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Messages - pandukelana2712

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Giveaways & Airdrops / Cryptosoul Instagram Competition
« on: November 05, 2019, 12:46:27 PM »

New Cryptosoul Competition is available on Instagram.

Get 5000 SOUL for reaching a level 5 Merge Cat!
Get 5000 Souls every 5 levels up to level 15.

And you will be rewarded with 15,000 SOUL tokens!

Don't miss out on this great chance to earn free SOUL tokens.

Hotbit : ETH Pair
Mercatox : ETH Pair ; BTC Pair

For detail information, you can ask at cryptosoul official telegram group:
and follow

The new article of cryptosoul project:

I just see two campaigns above. I assume for a promising project like Sportcash One, it should be more campaigns needed. Will other campaigns be added later on? Or the project only focus on these two campaigns? By the way, I'm very happy to see your first bounty on bitcoingarden, Mr. Pandu:D
Hi Redix,
About the campaign: Of course, we'll make more campaign at the website, you can check at our website, what next campaign. And I'll update this thread following at website bounty page.
Just stay tune for the update.

And thank you for "welcoming message from you"
I hope Sportcash One and Bitcoingarden forum have more mutualism co-operation in the future.

FYI, the user who joined to telegram group increases 126 % after I post this bounty. It's great for us!

Thanks for bitcoingarden forum.

Waves Tokens / Re: [ANN]SportCash.One Loyalty for Sport Industry
« on: March 22, 2019, 09:29:24 PM »
Reserved for ICO

Waves Tokens / [ANN]Sportcash One - The number 1 Sport Rewards Program
« on: March 22, 2019, 09:28:47 PM »

The number 1 Sport Rewards Program running on Blockchain

What is Sportcash One ?

Our project is a platform for the Sports Industry with safe transactions secured by a blockchain system.
We will have a Multivendor shop, Social Network, Loyalty Program, and Crowdfunding solution.
These elements are the foundation for our ecosystem, where brands, shops, customers and athletes can participate together in our programs.
Companies can use our Loyalty Program to reward their customers and sell more products.
The customers earn coins as they create and share media on our Social Network, or make purchases through our Loyalty Programs.
Customers can use their coins towards rewards, discounts or take advantage of special deals.
Our Customer Loyalty Program combined with Blockchain provides inexpensive and fast transfers between clients and companies on our network.
Sportcash One Coins ($SCOne) are in a central position, connecting all participants.

Sportcash One Products and Headlines:

- Official registered company in Brazil
- Stabletoken pegged to the Euro 1:1
(Following Brazilian inflation, the minimum price will be corrected every 6 months)
- Social Platform
- Payment program (E-commerce plugins for WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, etc)
- Loyalty Program (customer rewards)
- Token as a Service (tokenize clubs)
- Custom Wallet
- Online Magazine
- Blockchain Multivendor Marketplace
- running on the Wavesplatform

Sportcash One Team:

Sportcash One Documents:
Project Headlines

Join us today!

We are sure Sportcash One will make the whole sports industry a better place.
Where Supporters, Athletes, and Schools can enjoy better funding for their passion and the Brands, Shops and
Clubs will have the ability to have their fan community closer and more engaged resulting in a better and more
profitable experience.





Have you heard about the Sportcash One Tokens bounty program? It's our own unique way to reward Sportcash One community for simply spreading the word about Sportcash One and getting SCONE tokens in the process.

Twitter Bounty Program – Win Scone tokens

Follow ad Share and instantly win Point rewards from our Bounty Program, after our token sale you will be able to swap the point for $SCONE Tokens on our social network.

We will advise you by email when the exchange system will be open in our Social Network, you will be able to log there with the same email of the Bounty registration.

