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Messages - TeamBean

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Bean Core Current Sprint (July - August, 2017)

Pictures From Porcfest 2017

BitBean Store @ Porcfest:

Mr Bean Educates Porcfest Attendees About BitBean During Giveaway:

Mr Bean Finances Young Entrepreneur's Future Business With BitBean Giveaway:

...more updates to come


BitBean Store at PorcFest Freedom Festival 2017, June 20-24

Back in 2010, PorcFest was one of the first major, real marketplace for Bitcoin at a live event. Last year we gave away, 1.3 Million BitBean there (Now worth more than $8,500 USD)! This year we will have a store there - featuring BitBean Digital Cash cards, BitBean merchandise, real beans, other food, and common items needed for campers. The BitBean Store will accept BitBean Digital Cash as payment for all items. Profits made will help to fund further Bean Core - BitBean core development and marketing.

Join the Team Bean Community today on our Slackkiller!


BitBean Store at PorcFest Freedom Festival 2017, June 20-24

Back in 2010, PorcFest was one of the first major, real marketplace for Bitcoin at a live event. Last year we gave away, 1.3 Million BitBean there (Now worth more than $8,500 USD)! This year we will have a store there - featuring BitBean Digital Cash cards, BitBean merchandise, real beans, other food, and common items needed for campers. The BitBean Store will accept BitBean Digital Cash as payment for all items. Profits made will help to fund further Bean Core - BitBean core development and marketing.

Join the Team Bean Community today on our Slackkiller!

New Chat & Collaboration Platform Launched for Team Bean

All Team Bean members (those owning BitBean) are invited to join our community on our new chat & collaboration platform:

or alternatively:

No Invitation is needed, you can self-register with your email address.

  • Our new platform is hosted on our own secure server, that encrypts all data at the file-system level.
  • The new platform is responsive, as  you can use any browser to access (even on mobile).
  • This new platform provides better integration with our DevOps. We will still maintain our existing Hipchat server for Bean Core members and Live Video Conference events. will remain, but will become deprecate.

Over 300,000 BitBean Giveaway on Twitter

Over 300,000 BitBean will be given away on Twitter between now and the launch of BitBean Core v1.1.2!

Re-tweet #BitBean $BITB #digitalcash #TeamBeanOnFire


Facebook Page Launched

Please help support the Bean, LIke & Follow.  :)

Take a look at the review.  Hope you find it fair and accurate.  Please let me know when the new Project Plan is available and I will update it.

BitBean Review on Micro Cap Crypto (


I would like to offer some corrections to your review.

There is no Slack.  They use IRC instead.

We do use IRC. However, the IRC channel is relayed to our more active Public Live Chat (Firefox is currently recommended.), which utilizes our own hosted HipChat (a competitor of Slack) server, which gives us Live Group Video Conferencing ability - at no additional charge (which we have done a number of times now with the community there) ..and many other features.

The devs are working in the background.

Perhaps the only change would be to add that the devs are working around the clock in shifts (12-18hrs./day) now that we've moved into full-time development.

The Devs are working on a new project management system which will replace the current outdated Roadmap. Projected to be released soon.
They have Live Chat support on the website, but nobody answered when I tested it. Had they answered this would have given them a 4 instead of a 3.

Most (95%) of Live chats on the web-site applet are answered within less than 2 minutes. There are occasional ones that fall through the cracks. The Web-chat option is there for convenience of our users or if they dont' have Firefox and currently unable to access our Public Live Chat.

I think it would be worth noting in your review, that we are perhaps, one of the very few "crypto-curriencies" out there, that has a telephone support hot-line:  1 (406) 213-4656

Exchanges – 4 out of 5

Nova Exchange

You have missed quite a few:

Markets:  BTC

Markets:  BTC  DOGE



Markets:  BTC

Markets:  BTC  LTC


BitB is on Yobit, but we have decided to list them as "Deprecate", until they maintain their BITB wallet in active status for three months or more. Last year they put it in maintenance several times for non-technical reasons (no technical reasons known to us).

