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Messages - hiramehar

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Coin Home / [ANN][SSPOS] CodeBlock Blockchain: Welcome to a New Era
« on: October 22, 2024, 08:52:02 AM »
CodeBlock Mainnet Launch

We are thrilled to announce that the much-awaited Mainnet Launch of The CodeBlock Blockchain is finally here! On 22th Octoberl 2024 at 20:24 UTC, we will be taking a significant step forward and transitioning from the Testnet to our official Mainnet.

This momentous occasion wouldn't have been possible without your unwavering support and the enthusiasm exhibited by our invaluable Testnet participants. Your dedication, feedback, and commitment to improvement, coupled with the tireless efforts of our development team, have brought us to this exciting milestone.

What is CodeBlock?

CodeBlock is a Blockchain focused on decentralization
CodeBlock is built on the principle that a fair and transparent system can only be achieved through decentralization. Unlike many other blockchain platforms, CodeBlock aims to eliminate the potential for centralization and manipulation by removing the need for delegation and miners. This allows anyone to become a part of the ecosystem and ensures that the platform remains truly decentralized.

CodeBlock Blockchain utilizes a revolutionary Solid State Proof of Stake Consensus (SSPOS)
Traditionally, blockchain networks rely on Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithms, which can be energy-intensive or limit participation. CodeBlock Blockchain offers a unique alternative with SSPoS, which utilizes a dynamic committee of validators that are responsible for creating new blocks. This approach drastically reduces the environmental impact and resource usage, while also significantly increasing transaction speed and network scalability. By investing in CodeBlock, you join the movement towards sustainable blockchain technology.

CodeBlock is user-friendly
CodeBlock aims to create a user-friendly blockchain that can be easily used by anyone, not just tech experts. Our protocol is designed to be simple, easy to maintain, and develop. CodeBlock offers a simple GUI application that makes it easy for users to run a node.

CodeBlock uses a percentage-based fee model
Transaction fees are calculated based on a percentage model with a minimum and maximum fee. These parameters provide greater control over the fee structure and prevent overpaying or underpaying. The percentage-based model ensures fairness and predictability, and can be adjusted through consensus among all validators.

We hope you can come join us on this revolutionary journey.

Best Regards,
Team CodeBlock




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Coin Home / Superlative Сasual Dating - True Females
« on: April 25, 2024, 01:01:40 AM »
Turn casual moments into unforgettable dates – choose the best casual dating site!
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Exemplary Сasual Dating

Do you think Bitcoin will become the reserve currency of the world sometime in the future? I was wondering about this since Bitcoin is now a widely used cryptocurrency worldwide. Since most altcoins in the market today, are dependent on Bitcoin's price movements, it seems like Bitcoin is the reserve currency of cryptocurrencies.

However, if Bitcoin tends to become more popular each day, it could eventually take the USD's place as the reserve currency of the world. Hence, what are your thoughts about this? Will it happen or not?  Huh

Crypto Discussion / The EFT and ETF thing is causing a lot of confusion.
« on: August 30, 2018, 06:20:47 PM »
I spoke to someone today and they told me that they read somewhere that Bitcoin crashed, because some stock exchanges

does not want to allow Bitcoin EFTs.  Roll Eyes  I stopped him and explained that a EFT Electronic funds transfer is the

electronic transfer of money from one bank account to another and a ETF is an exchange-traded fund. { an investment fund

traded on stock exchanges }

The general public is getting confused between ETFs and EFTs now.  Roll Eyes  We have a lot of work, guys and gals.  Grin

Crypto Discussion / What was bitcoin and how to work?
« on: August 30, 2018, 06:19:58 PM »
I still new in the world bitcoi.
What can explain what it was bitcoin.
dan how it worked bitcoin or what worth bitcoin.

Crypto Discussion / What will happen with Bitcoin if it never scales?
« on: August 30, 2018, 06:12:28 PM »
What do you think that might happen with Bitcoin if no scalable solution becomes accepted?

Will it remain as a store of value, while other altcoins take the lead for everyday transactions? Or will another cryptocurrency take its place as the top in marketcap?

