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Messages - TeamBean

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Online Bean Cash Generator Updated

The Bean Cash Online Generator allows you to create your own paper Bean Cash Wallets or Brain Key Wallets (using a Memorized Pass Phrase). These wallets allow you to transfer Bean Cash Peer to Peer (Person to Person). By transferring Bean Cash in person, person-to-person, your Bean Cash is Real Cash, private and there are no fees to use Your money when transferred person to person. An added benefit is these types of transactions are secure, anonymous and not traceable!

The Bean Cash Generator has recently been updated and is now using Compressed WIF (Wallet Import Format) by default for the Bean Cash Digital cards.

If you would like to order Bean Cash Cards already printed and physically secured (with security seals and thermally sealed), send an inquiry for quantity, denomination and your address and we will get back to you with a quote:   [email protected]


New Bean Cash Core v1.3.2.1 is Available for Download.

Windows & Linux Binaries can be downloaded here:

If you run the new v1.3.2.1 and you are on the wrong chain, it will close. In that case, follow the instructions on the bottom of the page for getting and installing a SnapShot:

1.3.1 (or any older version before it) should not be used anymore (especially to sync the chain). Since we didn't have a majority upgrade to v1.3.1 in time (over 2 months notice was given), we stayed with the majority and followed the longer chain (up until August 2nd.) v1.3.1 started enforcing the new timedrift rules on July 13th., but there was no blocks violating the new rules until shortly after July 19th., when a block was created more than 10 minutes too early. Since at that time we still didn't have a majority of nodes upgraded, we had everyone stay on the long chain. By the beginning of August we had a majority of nodes that had updated to v1.3.1 and v1.3.2 (which started enforcement of the new time drift rules on August 2), since that time the majority of the network was now enforcing the new time drift rules and the majority of nodes stayed on the chain following the new rules. v1.3.2 not only started enforcement of the new rules, but also no longer synchronizes with old nodes (those running before v1.3.0.0). v1.3.2.1 reverts a change that was impacting network performance and introduces a new Proto version, which will lock in the protocol changes when the majority is running v1.3.2.1. Once we reach a majority running v1.3.2.1, v1.3.3 will be released, which will once deployed, eliminate the orphans being generated by the old nodes and complete the network upgrade


These are some of the milestones we'll be working on in the coming weeks.

2021-2022 RoadMap Published

Bean Cash is Reborn! We have gone back to publishing RoadMaps and you can find our updated roadmap for 2021-2022 on our website (best to view on a desktop).

Current Bean Cash Core

The latest official Bean Cash version is v1.2 (Codname: Testy2), binaries for Windows and Linux are available for download on our website:  You can find it on the right column under "Testnet", or will soon be relisted as v1.2RC under the main downloads area.

A new version (v1.3) is in final development and will be available as a RC (Release Candidate) soon.

Some Updates:

The Bean Cash Mnemonic Converter for HD keys and wallets has been updated. This update provides support for Bean Cash (BITB), with fixes and is now integrated into the Bean Cash website ( The converter can be downloaded for offline use as well. Testing and feedback on this service can be sent to: [email protected] Please put "Mnemonic Converter" in the Subject line. The service is provided by Bean Core and is free to use by the community. Future updates will include multi-language support and support for the new BEAN class (launching in 2021).

For a tutorial on HD wallets, check out this:

A Bean Cash HD wallet (currently only for Android) is available on our downloads site: Located on the Right column under "Mobile Light Wallets". Bean Core will be releasing an updated Android wallet in the near future (v1.3 RC). Currently our Electrum Network that provides services for the Android Light Wallet is undergoing an upgrade and will be back online in a week (projection for synchronizing and rebuilding the databases).

An Updated RoadMap will be available soon.

For the latest updates and to participate in the community, join our self-hosted Mattermost server here:

Bean Cash network is growing. More BEANs are being SPROUTed. The network is getting stronger. This is the reason for the rise in difficulty. More BEANs will be required to maintain the same level of SPROUTing as difficulty continues to increase. The positive side to this all, is that the price is dropping, so it is easier for more people to purchase more BEANs to SPROUT. The price drop may not last, but I won't speculate on what the market does.

For those that want to keep up with what is happening with Bean Cash, our official forum for live chat is:  

We currently do not maintain any other live chat facility on Telegram or elsewhere. Other sites that may claim to be affiliated with Bean Cash are misleading users and in some cases not supporting Bean Cash.

We will be holding a Live Team Bean Community Conference June 9th. @ 5PM EST Details will be posted in The Farm channel on our Live Chat: or on our Official Twitter:  Another official Twitter you may wish to follow:


New And Updated Live Chat & Collaboration Platform

Our new and updated Live Chat for the TeamBean community is online:  is now deprecated.

Our Live Chat platform uses Mattermost, which allows us to own our own data, so your information is not shared with third partys.
Our server stores the data on an encrypted file system, providing more security.

