« on: September 21, 2020, 03:17:35 PM »
I had my first accident on the road tonight, fortunately I wasn't injured but my bike suffered some damage.
I was T -boned literally at low speed at a T junction as I traversed the junction, as I was approaching the junction a suv pulled out as there was plenty of distance between him and me. The next car I made eye contact with the driver and continued on my heading at about 10mph, inexplicably as I was plumb in front of him he pulled out hitting me. The front of the bumper just before the number plate hit my pedal end plumb in the middle as I was on the down stroke and instantly the bike and I were thrown into the middle of the road and I was off. Unhurt and still lying in the road I took in briefly what had just occurred and gave myself time to adjust, gazing around I noticed several pedestrians about and other cars yet not one bothered to see if I was alright or offered any assistance which I felt was very poor.
I got up on my feet and steadied myself by this time with quite a few onlookers but no one even attempting to come over and assist me or to see if I was ok, what is up with people no one cares any more. The car driver who hit me was out of his car and apologetic and looked a bit uneasy and so he should have been, I was calm and cool and we man handled my bike to the grass verge as it was evident the bike was damaged. I then told him to move his car to a more sensible place so we could have a chat and discuss settlement for repairs, passing at this time was a plod car but they just continued on. I was a bit surprised that they carried on as the car was stopped in the road and I with the driver on the grass verge.
The red suv driver had stopped and was a witness and kindly gave me his details if I needed them, I did ring him about an hour or so later to thank him. He said he knew something was going to happen as the guy who hit me was right behind him and was driving quickly and had closed up behind him quickly some metres before the junction.
I noted the car reg of the driver who hit me and got his details, being unhurt and seeing he was apologetic and repentant agreed with him that he would have to pay for any parts for the bike needed and we would talk later in the evening once I had taken stock , I was quite happy to leave it at that as I was unhurt and his pride was hurt more then me and the fact that he was physically shaken as I could see from his shaky hand as he wrote down his details.
Back at home I checked the bike over and damage was not to bad but components need replacing the LHS crank arm has had it, totally bent in so a new Deore SL Hollowtech crank set and BB to be safe is needed along with a set of pedals. The front rim buckled although not directly hit, the angle it hit the road at has damaged it other wise going over the bike all else was ok. I tested the motor and that was working and can find nothing wrong with operation.
I called the guy a couple or hours later and he came round to look (probably not believing me maybe), I told him he could bring his wallet or worse for him we can get his insurance company involved. Not being injured I was quite happy to inform him that I would not get plod involved as long as he recompensed me for replacing my components.
Looking at the bike I settled for a new Hollowtech crank set, pedals and BB which we ordered there and then on his phone for delivery in the next few days and £60 for me to replace my rim. I already have a spare used rim so need to just buy some spokes and rebuild the centre lock disc hub in to the used rim I have.
Both of us were fortunate tonight, I came away unscathed barring some minor bike repairs and he came away without his Insurance and the police be involved. Like me he drives for a living and think he may be a bit more careful about his driving style and by the way if any one wonders he was driving an Audi need I say anymore.