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Topics - jenica

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« on: January 08, 2020, 03:57:33 PM »
Below are the Strategies to apply in a bearish Market.

1.Set Up Stop loss and Watch them closely : Stop-Loses and Targets are two of the most basic instruments that each and every cryptocurrency investor and trader needs to acquaint themselves with. Setting an order with a stop loss   is fundamentally like an electrical switch which guarantees that once the price set achieves a settled low point, a deal naturally happens. This guarantees that traders and investor don't make loss or bigger loss on their holdings. Its important to follow your trades after Setting a stop loss in case you will need to make advanced decision.

2.Follow News :
It is basic for every cryptocurrency trader and investor to always follow the news especially for the sake of the cryptocurrencies they have invested in. Its good to follow steadily and closely through all social medias, Google News Alerts , RSS channels, and many more. This will help you to be updated with prices , latest development about the project and cryptocurrency community at large.

3.Understand the market trends and graph :
Traders and investors need to keenly observe and study the market trend and graph. In the past eight months, there has been slow and constant downfall with some little little uptrend in between the falls. Those that quickly observed this early would have known how to handle trade, investment and what more to expect as things unfold. So its necessary to compare past and present record to determine what might happen next and steps to take. This has proven to show high accuracy rate.

Crypto Discussion / SKELPYcoin certified decentralized blockchain
« on: May 02, 2019, 03:37:05 PM »
Hi guys,
I see project skelpy are promoted on this forum and there may be in many forum also, they have the purpose very good, speed in the delivery of coin and security wallet skelpy.

developer was always pay attention to the development of coin this.
But I see sales skelpy not achieve success. Is coin this will stop here or will still continues to listing on Exchange, if it listing, let's support for the development of skelpy, because skelpy already want to log in to this forum, at least we also want to help for success

Crypto Discussion / why does coins change price constantly?
« on: January 12, 2019, 07:58:37 AM »
Why does coins prices fluctuate so much and it is never been constant making predicting price much harder and much riskier and holding on to coins can be the best way right now.

why does it change prices constantly and never stagnant?

Crypto Discussion / the true crypto alternative to government money
« on: January 12, 2019, 07:57:41 AM »
great read by coindesk:

thoughts on the future of fiat coins, stablecoins, and just overall adoption of these things in general? I see lots of potential in ampleforth in how they solve volatility. I think right now there's too much centralization in fiat-backed stablecoins

Crypto Discussion / What the hell are Crypto kitties?
« on: January 12, 2019, 07:56:42 AM »
I read some topics on reddit about crypto kitties and some people that they sold their kitties for 250ETH? WTF?
What is this ?

Crypto Discussion / ETH Hardfork
« on: January 10, 2019, 07:13:06 AM »
we all know that eth will soon be doing hardfork in this time.
no responsibility, hardfork will be done 3 times in the near future.
what about eth's exchange rate later, what goes up or even goes down ?

Crypto Discussion / Cryptocurrency is having a lot of positive news
« on: January 07, 2019, 08:06:22 AM »
1 ~ The Florida finance director has advocated the establishment of the state's "cryptocurrency agency"
2 ~ TRON Network (TRX) is considered safe deposit and test deposit
3 ~ Spanish Securities Commission to implement a pilot application of Blockchain technology
4 ~ Ox (ZRX) surged in Korea market - Weekly growth statistics were 79%
5 ~ Hughes has made some other recommendations including an international blockchain contest to encourage talented blockchain developers and to propose effective blockchain development goals of the UK by applying blockchain and technology. other related
6 ~ FIEA "requires securities companies and fund management companies, clients and securities (stocks, etc.) to separate from the company's assets." In addition, companies must establish "a strict investor protection system, such as insider trading ban

Crypto Discussion / China is the leader of the blockchain?
« on: January 07, 2019, 08:04:23 AM »
The Chinese authorities have invested about $6 billion in the development of the blockchain this year. Does this mean that China will become a leader in this area? Will the projects of Chinese companies increase in price or remain at the same level?

Crypto Discussion / Why deceiving others?
« on: January 07, 2019, 08:03:16 AM »
I always believe that everything that goes up will surely have is way down. And crypto makes me believe that things(price) can goes up and down and again and again.....

But why do people keep deceiving themselves by telling others to believe that this is the best time to buy? And what i think is that most of them never bought any because I'm much they also made thesame statements when Eth is at 500$-300$-200$ and now way below that.

Tell me what preaching will those people have for does who bought at $1200 hun?

Sometimes i use to ask why is it not possible to be paid bounty money in cash why is it alway's that is only paid in token anybody that can explain more please?

Crypto Discussion / Stop emulating Crypto currency Traders finishing line
« on: January 07, 2019, 08:00:11 AM »
I do not know why we are so easily moved by someones achievement forgetting what the person must have gone through?

How much did he start with?
How much did he lost?
How long was he consistent?
How much was his capital before he could afford the lambo?

Until we figure out why we are into trading, we would have rare profits

I currently have holdings of ETH, XRP, AND BTC. However I believe we may not see prices this cheap for bitcoin in the near future, espeically with institution funds rolling in. Should I sell my XRP for more bitcoin?

Indonesian Language / bingung untuk memegang aset saat ini.
« on: November 26, 2018, 06:19:38 AM »
melihat harga semua crypto terjun bebas, membuat saya bingung untuk memilih coin yang bagus untuk di simpan.
pasti kalau kita menyimpan aset sekarang, keuntungan besar akan kita dapatkan.
saya bingung ingin membeli coin apa, bagaimana dengan agan semua ,?

Indonesian Language / beli atau menunggu?
« on: August 06, 2018, 04:14:42 PM »
melihat harga semua coin saat ini mengalami penurunan yang derastis, dan sudah benerapa bulan ini masih belum bisa naik, apakah kita mau membeli coin lagi lebih banyak, atau kita hanya menunggu sampai naik kembali?

Indonesian Language / BANK Desentralisasi
« on: July 31, 2018, 04:55:50 AM »
di masa depan saat crypto di terima di semua negara, apakah akan ada bank terdesentralisasi, seperti halnya crypto, sehingga transaksinya menjadi transparan

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