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Messages - dlisk

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Complaining about terrible performance of RISE!!!! LISK!!!?? Take advantage and be part of DLISK!!!

DLISK is a Lisk based coin and has ALL features that RISE and LISK have at the moment. Why spending $40M or $1M on a coin when you can have the same coin for a few BTCs?

Below you will find the escrow information:

The ICO will be running from the 10th of June until July 10th.

Independent escrow:.

The first person is:  SebastianJu

The escrow address is: 178U7FwBjs5iWq6SzFJmRuwbKoMsPArYsX

Bounty Programs / DL(i)sk -ICO - Giveaways
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:35:54 PM »
* Translations             - 100,000 DL(i)sk Reserved

List of translations

mikhael -  Filipino -
Riddikulo - Spanish -
rajeshgarnaik - India -
bytemuma   - Portuguese -
healtheworld - chinese -
Maicol792 - Italian -
Xardasim -  Polish -
DarkNightRider - Russian -
Newcoins2020 - Dutch -
Tottong - Indonesian -
kondiomir - Bulgarian - http://bitcoingarden . tk/forum/index.php?topic=8713.0
kellendil - Turkish -
causestud - Esperanto -
kellendil - German -
lincolnsun - Ukrainian - http://bitcoingarden . tk/forum/index.php?topic=8868.0

* Twitter Followers      - 100,000 DL(i)sk Reserved

Follow us on twitter  "" to reserve your twitter stake

List of twitter users

* Signature Campaign - 300,000 DL(i)sk Reserved (

List of sign

* Personal Text Campaign - 100,000 DL(i)sk Reserved

List of personal text campaign

* Promotion Video       -  50,000 DL(i)sk Reserved
* Marketing Leader      -  50,000 DL(i)sk Reserved
* Signature Campaign  - 400,000 DL(i)sk Reserved (after ICO launch)

Remember our Affiliate Marketing program - Earn 20% of your referral deposits deposits during ICO

How those it work? People are able to refer other people to join DL(i)sk ICO. If person A is depositing 1 BTC in DL(i)sk ICO then you will get 0.20 BTC extr in DL(i)sk ICO.


Total amount of BTC deposit is : 100 BTC
Total amount of BTC + referral deposits is : 110 BTC

Your personally deposit is : 1 BTC

Your referral deposit is : 5 BTC

Your stake will be = 1 BTC (personal deposit + 1 BTC (20% of 5 BTC) = 2 BTC

Your final stake in DL(i)sk coins will be: 88,000,000 / Total amount of BTC + referral deposits (so 110 BTC) * your deposit + your referral reward (so 2 BTC).

Why are we doing this?

We believe it is important ffor all of us to work together and to make a great community. If people can earn something extra then they will do more their best promoting the coin what means that more and more people will join and the value of the coin will increase step by step. Other coins has been using the same logic with success, so we are also applying this marketing strategy so that everybody will become a little piece of DL(i)sk marketing. Every ICO investor will become a sales person as he want to see his value increase.

Affillate marketing program form :


Anyone who wants to help testing and fix bugs now can. Our GitHub repo is available here

If you just want to try our online wallet, you can do so here.
Please report any bugs on GitHub.

Binaries and Docker image will be released soon. We are also working on Faucet DAPP.


Why buy DLISK?

1. Lisk based crypto currency
2. Web, Mobile, Desktop wallet part of the project plan (not part of LISK - at least not currently)
3. User friendly application
4. Growing community base
5. A lot cheaper then LISK


Another big increase in our twitter followers: Up to 729 now! Our competitors RISE : 1631 followers , Lisk : 5454 follower. DL(i)sk is becoming more and more spread in the crypto marketplace. Watch us moving to 1000 followers by end of next week.

3 hours left... to join the ICO. Escrow address is : 178U7FwBjs5iWq6SzFJmRuwbKoMsPArYsX

5 hours left... only 3 BTC in ICO now. Price per coin 4sats at the moment.

16 hours left to receive 50% extra couns. Don't be late.

Countdown till end of ICO phase 1: 50% extra bonus

How to join:

1. Deposit your BTC to 178U7FwBjs5iWq6SzFJmRuwbKoMsPArYsX
2. Inform escrow or myself about your deposit.

Friends want to join?:

1. Fill in the form request to receive your EXTRA 20% BONUS (Affillate marketing program form :
2. Friend deposit his BTC to 178U7FwBjs5iWq6SzFJmRuwbKoMsPArYsX
3. Friend inform escrow or myself about the deposit.

Earn more coins by refering friends. Spread the word and make DL(i)sk big.