I would like to know your thoughts about this, as the ongoing scaling debate will further limit Bitcoin from reaching new heights. As for me, I believe that the Bitcoin community would come up at a resolution somehow to put an end to this issue, and make the pioneer cryptocurrency great again. What do you think?   Smiley

Crypto Discussion / The EFT and ETF thing is causing a lot of confusion.
« on: August 30, 2018, 10:05:24 AM »

I spoke to someone today and they told me that they read somewhere that Bitcoin crashed, because some stock exchanges

does not want to allow Bitcoin EFTs.  Roll Eyes  I stopped him and explained that a EFT Electronic funds transfer is the

electronic transfer of money from one bank account to another and a ETF is an exchange-traded fund. { an investment fund

traded on stock exchanges }

The general public is getting confused between ETFs and EFTs now.  Roll Eyes  We have a lot of work, guys and gals.  Grin

Trading / Bitcoin ETF and USA lawmakers
« on: August 30, 2018, 10:03:15 AM »
members of the USA government different in response to the crypto world, some members choose to make strict rules and some choose to support crypto, the SEC rejects the Bitcoin ETF but does not give a response to US lawmakers who have Bitcoin.

I think it's not objective, if the SEC wants to ban bitcoin ETF, I think the SEC must ban and confiscate bitcoin from every USA resident, including USA lawmakers.

because many from the USA lawmakers that have lots of Bitcoin.

Crypto Discussion / How Cryptocurency can rule the world...
« on: August 30, 2018, 09:59:51 AM »
When i went through some of my colleagues post many of them are like "can cryptocurrency be accepted by the world". It can but not on the path we are on. Before cryptocurrency/bitcoin can rule the world then it must be for all. Bitcoin and it other members seems to sideline the poor
and the non educated. Example most ICO'S start with a minimum investment of $100 which for me is quiet unfair. nearly half of the worlds population are poor(more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day). When you look the percentage of the educated in the world too same. I then ask myself how can something for the "rich" be accepted by all and rule the world. I quickly then try to go through the forum to see if i will get the total number of people of which i didn't, but comparing it with the number of posts on the forum we are not that "many". I also ask why.... is it because of our selfish interest or the people out there are not willing to join. I recently read a post like "newbies... are a threat to the forum", you might be right but does it mean new members shouldn't be entertained. Trust me bitcoin/ cryptocurrency is too heavy for only us to carry and therefore more hands should be brought on deck. For me something really has to be done to change the path we are on:
1. crytocurrencies awareness should be on hype
2. investments and exchanges shouldn't end on our computers and electronic wallets
3. Change lives( especially the poor through forum donations)
4. change nations (crypto should be seen in virtually all aspect of the worlds economy)
5. Greater impacts on the world societies.

Lets go out there and try this "simple" things and let see the outcome. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Crypto Discussion / Market Analysis [UPDATED]
« on: August 30, 2018, 09:56:31 AM »
Hello Guys,
This thread is where you can find weekly analysis of crypto-currencies ( BITCOIN (BTC), ETHEREUM (ETH), LITECOIN (LTC), Me (XMR), Neo (Neo), RIPPLE (XRP) etc..) that will help you in the Trading.
I will bring you all the latest streaming pricing data in the world of cryptocurrencies,market updates and lots of reviews in the cryptocurrency sector.

Whether you are just interested in the Bitcoin price or you want to see the latest Ether volume, this thread is the right for you. I will often update it , So dont forget to check it weekly.

Enough talking Let's begin the work :

Market Analysis #1:
This week, the cryptomonnaies market has been relatively stable.After a lightweight drop at the beginning of the week, the market resumes a little color this weekend.

Bitcoin is still under a downward trend line, as is the Ethereum, Neo, Litecoin and me Sad .

The Ripple, meanwhile, continues to evolve within its  Chanel..

After the sharp decline in recent weeks, we could see a slight upward correction in the next few days..

Crypto Discussion / I'm leaving Bitcoin
« on: August 28, 2018, 08:13:26 PM »
No, this isn't related to the Bitcoinica hack. The hack just makes the choices obvious and straightforward.

I, Zhou Tong (Zhou is my surname), will discontinue all involvement in Bitcoin-related projects after the Bitcoinica incident has been fully resolved until further notice.

I always believe in Bitcoin, or simply anything that brings people financial liberty. I have heavily invested in Bitcoin (I purchased one 1,000 BTC gold coin from Casascius and will keep it for as long as I can). And I have enjoyed what I have done for the Bitcoin community.

Really, thank you for all the wonderful support. It feels great to have an experimental project become the "best thing since sliced bread", and run one of the most profitable businesses in a new economy. Bitcoinica has a total historical revenue equivalent to about 0.67% of the whole Bitcoin economy. Not even Apple can match this record in the real world economies.

