SXC http://be.lavajumper.com/chain/Sexcoin
Mining Sexcoin SXC Pool
Sexcoin P2Pool - http://sxc.newco.in:9699/static/

SexCoin (SXC)
60 Second Block Time Target
100 reward / halved every 600K ( [email protected] )
Scrypt Algorithm / KGW enabled
Sexcoin has been active for over two years now providing a mechanism for people in the Adult industry to provide goods and services via our purpose built crypto currency.
SXC aims to provide adult content consumers, performers and producers a fast, stable and secure method of accepting micro transactions, protecting their customers privacy and progressing adult retail services into the crypto age.
The sexcoin community wishes to offer our greatest THANK YOU to:
who now offers Sexcoin as a payment option!
Head over and start accepting sexcoin on your website!
Android http://sexcoin.info/clients/android/sexcoin_wallet-
Windows http://sexcoin.info/sexcoin-qt-
Mac / OSX http://sexcoin.info/sexcoin-Qt-v0.6.4.6-10.7.dmg
Linux PConrad's Build Site http://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Ap_conrad%3Acoins&package=sexcoin
Source http://github.com/sexcoin-project/sexcoin
The Android wallet V is a stable work-in-progress, the source is available here: http://github.com/lavajumper/sexcoin-wallet
The Sex Coin Forum can be found here http://sexcoinforum.com/index.php
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sexcoin-Photo-934291366606211/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SXCMarket
http://vk.com/sexcoin_ru Группа Вконтакте
*Pools are listed for convenience not as endorsements, mine at your own risk(do your homework!)