Website Pictures

Affiliate Marketing program - Earn 20% of your referral deposits deposits during ICO

How those it work? People are able to refer other people to join DL(i)sk ICO. If person A is depositing 1 BTC in DL(i)sk ICO then you will get 0.20 BTC extr in DL(i)sk ICO.


Total amount of BTC deposit is : 100 BTC
Total amount of BTC + referral deposits is : 110 BTC

Your personally deposit is : 1 BTC

Your referral deposit is : 5 BTC

Your stake will be = 1 BTC (personal deposit + 1 BTC (20% of 5 BTC) = 2 BTC

Your final stake in DL(i)sk coins will be: 88,000,000 / Total amount of BTC + referral deposits (so 110 BTC) * your deposit + your referral reward (so 2 BTC).

Why are we doing this?

We believe it is important ffor all of us to work together and to make a great community. If people can earn something extra then they will do more their best promoting the coin what means that more and more people will join and the value of the coin will increase step by step. Other coins has been using the same logic with success, so we are also applying this marketing strategy so that everybody will become a little piece of DL(i)sk marketing. Every ICO investor will become a sales person as he want to see his value increase.

Affillate marketing program form :


We will not publish any spreadsheet before ICO is finished so prevent cheaters. We can request prove in case that we believe that something is wrong. You cannot have two people refering to one single person. Prove will be requested from the person that reference that one person.


DL(i)sk is a Lisk-based currency.  DL(i)sk is a blockchain application platform and crypto-currency, which offers an all round solution for Node.js and JavaScript developers to deploy their own blockchain applications. DL(i)sk Apps are written using existing web technologies: NodeJS and JavaScript. DL(i)sk will use Forgers in the same way as how Lisk is using.


Developer Leader: Jan West

Who is Jan West?

Linkedin: Jan West

Jan West is the developer leader of DL(i)sk and is fluent in C, C++, Java and Node.js. He used to work on accounting software before starting to work on DL(i)sk. He is proponent of Linux and opensource software. In his freetime he play Counter-Strike with my friends and hack together DIY electronics.

Developer : Dmochemicz

Who is Dmochemicz?

Dmochemicz is one of the main developers of DL(i)sk. He will be responsible to make sure that everything is running smoothly and will be part of our development/test team. Dmochemicz is also the person that is responsible of creating all marketing materials that can be used for events in the future.

* Block Time: 10 seconds
* Round Time: ~17 minutes
* Confirmations for Final Transaction: 6-10
* Supply: 100 million
* DPoS
* Ticker: Dlisk

The total coin supply is 100 milllion.

90 million coins will be distributed to ICO participants

10 million coins will be reserved for:
• 1 million for pre-ICO bounties.
• 2 million for post-ICO bounties.
• 7 million for development team.

The ICO will be running from the 10th of June until July 10th.

Independent escrow:.

The first person is:  SebastianJu

ICO Bonuses for early participation

1st week : 50%
2nd week bonus: 25%
3rd week bonus: 10%
4th week bonus: 0%

The escrow address is: 178U7FwBjs5iWq6SzFJmRuwbKoMsPArYsX

I was asked by LiskBeliever the issuer, to provide an Escrow address that is used to collect the funds for the ICO of DL(i)sk Coins.

Who am I?

Iam SebastianJu, Iam escrow on Bitcointalk since years. Iam not connected to the issuer or the coin. Iam an independent third party who acts as an escrow in an attempt to make the ICO more secure. See my Servicethread for reviews: [ANN] SebastianJu - Free Legendary Escrow Service - Escrowed over 8150 BTC.

Safety from Escrow

Once the Wallet and the DL(i)sk Coins are released to the investors we will wait 7 days to see if problems arise with the wallet or Coin, then I will release the Bitcoins to the issuer. This way of handling things is usefull, the three days waiting time already stopped 2 scammy ICO's from happening, at least one other was stopped already before that time.

Please note that the safety I can provide only reaches up to the point where I released the bitcoins to the issuer.

Escrow Address

The escrow address is:
Code: [Select]

Don't send to a quoted escrow address. ALWAYS only check out my post directly and send to that address! And please check regularly if the escrow link or address was changed in the first post of thread. Inform me fast by pm, post in the thread about it and give red trust if possible to warn others fast then. If you sent me a pm then I will know about it and can act by giving red trust to the issuer to prevent damage.

Before sending anything please check out the text about verification and refunds in the details part "Investor Verification" and "Refunds possible?".

Before payment I would suggest you take a look at to check out if the network gets spammed again. Below the graph there is shown what amount of fee is needed to get instant confirmation. Checking that page could prevent that transactions are stuck for hours or days because they dont get a confirmation.

