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Messages - rizkyfebrian

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Menurut saya itu option yang paling maksimal untuk melakukan cutloss , dan juga pergerakan harga coinnya di market harus bener2 dipantau kalo mau cutloss & sebisa mungkin melakukan cutloss harus secepat mungkin biar gak rugi banyak.
misal harga coin itu sudah pump hingga target 200 satoshi dan kemudian dump , maka sebisa mungkin cutloss mungkin tercepat di 190-180 satoshi , kalau gak ngejangkau ya dibawahnya lagi 170 satoshi , dst

Mining / Re: BTC Mining vs Buying
« on: April 19, 2019, 03:28:16 PM »
I think is better to choice buying bitcoin , because you didn't need any tools to do it.. just money. But if in your place has a mining tools and can make highest hash & fast mining rig , its okay.. just reminder , if do mining bitcoin.. it will take so much electricity in your house..
And also.. if you didn't have some money to buy bitcoin , you can earn it by playing faucet or join any giveaway with crypto rewards.

Trading / Re: Short or long term investment
« on: April 19, 2019, 03:10:54 PM »
It depends or market situation , if you have some assets will be use for trade & market situation is GREEN. Go take some daily profit by trading it. Like me , can take 10-25$ profit from daily trading (If you have smart strategy too).
But if you have some assets will be use for invest and market situation is RED , go invest there and wait for that coin will pump again.

Crypto Discussion / Re: Will the Bull run 2019? Or not?
« on: April 19, 2019, 03:45:39 AM »
I think , on this year (first until mid) will not happen bull run like 2017 on cryptocurrency world. But maybe on last quarter of this year will happen something good thing for cryptocurrency world.. maybe "small/medium bull run" and anything can happen on crypto , can bad/good thing but hopefully is good thing for this.
I'm trust it , and maybe everyone knows that how could happen..

Indonesian Language / Re: [DISKUSI] Penyebab Bear Pasar
« on: April 19, 2019, 03:31:14 AM »
Salah satunya yang paling saya ketahui ya ada informasi atau kabar buruk tentang crypto.. kayak china ban crypto lah , US ban ini itu lah , dan yang lainnya.. Akibatnya , mungkin para "whale" sedikit khawatir akan asset nya sehingga pada dump atau jual assetnya..
Biasanya sih di exchange2 korea atau exchange top 3 di CoinMarketCap yang paling kenceng dumpnya (in my opinion sih..)

Indonesian Language / Re: mencari bitcoin
« on: April 18, 2019, 03:36:25 AM »
Menurut saya , iya.. kadang juga mengasyikkan tapi terkadang juga bisa membuat stress juga lho.. contohnya liat market sedang down , aduh rasanya gimana gitu.. apalagi diwaktu yang sama lagi BU (Butuh Uang) , stress dah.. setan di kepala kita nyuruh sell sell terus.
tapi serunya lagi mencari bitcoin itu , kayak terasa banget gitu pas udah dapet hasilnya..

Indonesian Language / Re: Hati - hati dalam memilih cloud mining
« on: April 18, 2019, 03:13:20 AM »
Kalo sekarang2 mungkin banyak yang langsung scam untuk cloud mining yang baru2 muncul ini , jadi kayak contoh.. situs cloud mining itubaru muncul & dibuat hari ini , dan biasanya gabisa bertahan lama.. 3-4 hari langsung scam
tapi dulu ada cloud mining yang awet , bayar terus.. lupa namanya apa tapi situs nya masih bisa membayar member nya terus.. seinget saya sih 1-2 tahun dulu awetnya..

Indonesian Language / Re: [DISKUSI] Tujuan Aktif di Forum
« on: April 18, 2019, 02:55:19 AM »
Itulah gunanya forum.. untuk berdiskusi dengan user yang lain , saling bertukar pendapat satu dengan yang lain , dan juga di forum tersedia buat panduan untuk user baru nya biar gak bingung.
tapi kadang saya nemu malah banyak user baru yang cuma post sekali dan itu sebar referral link yang gak jelas doang atau cari referral disini.. itu mengganggu banget buat saya..

Crypto Discussion / Re: Is like people are tied of crypto?
« on: April 16, 2019, 03:08:35 AM »
Hmm.. I think not all are tired of crypto going down , maybe they just frustation and depression because can't take quick profit again like maybe 1-2 years ago. I'm felt it too but I'm trust , on this year maybe on end of the year. Crypto price will going up again.
Once again.. maybe they all need take a little rest , take some holiday too.

Indonesian Language / Re: mengapa anda suka crypto?
« on: April 14, 2019, 02:48:49 PM »
Karena crypto bisa membantu kehidupan kita.. khususnya masalah keuangan , saya sendiri juga sekarang apa-apa bisa pakai uang sendiri dari hasil crypto.. entah main trading untung2an meskipun dikit ataupun dari yang lain (bukan haram main dice / judi ya, paling anti saya).
di dalam crypto harus berhati2 juga , jgn sampai ceroboh.. bisa2 aset hilang karena kecerobohan saking senengnya masuk dunia crypto.

Mining / Re: Mining interest
« on: April 13, 2019, 02:54:27 PM »
You mean mining without hardware ? Hmm I think already launched on internet , mining online via website but you must invest some crypto like bitcoin / ethereum. I'm interest on this too , doing research and I see that website can as long term investment.
But once again.. I'm still curious about mining online via sites with invest.

Trading / Re: TOP 10 Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges
« on: April 12, 2019, 02:47:28 PM »
This post created on 2017 which mean this list was old and now is 2019 bro.. I think many new exchanges right now which is good for trading.. like bit-z , hotbit (But there I see not much volume order for some coin) and many more.
And top 1 for now I think is binance or maybe bittrex ? Because I see "real demand" there , not bot trade

I think so.. Because bitcoin price slowly going pump , but I see for now bitcoin price stable on 5k$
Yesterday or 2 days ago , bitcoin price just down from 5.3k$ to 5.1k$ and its affect to all altcoin..
Its your choice , maybe you want to trade or just HODL on this condition. In my opinion , better to HODL

Indonesian Language / Re: Harga Bitcoin
« on: April 08, 2019, 02:54:43 PM »
Sekarang bersyukur menyentuh 5k dollar , Saya sendiri terkejut tau hal ini.. tiba-tiba saja naik secara gesit. Semoga masih bisa stabil disekitaran harga segini agar semua coin sejahtera harganya. Dipikir-pikir kasihan juga , altcoin lainnya nyungsep semua nunggu bos (Bitcoin) naik dulu dan ternyata sekarang sudah mulai naik kembali.

In my opinion.. holding cryptocurrency is better when market not good anymore on price (read : dump) because you will lose 100% if still doing any trade , trading cryptocurrency better to when market going pump , but take a look first bitcoin price. If bitcoin price going pump , all altcoin will follow it.
Invest on cryptocurrency is risky but you can try one or two times for your experience on investment.

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