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Topics - Giletto

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No Coin They Say Has It All But If A Coin Offers More Than Decentralization, Security, Scalability and Privacy for Cheap. Will You Make a Kill for It?

Apart from Veil Coin, Which Coin Offers Full Privacy Utility? Come, Let's Talk

Warning: Thread locked for SPAM

It looks like VEIL is running a spam campaign in a number of forums, including us. Those posts are violating a number of rules, not to mention, the way chosen to advertise the project it is at least objectionable. Users caught violating the rules are getting banned.


Privacy coins have now gained prominence in recent times due to the high demand of transaction privacy required of cryptocurrencies which coins like bitcoin, Ethereum, litecoin and even Monero can't offer. I am making a personal research on the potentially best privacy coins available in the market at the moment. Among Dash, PivX, Grin, Onion, Beam and Veil, Which Coin catches your fancy in terms of Uncompromised Privacy, Scalability, mining and staking reward and commitment In research & Development. I am just learning about Veil but I equally need your opinion. Thank you

Crypto Discussion / Moreno Vs Veil (A Side by Side Comparison)
« on: April 21, 2019, 12:29:29 AM »
Warning: Thread locked for SPAM

It looks like VEIL is running a spam campaign in a number of forums, including us. Those posts are violating a number of rules, not to mention, the way chosen to advertise the project it is at least objectionable. Users caught violating the rules are getting banned.


Most times, words and long articles have not really been enough to illustrate how these privacy coins measure up against one another and thus, it's necessary to put a closer perspective on each ones weaknesses and strengths for a better cryptocurrency decision and awareness. So how does these two really measure up?


Consensus Algorithm - PoW

Masternodes - No

Premine - No

ASIC Attack Resistant - Yes

Untraceable - Yes

Wallets - Yes

Retrievable Transaction History - Yes

Better Scalability - No

Staking Rewards - No

Exchange - Yes


Consensus Algorithm - PoW & PoS

Masternodes - No

Premine - No

ASIC Attack Resistant - Yes

Untraceable - Yes

Wallets - Yes

Retrievable Transaction History - No

Better Scalability - Yes

Staking Rewards - Yes

Exchange - Yes

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