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If we have to STAKE ? ................     How many minimum coins we required

Mining is a process of validating a transaction or block in a network by the process of complex
algorithms to prove and validate the correctness of the transaction and there by add the new
block to the chain

Coin Home / Re: [ANN]: NoahProject - Creating a borderless world
« on: September 27, 2018, 03:30:06 PM »
Since investing in new technologies such as blockchain always bears risks, it’s better to take some measures to mitigate potential risks and take advantage of the growth opportunities. Diversification is a less risky solution than storing eggs in one basket.

We call contributors to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolios; otherwise, they cut off vital opportunities and expose themselves to unwanted risks.

Public-key cryptography is based on the concept of a key pair, which consists of a public key and a private key. Data that has been encrypted with a public key can be decrypted only with the corresponding private key.

Why is Decentralization So Important ?

I think its about time that blockchain technology can be used for easy and hassle-free payment methods which other platforms seem to monopolize as of the moment. I see this idea getting there and opening that opportunity to merchants and customers. Wish this idea the best, road to mass adoption!

can i send the BTC  or LTC to labh wallet for exchange ??

Guys I am confused with the wordings in the first page
10000%APR,ROI????what do u mean by this ....

How to get ROI-10000% APR??

How do you withdraw money from LABH COIN ...

how much time needed to stake a coin in wallet. ?

I already staked now coin which is the right time to with draw and i get more reward 

Great to see that there are still business that have a healthy approach.Locking those tokens and releasing them gradually is so important and I'm happy that this team is aware of that.

how could blockchain technology change finance?

how many airdrop event happens in labh coin every month?

No ,it cannot be predicted .
airdrops occur in random , there is no perfect number to it

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