"a volcanic online currency for everyone
who wants to make their financial assets grow"To stake, to earn the world trip you desire for years or when you want to make your assets grow bigger. Vulcano is a staking coin with a very low initial supply.
What we want to reach with Vulcano
With Vulcano coin we want to build a save digital environment. Where you, as an altcoin holder, can stake and save your assets while we will guarantee a fair interest rate. When you start with Vulcano coin today, you're guaranteed big staking interest. Also you can trade them at any time. Down below you'll find the specs.
Coin name VULCANO
Scrypt POS/POW
Address letter V
RPC port 21042
P2P port 21041
Block reward 20 coins
Max coins 12b
Premine 2m
Proof of Stake 950%
Pow blocks 100k
Maturity 5 blocks
Target spacing 1 min
Target timespan 1 block
Confirmations 4 blocks
Still in progress but almost ready for you all to take a quick look in our history and plans with Vulcano.
Mining Pools
Mining pools are very welcome. To the owners of the mining pools, we hope to get connected with you! A big thanks in advance.
Pools we've so far:
🔥 Variable Difficulty : 8 ~ 64
🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://pickaxe.online:10049
🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]
🔥 Variable Difficulty : 64 ~ 8192
🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://pickaxe.online:10050
🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]
🔥 Variable Difficulty : 8192 ~ 65536
🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://pickaxe.online:10051
🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]
🔥 Fees : 3%
🔥 Payout cycle : 15 mins
🔥 Minimum Payout : 1 Vulcano
Translate our topic:
For each translation you'll get 500 coins. We expect from you that you'll place the translation online in the correct language category, languages without category are not accepted. Please be aware that we do not accept google translate tricks. Thanks a lot and good luck! :=)
Social media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VulcanoCoin
Portuguese Translation:
https://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=18271.msg188431#msg188431 My Vulcano Address: VQtzQf4a8XLLJvncuTxF2Xdrdv8tnZYjUo