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Messages - Coinlend

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The loan tab in the mobile now shows the utilization rate of your funds and the average rate of your active loans.

If you don't see it, please try to restart your app once or twice to fetch the over-the-air update.

We finally finalized the Coinlend report for the year 2020. You can now download it in your account:

What did perform better in regards to lending rates in 2020 at Bitfinex? USD or Tether?

With 13.93% vs 10.66% the lending performance of USD is clearly outperforming the lending performance of Tether!

More insights in the lending market of 2020 will be provided with upcoming full Coinlend report.

The Bitfinex lending markets rates are now updated in real-time in the Coinlend interface.

Besides the visual improvement this will also lead to better lending performance since the bot now operates on real-time data.

German Language / Re: Coinlend - Der Lending-Bot für Poloniex und Bitfinex
« on: September 09, 2020, 04:17:03 PM »
Cardano (ADA) auf Bitfinex wird nun supported!

We just added Cardano (ADA) lending support at Bitfinex. If you have Cardano in your funding wallet at Bitfinex, you don't have to do anything. The bot will just start lending it.

We just added a new feature so you can change your password easily from within the Coinlend settings.
This also allows you to set an additional password if you are using Google or Facebook login.

Wir haben ein neues Feature für den Coinlend Report implementiert: Die Zinszahlungen können nun neben Jahr und Plattform auch nach Currency gefiltert werden.

We implemented a new feature for the report section: You now can filter your interest payments not only by year and platform, but also by currencies:

Ethereum Classic is now available at Celsius for lending. We therefore also support ETC at Celsius and it will now show up in your Coinlend account as well.

The loan details tab in the mobile app now shows also the expected interest (in case the loan is not paid back early)

Wir haben den ersten Chart in die mobile App integriert. Um das Update zu bekommen, einfach die neuste Version auf dem App Store oder dem Play Store downloaden:

We added a chart to the mobile app showing the interest of the last few days. To get this feature, just download the newest version from the App Store or Play Store.

Da bei Bitfinex die Loans, die über die API erstellt werden, einen Mindestwert von 50 USD haben müssen, können sehr kleine Werte für den "Iceberg Amount" dazu führen, dass der Bot keine Loans mehr erstellen kann.

Um dieses Problem in Zukunft zu verhindern, haben wir einen Mindestwert von 100 USD für den Threshold eingeführt. Das Coinlend Interface wird darüber informieren, falls der eingestellte Wert zu gering ist und ein Speichern eines zu kleinen Wertes wir nicht mehr möglich sein:

Please keep in mind that Bitfinex has a minimum amount of 50 USD for a loan created via the API. Therefore, you can't configure very small amounts as "Iceberg Threshold". Otherwise, your bot will not be able to lend out your funds.

To prevent this issue in the future we introduced a minimum value for the threshold of 100 USD (To add some buffer in case your coin drops in value). The interface will inform you if your threshold is configured to low and will prevent you from saving this value.

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