In addition to the Responsive website there are client side applications that you can also make use of, including mobile apps:

When configuring the applications to  connect to our platform, the Server you will want to use is:

More news to come, the best place to get it, is in our New Live Chat.



Community Conference

Community on-line conference will be held February 18th. 6pm-6:45pm EST
Link to join will be posted on our official Twitter:
(Bean Cash@BitBeanCoin)  15 min. prior.
 Please submit questions for Q&A ahead of time:  [email protected]

BitBean Listed on New Exchange

Delighted to announce that BitBean is now traded on a Korean Exchange (a first),!

UpBit is partnered with Bittrex, who is renowned in our industry as a reputable and secure exchange.

Korean NLS (National Language Support) within our infrastructure is one of our top priorities moving forward!


October 25th. Update

If you would like to participate with the upcoming Beta testing, please join the Channel "Beta Testers (public)" located here:

Updates will be posted there regarding the forthcoming Beta. Alternatively, if you would like to be part of our Beta testers group email list and you have a dedicated system (separate from your main BitBean wallet), email:  [email protected] with BETA TESTER in the Subject Line and I'll add you. If you could also indicate in the email what operating system you are running along with it's version level, that would be helpful.

An Update on v1.1.2.2:  We're going to be building our new release with Boost v1.6.1 & OpenSSL v1.1.0 deps. Because the current OpenSSL deprecated referencing Bignum support from the stack (now requires pointers), we're going to remove OpenSSL Bignum dependencies. Using these newer deps. will bring Bean Cash more up to date and more secure. These changes are important to implement and test properly. This will require more time.

I realize I set a target for Oct. 25th., for the Beta, but there is still important work to be done to maintain and enhance, the integrity and security of the network, before new code is released onto it. I know many are anxious for the Re-Brand to Bean Cash with the v1.1.2.2GA release and your patience is appreciated.

BitBean, soon to be Bean Cash, is a mature digital currency (and rock-solid network, going on nearly 3 yrs. old..without a hardfork), with a lightening fast transaction network, capable to support over 1,300 TPS! A strong, secure foundation for real-world transactions is being laid.

I'll be posting status updates in "The Farm" on our livechat platform: and on Twitter

Thank you for your continued time, patience and interest.

Bean Core -- A World-wide Virtual Company
1 (406) 213-4656

Announcement: BitBean Community ("Team Bean")
August 8th., 2017

The Executive Board of Directors, of Bean Core has reached a consensus to re-brand BitBean for the upcoming release of v1.1.2 of the reference implementation. Bean Core is proposing to the BitBean community, here-fore referred to as "Team Bean", that BitBean is re-branded to "Bean Cash".

With a renewed focus, "Bean Cash" is a digital currency and peer-to-peer network. Its primary application is to be used as a store of value and a medium of exchange -- both on-line (Internet transactions), in-person transactions, or with merchants at the Point of Sale/Service (POS).
This change also mitigates issues of trademark disputes and confrontation, as the new name change references common names used in the public domain. BitBean is based in large part, on source code from Bitcoin, which is in the public domain. As core developers of BitBean (the digital currency, not the company), Bean Core Executive Directors believe, that re-branding preemptively mitigates moves by private companies that may try to lay claim, of rights to BitBean (the digital currency).

BitBean has existed for over 2 1/2 years as both a digital currency and a solid-secure peer-to-peer network -- without a hard-fork or transaction rollback! It has continued to be developed and maintained by Bean Core during this time. As stewards, we propose these changes, with the coming release of our v1.1.2 Core reference platform:

(Note: these change only relate to branding aspects)

Name: "BitBean" to be changed to "Bean Cash"

Tag-line: "Bigger..Faster..Stronger" to be changed to "Digital Cash"

Slogan: "Fast..Simple..Secure..More Than a Digital Currency!" (No Change)

Ticker: "BITB" to be changed to "BEAN"

Currency Code (for ISO 4217 Adoption): XBN Note: The first "X" is important because it designates a commodity that is independent of any government.

Cash Symbol: ß (Code-page 437: 00DF/225 for Point of Sale/Service Implementation)

New Domain: With this change, Team Bean and Bean Core would retain copyright and ownership of the "" domain. Existing and sub-domains would redirect to

New Domain: Hosting Services:
  • An on-line wallet for Bean Cash (2017)
  • email domain/service for Bean Cash holders (2017)
  • SMTP relay (for future email protocols integrated into core) (2018)
  • web-based micro-payment services (2018)

Bean Core formally invites Team Bean's input and discussion on these changes before formalization into v1.1.2 Reference Implementation.
The forum for participation in the discussion, is the channel "The Farm", hosted at:
With these additional changes, our target for release of v1.1.2 (Beta) is August 20th.


Bean Core Executive Board of Directors (bod AT b I t b e a n DOT org)

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