The first time I read about Bitcoin was in late 2010. My first reaction was "these coins are cheap, maybe it just doesn't work". I learned about Bitcoin again in mid 2011, when the first bubble started. I bought my first Bitcoin when it fell to $8. I told all my close friends and classmates about Bitcoin, simply because I think it's a cool idea. The idea of a margin trading platform quickly went into my mind, and I started working on Bitcoinica.

I lied about the time it took to build Bitcoinica. (I said I spent one week on it.) I started on September 4, 2011 and launched on September 9, 2011. Just four and half days. In a week, trading volume passed one million dollars. I started making profits like crazy.

In November, an investor approached me to acquire Bitcoinica. Due to regulatory concerns, I agreed to the deal and signed the agreement. Bitcoinica was sold for a good price. However, since the investor is unable to arrange for a replacement team, I continued to become the sole operator until Team Intersango took over two weeks ago. The investor let me keep all profits until late January, the official handover time. After handover, he continued to offer generous salary and performance bonus every month. The investor demands his identity to be protected so I won't share more information on this.

I left school in Singapore and decided to continue my education in Australia. I made the decision because of the Internet industry, and the hacker culture. I'm a web developer and I want to become a really good one. I want to work with smart hackers and wonderful designers to change the world. Singapore isn't particularly good at this. (Obviously, US West Coast should be a better choice, but for some other reasons I didn't consider US.)

I have started working on another project (not Bitcoin-related) that is going to make a little difference on the Internet. So far I have achieved great progress and I'm pretty confident about this new venture.

My life hasn't changed much except that I became more confident after Bitcoinica's success. I realized that I have the power to make something profitable. Such kind of confidence is extremely hard to get, until you really experience a significant success. I worked on several projects before, and all of them failed eventually. I thought I was confident because I kept building new stuff and improving myself. But the real confidence comes from the success itself.

I failed at one thing though, that is generating value for the society. Bitcoinica did create a place for people to trade more efficiently and provide liquidity to the market. However, speculation is a zero-sum game (or negative-sum, strictly saying). I know there can be many justifications for Bitcoinica's value, but all of them are against my intuition and values.

With the confidence and the innate intuition to build wonderful things for a better world, I decided to move on. I didn't quit Bitcoinica because it's the only source of income that I currently have.

I know that my time is valuable and industry establishment is really important. I don't want my name to be remembered by only Bitcoiners. It's true that I believe in Bitcoin's potential, but not everyone believes. If I'm a influential person I wouldn't have to do this, but the best way to be known in the Internet industry is to build products that save people time, money and headaches.

I'm going to be a young entrepreneur that solves problems for everyone. I leave Bitcoin only because it doesn't help address my real needs. Making money isn't that important after all.

I'll be a Bitcoin lover forever, and I will come back to this forum regularly to discuss about the future that's in our own hands! I will keep the 1,000 BTC  gold coin as a lifetime investment and I'm pretty confident that it'll be the best investment ever in my life.

Bitcoin FTW!

Crypto Discussion / Soon we would not need banks
« on: August 28, 2018, 08:12:09 PM »
The Ceo of Bitcoin cash recently stated that soon people wouldn't be needing banks anymore.Does it mean the world is going crypto soon or he is just bluffing.

Crypto Discussion / Only 16.7 million Bitcoins in circulation?
« on: August 28, 2018, 08:11:05 PM »
I read an article recently that gave the number of bitcoins in circulation to be 16.7miion. The article also stated that, bitcoins are being regulated not to exceed 21million in circulation.

What is the reason behind this measure to limit circulating bitcoins to 21 million where as the world’s population is 7.3 billion?

Will many individuals not be denied easy access to earn and invest in bitcoin?

Crypto Discussion / BITCOIN won't die, period.
« on: August 28, 2018, 08:09:49 PM »
As you can see that BTC is the largest crypto among all in the market, I just really do not understand why people like to claim that BTC is about to die, do not easily fall for these kinds of topics and think that Bitcoin is dying, put some research on it, its just another person's opinion but again it is misleading. One last thing before you reply, this is extremely important and might be a big help for you (especially for newbies) avoid agreeing with such wrong info given to you, be sure to take extra care in replying, and the most important part of all is that you should make some research and do not forget to read the thread (if necessary) it is also important as you can gain new information from other people, though just make sure that what you are reading is very much legitimate.

Thank you and feel free to respond, I wanna see your insights about this.

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