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Messages - kingscrown

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I have met the CEO online, we had nice cooperation and understand of ewach other sadly in the middle of our talks he stopped responding. Here is my interview with and also a sad story of Max the CEO. 

I have made a list of tasks and cool things in crypto and bitcoin you can try doing during the coronavirus. There is loads of unusual things i have mentioned so i hope you will like the list.

While article with huge analysis why OKB by OKeX is rising and may not stop. Comparison to Huobi and Binance tokens in article too.

Read here:

And what is your take on OKB?

Trading / Interview with CEO of CoinEx Exchange
« on: January 08, 2020, 05:08:35 AM »
Coinex is connected to top Bitcoin mining pool ViaBTC. Learn what he thinks about Bitcoin price, whats CET blockchain and more.

Read interview with their CEO -

Trades on Coinall, Okex and Bitfinex, you can sell the coins right away after you get them.

USDK is a stablecoin created by the famous Chinese Okex exchange which is worth 1 USD and trades on a few places, getting more and more attention. It's an ERC20 token so build on ethereum.

There are two ways here and you can enter one or both since each needs different things to join.

Twitter Airdrop Contest, do whats said in the tweet:

A new fresh interview with famous John McAfee where he speaks on how he started in Bitcoin, what does he think of Libra, decentralization and a lot more.

Whole text here to read -

OKEX CEO Jay Hao answers questions about accusations of wash trading, predictions of Bitcoin future and a lot more.

Read whole post here -

Crypto Discussion / Binance issues on Jex launch
« on: September 26, 2019, 05:25:06 AM »
Looks liek Binance was not ready for such red candle on Bitcoin on their new Jax platform.
Read more:

One of most underrated coins out there with tight team, superb code and loads of options that others dont have. Now adds even more interesting stuff.

Longer read:

Crypto Discussion / Top2 Polish Bitcoin Exchange, Bitmarket Dead
« on: July 09, 2019, 04:52:55 AM »
Is it an exit scam? Hard to tell. Full article with polish translations -

Sometimes the swap is running for long sometimes short, better to swap to not be lost on wrong chain.

Full guide

TLDR: ways to swap ZIL GTO EXCL KIN PHB for free or even with profits.

Stellerro is a platform and service that will help companies and projects do their security token offerings and pay from that to the investors.
So we can say they are STO of STOs.

Read my longer review -

In the ebook i show how to make passive cash from cryptocurrency with no skills. No server setup, masternodes or anything like that.
Since methods die, get saturated or change we have a 3rd update now.

Good for newbies and pros. As this is about knowledge and methods not about years in the game.

Read more here and decide -

Trading / Re: Interview with Co-Founder of KuCoin Exchange
« on: May 10, 2019, 05:12:24 AM »
the interview gets good rates. check it

Trading / Interview with Co-Founder of KuCoin Exchange
« on: May 09, 2019, 03:02:31 AM »
KuCoin is one of most known and secure crypto-crypto exchanges right now. Have a look at unique no bias interview with them at -

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