Code: [Select]
160603 This is the escrow address for the ICO of DL(i)sk Coins and the escrow address is 178U7FwBjs5iWq6SzFJmRuwbKoMsPArYsX

Message signed with an old address of mine, that I posted may 2013 on bitcointalk. See my Servicethread: [ANN] SebastianJu - Free Legendary Escrow Service - Escrowed over 8150 BTC.

You can check a signed message very easy. The fastest way is to visit

Investor Verification

There are two ways to verify your investment which is important when, for some reason, the investment has to be refunded back to investors.

First way:

Only send Bitcoins from an address you can sign a private message from or at least where you are able to get the private key for that address! This is important since in case of REFUND you can't proof otherwise that you sent bitcoins when you, for example, sent the bitcoins directly from an Exchange. In that case better send them first to your wallet and then from there to the escrow address.

For information about what you need to sign a message you can check out this thread:

Second way:

Another alternative to proof your ownership of a payment would be to send me the last 4 numbers of your user id as satoshies in your transaction.

Move your mouse over my username, see my profile id is 18640. You can see yours when you are in your profile and hover the mouse over the links on the left menu. Something like u=18640 in the links show your User-ID. The last 4 digits are 8640. When you add these 4 numbers as satoshies to your payment then it is pretty sure it's your payment too.

For example you want to send 2 bitcoins and your profile id would be 18640 then you send 2.00008640 Bitcoin.

Refunds possible?

Refunds can only be done in case the issuer agrees or there are reasons to stop the ICO by the escrow, because there came up doubts that make the ICO too insecure to proceed.

As long as you did not verify your investment transaction in some way I will see your investment as unverified. Otherwise it could mean a random person could claim an investment as his investment and steal it from a shareholder.

Refunds can only be done instantly when you can proof ownership of the investment. Either by signing a message from the sending bitcoin address or by your investment amount matching your forum user id. See description about verification above.

If you can't proof the ownership of an investment and a refund needs to be done then you need to wait some weeks so that the risk of being scammed is lower for me and the (potential real) owner of that investment. You would want I protect your investment too when someone claims it was his investment and only can show the transaction id, right?

Good luck everyone with this ICO! :)

Affiliate Marketing program - Earn 20% of your referral deposits deposits during ICO

How those it work? People are able to refer other people to join DL(i)sk ICO. If person A is depositing 1 BTC in DL(i)sk ICO then you will get 0.20 BTC extr in DL(i)sk ICO.


Total amount of BTC deposit is : 100 BTC
Total amount of BTC + referral deposits is : 110 BTC

Your personally deposit is : 1 BTC

Your referral deposit is : 5 BTC

Your stake will be = 1 BTC (personal deposit + 1 BTC (20% of 5 BTC) = 2 BTC

Your final stake in DL(i)sk coins will be: 88,000,000 / Total amount of BTC + referral deposits (so 110 BTC) * your deposit + your referral reward (so 2 BTC).

Why are we doing this?

We believe it is important ffor all of us to work together and to make a great community. If people can earn something extra then they will do more their best promoting the coin what means that more and more people will join and the value of the coin will increase step by step. Other coins has been using the same logic with success, so we are also applying this marketing strategy so that everybody will become a little piece of DL(i)sk marketing. Every ICO investor will become a sales person as he want to see his value increase.

Affillate marketing program form :


We will not publish any spreadsheet before ICO is finished so prevent cheaters. We can request prove in case that we believe that something is wrong. You cannot have two people refering to one single person. Prove will be requested from the person that reference that one person.

* Translations             - 100,000 DL(i)sk Reserved

List of translations

4-6-2016 10:19:32   mikhael   Filipino   Completed -
4-6-2016 10:21:02   Riddikulo   Spanish -
4-6-2016 11:57:00   rajeshgarnaik India -
4-6-2016 18:13:46   bytemuma   Portuguese -
4-6-2016 18:14:11   healtheworld   chinese   Rework needed -
4-6-2016 19:04:58   Maicol792   Italian   Complete -
5-6-2016 1:23:40     Xardasim   Polish Complete -
4-6-2016 11:35:15   DarkNightRider   Russian Complete -

* Twitter Followers      - 100,000 DL(i)sk Reserved

Follow us on twitter  "" to reserve your twitter stake

List of twitter users

* Signature Campaign - 300,000 DL(i)sk Reserved (

List of sign

* Promotion Video       -  50,000 DL(i)sk Reserved
* Marketing Leader      -  50,000 DL(i)sk Reserved (Completed)
* Signature Campaign  - 400,000 DL(i)sk Reserved (after ICO launch)

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