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Messages - gotram

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You have no time for selling your account,
shut me here PM or
contact on my website

At this moment selling for clients these accounts, see below whats in stock.

Escrow accepted.
Payment methods: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paycoin, Dash and more
Transfer is easy, just change email and password (takes around 5-10min)
Reason why Iam sell the accounts for clients, they dont have time.
Any questions, shut me a PM.

Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

Have posted these accounts for sale also in other places.
Guarantee: All accounts are cheaper as when you buy directly from website.
Take over one of them, before its too late and earn easy money.

1. Ltcgear account (weekly payout?)
qASICs 32518
fee 46.71670000 BTC
Price: 5BTC Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

2. Cloudminr account (weekly payouts)
Hashrate: 322 GH/s
Last payout: 0.01979562 BTC
Next payout sunday: ~ 0.01979562 BTC

Price on Cloudminr 0.0012 BTC per GH/s for 322GH/S you pay 0.3864 BTC

Price 10% discount!: 0.34776 Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

3. Cloudminr account (weekly payouts)
Hashrate: 447 GH/s
Last payout: 0.02748025 BTC
Next payout sunday: ~ 0.02748025 BTC

Price on Cloudminr 0.0012 BTC per GH/s for 447GH/S you pay 0.5364 BTC

Price 10% discount!: 0.48276 BTC Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

4. Cloudminr account (weekly payouts)
Hashrate: 1794 GH/s
Last payout: 0.10993531 BTC
Next payout sunday: ~ 0.10993531 BTC

Price on Cloudminr 0.0012 BTC per GH/s for 1794GH/S you pay 2.1528 BTC

Price 15% discount!: 1.82988 BTC Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

5. Cloudminr account (weekly payouts)
Hashrate: 5252 GH/s
Last payout: 0.32287757 BTC
Next payout sunday: ~ 0.32287757 BTC

Price on Cloudminr 0.0012 BTC per GH/s for 5252GH/S you pay 6.3024 BTC

Price 20% discount!: 5.04192 BTC Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

6. Nimbusmining (daily payouts)
Hashrate: 750 GH/s

Price on Nimbusmining  $0.94/GH per GH/s for 750GH/S you pay $705

Now have calculated, due contrats last not the full Year and then price is $280

Price 10% discount!: $252 Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

7. Ltcgear account (weekly payout?)
qASICs 11135
fee 14.74570000 BTC
Price: 2.5 BTC Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

8. Ltcgear account (weekly payout?)
qASICs  2120
fee  3.6119000 BTC
Price: 0.4 BTC Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

9. Ltcgear account (weekly payout?)
qASICs  8001
fee  13.27180000 BTC
Price: 1.6 BTC Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

10. Ltcgear account (weekly payout?)
qASICs  60,319
2nd Gen 30
fee  102.76770000 BTC
Price: 9 BTC Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

Groupbuy actual sales:
Cryptopayments: 1173VIP
Paypalpayments: 465VIP

total sales: 1638VIP

When we reach sold in total 2500VIP, the price goes down for all to $6.25
This mean when you bought 25VIP, you will receive an
extra VIP Share or you bought 50VIP you will receive two extra VIP shares, when we go to 2500VIP.

Only 862left and we have 2500VIP bought. :-)

Trading / Re: Instant Exchanges Crypto and Paypal
« on: June 05, 2015, 08:43:51 PM »
Thanks for sharing! Much appreciated!

I add to the list:  (tested myself)

It allows to buy DOGE, RDD, LTC, DASH, XPY

also thx for sharing, added to list  :)

too late
account gone

too late
account gone

Trading / Instant Exchanges Crypto and Paypal
« on: June 05, 2015, 04:21:40 PM » many crypto pairs available + Paypal (tested) many crypto pairs available, fast service (tested) Bitcoin to Paypal (not tested)

I add to the list:  (tested myself)
It allows to buy DOGE, RDD, LTC, DASH, XPY

Crypto Products & Services / Bitwala | Pay your bill with Bitcoin
« on: June 05, 2015, 04:20:07 PM » EU SEPA payments with Bitcoin no registration needed, transfer takes 1-2days (tested)

sale pending

Selling a top account

You can buy 100GHs for 0.12btc at

Account has 509Ghs x 0.12btc = 0.6btc
Earnings per week: 0.03-0.07btc (inclusiv refbonus)

Looking for around 1btc, because the account has many referrals.
Escrow accepted.
Transfer is easy, just change email and password (takes around 5min)
Any questions, shut me a PM.

Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

Have posted this account for sale also in other places.
Take over this account, before its too late and earn easy money.

Reason why Iam sell this account, need the btc for other project.

Hashrate: 509GHs

57 referrals (last ref order was on 24-05-2015)

Balance: 0.01845585 BTC they grow up each day :-)

Selling a top account

You can buy 100GHs for 0.12btc at

Account has 509Ghs x 0.12btc = 0.6btc
Earnings per week: 0.03-0.07btc (inclusiv refbonus)

Looking for around 1btc, because the account has many referrals.
Escrow accepted.
Transfer is easy, just change email and password (takes around 5min)
Any questions, shut me a PM.

Offers(seriously) welcome. Post here or PM.

Have posted this account for sale also in other places.
Take over this account, before its too late and earn easy money.

Reason why Iam sell this account, need the btc for other project.

Hashrate: 509GHs

57 referrals (last ref order was on 24-05-2015)

Balance: 0.01845585 BTC they grow up each day :-)


I am organizing a groupbuy  for MiningSweden VIP Shares.
We save more as 25% from regular Price.
Pics and Vids -
Now we have bought more as 1000VIP in Groupbuy.
Thank you all. :+1:

Now the good news:
Some people asked me, they can get also some VIP Shares with 6GHs from Groupbuy or paying with paypal?
After speaking with Tommy, he said "Yes We can."

Now we get the Groupbuy shares instant delivered, no long waiting(within 24hrs).
Crypto payments:
Paypal payments:

When we reach sold in total 2500VIP, the price goes down for all to $6.25
This mean when you bought 25VIP in first round, you will receive an
extra VIP Share when we go to 2500VIP.

Just let others now about this nice deal from Tommy.

VIP Shares contains 6GHS miningpower(all cost for first Year included) and the VIP part (lifetime 25% from Company Profit).

Newsletter from Tommy

Mining / Re: MiningSweden Pictures, Videos and Banners
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:27:44 PM »

Videos from Ian Foxley

Mining / MiningSweden Pictures, Videos and Banners
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:26:43 PM »
Pictures, Videos and Banners

Products can be purchased at:
First Official Reseller


First Miner

Official Reseller

Nice Evening in Sweden

Bitmain order 26 Antminer S5

26 Antminer S5 arrived

PSU testing

Site visiting

Setup S5


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