BitBean was intentionally created with nearly 2 Billion coins to avoid the fractioning required to use Bitcoin.

BitBean was not created with 2 Billion "coins". BitBean began with an initial PoW and PoS distribution that ended at block 10,000. At that time there were 605,782,000 BITB outstanding. After block 10,000 BitBean became a pure PoS Digital Currency. BitBean had no ICO, IPO, or pre-mine. It was in fact, announced by the original developer a month in advance - here on Bitcointalk, before mining was to begin.

Be very aware when buying of the 2 Billion existing coins. This is probably not a coin that will ever reach $1 in price. It would need to increase 2272 times to reach $1 at the current price.

BitBean was created with the intention of being able to SPROUT for another 93+ years with a CAP of 50 Billion BITB supply! So we are in this for the long-haul!

Will it reach $1 this year? Perhaps that is unlikely. Will it reach $1 per 1,000 BITB this year? Yes, that is very likely. Price is nice and so is volume, but what is more important to me, is seeing our community and network grow. In the last couple weeks, we have seen our network grow nearly 200%! These are new Team Bean members who have taken the time to work through the process of standing up a new node. When our new DNS seeders are operational and the new "wallet" v1.1.2 released soon, it will make the process of standing up new nodes much..much easier than it is now, improving the overall new user experience of BitBean! I project we will have 1,000 active SPROUTing nodes in the coming months!

One of the most exciting features that makes BitBean great, is it's SPROUTing! BitBean pioneered static block rewards, the first in a PoS "crypto-currency"!

If your actively SPROUTing, you can earn rewards (known as "SPROUTs" or 1,000 BITB). Everyone has the same opportunity to SPROUT. We are a "peer-to-peer" network. We don't have "Masternode" schemes that split the network into two competing divisions. We are a single -- distributed, decentralized network in keeping with Satoshi's vision. This is why BitBean is "Strong" and will continue to be, even more so, as we move development forward at an accelerated rate!

I think its worth noting in your review, that BitBean is a mature Digital Currency, that is over two years old and has never had a hard-fork or black-listing of transactions.

"BitBean is Bitcoin's Big Little Brother - Fast..Simple..Secure..More Than Digital Cash!"

This post is also cross-posted on Bitcointalk, but they have had challenges displaying pngs from Imgur in the last day.

BitBean Mnemonic Converter Available

A new BitBean Mnemonic Converter for HD Keychains & "Wallets" is now available:

This is meant to be used in conjunction with our Android Keychain App, which is currently our only HD "Wallet" ...more developments to come

Overview Of BitBean Services & Applications -- Current & Planned Over The Next Few Months

A Web-site ( update & overhaul is in the works. As part of this, we'll be updating the Menu and associated links.

The following is a sketch of a mock up for the proposed menu & links:

Some of these services are already existing, with some currently being developed. This mock-up also represents additional services and developments that we expect to see implemented in the next few days, weeks and months, as more pieces are developed and deployed. If you have a BitBean Service or Application you would like us to link to, let us know by dropping by our Live Community Hangout (Firefox is recommended until we get a new CA) and letting us know.

You can view the latest updates to this Mock-up by typing the command "/sketch WebSite Menu" (without quotes) when you are in the Live Chat Hangout.

If you have recommendations or improvements to the Web-site, or that you think would benefit BitBean and the Community, let us know.

Bean Core will be moving to a new HipChat server in the next 24hrs. The new version will allow Group Video Conferencing capability for the Bean Core team. This will temporarily affect availability of our Public Chat Facility: So there may be some down time.

If you need assistance, you may use the Live 24/7 Chat help (Note:  give your email address, as I may not be available to reply in real-time) on our main website page: or send an email:  [email protected] (Best option as I'll be very busy).

Spring is here! After a long slumber, with the start of April, Bean Core and BitBean is moving into full-time development mode.

Existing Bean Core membership requirements will begin to be enforced, so Bean Core members take note:


Breaking News:  Bitcoin Users Flock to  BitBean Ahead of Bitcoin Hardfork

"BitBean, Bitcoin's Big Little Brother"

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