Donation Requests / 5ksana vs COVID-19
« on: January 04, 2021, 06:49:08 AM »
5ksana vs COVID-19 https://app.rarible.com/token/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5:73763:0x0c2ac38f992f87bec37583309b69762aa5b0e084
My name is Aksana (5Ksana) and I am a professional master of creating jewelry, elements of decor, production of clothes in individual orders in different techniques and much more. I try that my works were beautiful and touched hearts of people what they would be wanted to be repeated or got for themselves, for decoration of the apartment, for the beloved kids, etc. I have a degree in "Design" .In this area I am working more than 15 years.
My site https://5ksana.art/
I love to help!
I make free free Two-Layered DIY Masks vs COVID-19 for children and all people who need them! https://twitter.com/5Ksana/status/1326055818052202496?s=20
Fundraising is carried out at an auction!
100% of the auction profits will go to the purchase of materials, tools for the production of free protective masks!
I want to help the community, I am sure you too but for the lack of initiative may be the person next to us is missing some support that could save his family in this pandemic crisis.
My name is Aksana (5Ksana) and I am a professional master of creating jewelry, elements of decor, production of clothes in individual orders in different techniques and much more. I try that my works were beautiful and touched hearts of people what they would be wanted to be repeated or got for themselves, for decoration of the apartment, for the beloved kids, etc. I have a degree in "Design" .In this area I am working more than 15 years.
My site https://5ksana.art/
I love to help!
I make free free Two-Layered DIY Masks vs COVID-19 for children and all people who need them! https://twitter.com/5Ksana/status/1326055818052202496?s=20
Fundraising is carried out at an auction!
100% of the auction profits will go to the purchase of materials, tools for the production of free protective masks!
I want to help the community, I am sure you too but for the lack of initiative may be the person next to us is missing some support that could save his family in this pandemic crisis.