Value of Diamond Bounty points

1 Scone Token = 1000 point diamond Bounty
There is one new Bounty Program with nice rewards in every week!


Translation Bounty Program for White paper and website

Whitepaper pages | ($100) Coming soon

Project headlines pages | ($7 ) DOWNLOAD

SportcashOne Translation Rules:
1: We only accept high-quality/human translations
2: Any translations done by automated translate tools such as Google translate or any other auto translator will not be accepted
3: Users with a negative trust status on Bitcointalk Forum will not be able to participate in the translation campaign
4: You will be officially appointed to the translation job only AFTER you received a pm by one of our official representatives
5. Payout in Scone Tokens Currency when Token Sale Finish
6. To reserve your Language >

1 – Send us an email here [email protected]

2 – Post in this thread : [ Reserve & your Language ]

Check for reserved translations:

jika ada ico dengan dukungan dari bank, saya yakin itu pasti akan legit dan tidak akan terjadi scam.
di tambah lagi, pasti akan mendapatkan kesuksesan ico tersebut.

kalau bokleh tau, kapankah ico akan di mulai?
Berita bagus itu gan, mungkin nanti saya akan ikutan juga. Karena dengan dukungan bank maka akan bagus kedepannya karena teamnya pasti profesional semua.dan dukungan finansialnya kuat.
Selama saya mengikuti perkembangan dlm crypto ada beberapa type scam project.
1. Scam karena tidak ada investor yg tertarik kepada platform project.
2. Scam karena tidak ada komunitas yang mensupport platform project.
3. Scam karena rivalitas (persaingan/kompetisi) dengan kompetitor project.
4. Scam karena dev/management project "hit and run" setelah mendapat uang dari hasil crowfunding.
Untuk kasus 1 dan 2, biasanya market sales (bounty hunter/airdrop hunter/media communicator) akan terbayar dan investor akan mendapatkan token mereka, tetapi token tsb tidak release ke exchange. dengan kata lain hanya akan menjadi hiasan dalam wallet.
Untuk kasus 3 & 4, semua system marketing gak akan terbayar, investor mendapatkan token, tidak release di exchanger.

Untuk finafex, akan menyelenggarakan ICO tanggal 14 February 2019.
informasi lebih lanjut bisa didapat di website mereka.

Menurut saya, Exchanger project adalah promising dan profitable project, selama kita bisa melakukan evaluasi dan research/kajian pd project exchanger tsb.
Karena apapun bentuk penawaran/offering, kemasannya adalah bagus.. tapi kita harus melihat isi dalam kemasan dan siapa yg menawarkan, bukan?

That's the true...
Blockchain dan produk turunannya membutuhkan koneksi internet untuk interaksinya.

Seperti yg menjadi fenomena disekitar kita sekarang ini, biarin pulsa gak ada..yg penting quota internet msh full... ;D

tapi yang ingin saya bahas adalah apakah memang crypto seharusnya mendapatkan dukungan dari bank? agar kuat dan bisa di aplikasikan sebagai alat pembayaran.
Kebetulan saya diminta untuk handling ICO Finafex oleh CMO Finafex, yg agan sebutkan tadi.
Finafex adalah salah satu exchanger crypto produk bank Labuan, Malaysia.
Mengenai harus ato tidaknya crypto mendapat dukungan, jawabannya relatif, tergantung kepada platform masing2.

1. Perbankan menolak kehadiran crypto,
Nah... jika terjadi perbankan sampai keluarkan salah satu  produk crypto berupa exchanger (nb: tempat menukar FIAT ke crypto asset dan melakukan trading) merupakan salah satu kemajuan crypto community melakukan approaching pada fundamental perbankan tersebut.

2. Ekosistem crypto dan bank konvensional
Sebagaimana kita tau, bank konvensional memiliki network, modal, dan jaminan keamanan investasi secara real (yg sy maksudkan adalah bank dg grade asset diatas USD 1M; BCA, Mandiri, BRI, dll).
Dengan kata lain, kata yg mengandung "bank" lebih diterima oleh masyarakat luas daripada "crypto asset".

