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Messages - cryptocoin1982

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
need other exange....´´

Pre-mine is 30 million

if(nBestHeight == 0)
    nSubsidy = 30000000 * COIN;

Total supply is 700 million

static const int64_t MAX_MONEY = 700000000 * COIN;

The premine is only 4.2% BUT the starting block reward is 2 coins with a target spacing of 3 minutes. Only 960 coins generated every day. It will take 85.6 years to reach Dev's premine LOL Although to be fair, rewards will increase after block 3000 but still...

Mine or stake at your own risk people

yes scam

We will have an Update and Some information to put Fourth very very soon all is looking good. some more stuff has been added to the wallet and we've still got the masternodes.

The wallet update will include it being installed with an msi package.

your currency is a scam, you have loaded it yourself by dumping the premine you are very silly ;D

Coin Home / Re: [ANN] KingCoin swap
« on: October 15, 2017, 06:46:24 PM »
nice proyect, Where will the swap exchange plans? ;)


nSubsidy = 500000000 * COIN;   PREMINE

Every new coins come you say "SCAM",,don't judge dude,

because they are scam or esque you are blind

Turk Services Being Offered.

Coin Building:

PoW Based coins - 0.15btc
Pos Based Coins - 0.15btc
Pow/Pos based coins - 0.2btc

Further Updates - 0.03btc


3 months - 0.04btc
6 months - 0.08btc
12 months - 0.16btc

scammer price is very high  I know another place much cheaper, do not hesitate to people motherfucker

Hello :) Here is a new mining pool for mining BrazilCoin.
It's based on YiiMP, no registration is needed :

  • Stratum  :
  • User     : YOUR_BRA_ADDRESS
  • Password : c=BRA

Code: [Select]
ccminer.exe -a quark -o stratum+tcp:// -u AnNPghpD8Wu83n6MuZX3XHAP7p6XWrDw3g -p c=BRA
Happy mining :)

yes is scam , dev dump premine

motherk fuker scammer dump premine



is scam dump premine mother fuker dev

Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusing and opaque around this coin.

1) The developer keeps the code closed - and not a single exchange will allow this coin to be traded as long as this is the case.

2) I stopped mining the Volpcoin through the pools - the first pool did not pay me anything at all, the 2nd one sent 70 coins several times, but from September 4th I did not get a single coin. Statistics on the pool looks incomprehensible and does not correspond to what the wallet shows. And I still have not received an answer - how do the accepted shares compare with the number of reward.

3) The developer does not visit this forum for almost 2 weeks.

I would like to hope that he will appear soon and make his explanations.

is scam

BrazilCoin available for mining

 🔥 Variable Difficulty : 0.001 ~ 0.01
 🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://
 🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]

 🔥 Variable Difficulty : 0.01 ~ 0.1
 🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://
 🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]

 🔥 Variable Difficulty : 0.1 ~ 2
 🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://
 🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]

 🔥 NiceHash
 🔥 Stratum Host : stratum+tcp://
 🔥 Username : [YourWalletAddress]

 🔥 Fees : 3%
 🔥 Payout cycle : 15 mins
 🔥 Minimum Payout : 5 BRA

Sorry about the issue I was having with this coin.

It's now fixed on

pool not find block!! :-\

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