Kalok agan Ayato berkata:
jadi agak lucu bagi saya kalau crypto harus mendapatkan dukungan dari bank.
Coba flashback 3 taun lalu, dimana bitcoin dan ethereum berebut dg beberapa platform lain mencoba memasukkan platform mereka pada perbankan, dan yang bisa diterima perbankan adalah XRP (Ripple).
Kelucuannya dimana? Sedangkan untuk mendaftar pada Indodax, bitcoinone, nusa, LINO dll, mereka mewajibkan untuk MELAKUKAN DEPOSIT/WITHDRAWAL pada BANK YANG TERCANTUM pada saat REGISTRASI, dan itupun HARUS MEMILIKI NAMA YANG SAMA dengan NAMA YANG TERCANTUM pada form pendaftaran masing2 exchanger.
Belum lagi jika kita berniat untuk melakukan INVESTASI dalam CRYPTO, kita kadang diminta utk melakukan investasi dengan system autodebet kartu kredit, dan darimana asal kartu kredit tersebut?

kalau saya melihat alasan crypto dibuat adalah agar bisa berdiri sendiri tanpa harus menggunakan jasa bank.
Apakah ada platform yg udah berjalan kesana?


Trims bwt moderator (bamzmeca) utk memindahkan thread ini ke SF utama.

Crypto Discussion / Re: Most Promising Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2019
« on: February 01, 2019, 03:40:21 PM »
ICO is no longer effective and pretty risky , Safety is always something that investors aim to
It's weird if you said like that.
Your forum profile uses ICO signature, that's mean you promoting ICO to gain some investors to invest in that ICO.

I think the token with the eth platform is still good now for new ico.
but not a few also use the XLM platform, all depends on the developer itself, want to use the platform where he will make tokens
Some of ICO will use ETH/XLM/EOS/Waves/Stellar blockchain to reduce the cost of the project.
After they get some funds from their ICO, they will developing their own blockchain.

Crypto Discussion / Re: Most Promising Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2019
« on: February 01, 2019, 12:24:01 PM »
I better invest in a row of 1 - 20 coinmarketcap because it is clearly stable and in the struggle to build a project that has potential.
How about the new ICO? What good platform to investating?

Indonesian Language / Re: [INFO] Seputar Address Ethereum
« on: February 01, 2019, 12:17:13 PM »
Terimakasih banyak gan... Thread nya bagus sekali. Sangat bermanfaat bagi kami pendatang baru, yang pada dasarnya madih sangat awam tentang sistem-sistem yang ada dalam dunia crypyo. Dan masih dalam taraf belajar. Thread ini akam membuat kita semakin berhati - hati dalam melakukan transaksi apa saja.
You're welcome, bro....

Untuk melakukan transaksi, juga patut diwaspadai tentang phising dan scam tx.

Beberapa waktu lalu saya dihubungi oleh CMO (Chief Manager Officer) suatu perusahaan.
Beliau meminta saya utk melakukan support ICO pada salah satu produk perbankan Malaysia, yaitu bank Labuan Malaysia.
Platform produk tersebut adalah utility token crypto exchanger.

Diskusi yg saya minta.
1. Menurut anda bagaimana tentang crypto exchanger yg digawangi oleh bank konvensional?
2. Apakah bisa kita melakukan support community pada ICO tersebut.
3. Bagaimana jaminan investasi pada ICO?

Lets discuss about that.

website perusahaan:

Judulnya menipu  ;D aneh-aneh wae, lebih baik ganti, misal
Meminimalisir Biaya Pengiriman Cryptocurrency antar Exchange
Agree with this...
Judulnya rancu... ::)

Untuk pengurangan fee tx BTC antar BTC wallet, gunakan SEGWIT.

1. karena ukuran transaksi lebih kecil dibanding transaksi wallet BTC biasa.
2. Karena ukurannya kecil, maka fee tx juga akan kecil.

Wallet yg men-support SEGWIT mempunyai format dg awalan address 3 atau bc1

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