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Topics - Coinlend

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Prueba el nuevo bot para Bitfinex y Poloniex:

¿Cual es el propósito de éste servicio?

Es posible prestar bitcoins, y otras criptomonedas, a un interés muy lucrativo con un riesgo mínimo en exchanges como Poloniex o Bitfinex. Las dificultades de hacerlo a mano son:

 * Los ratios de los intereses son muy volátiles.
 * Los préstamos pueden ser pagados por el prestatario en cualquier momento.

Para obtener el mejor beneficio es necesario acceder a la cuenta regularmente para administrar y renovar los préstamos. En las plataformas hay la funcionalidad de auto renovar, que renueva la oferta de préstamo si ya te la han pagado. Los préstamos renovados son al mismo interés que el anterior. Ésto puede provocar que la oferta de préstamo esté por debajo o por encima del ratio óptimo. Por lo tanto si fijas la oferta en un interés barato no obtendrás todos los beneficios y si son caros ningún prestatario los tomará. Durante el tiempo que no estás prestando, también estás perdiendo intereses. Aquí es donde el bot de Coinlend entra en juego: El bot presta todos tus fondos al mejor ratio posible y es completamente automático las 24 horas al día.

¿Como funciona?

Nuestro primer objetivo es crear una interfície de usuario sencilla. Solamente debes registrarte en Coinlend e introducir la API para Poloniex y/o Bitfinex. Una guía paso a paso la puedes encontrar aquí (Poloniex) y aquí (Bitfinex). El bot comprobará tu cuenta y creará nuevas ofertas de préstamo con el interés más óptimo.

¿Cuál es el riesgo?

Almacenar tu API en Coinlend no tiene ningún riesgo. No se pueden realizar retiros de fondos o trading con las credenciales. En caso que Coinlend sea hackeado y robadas tus credenciales, el hacker no podrá hacer nada dañino con ellas.

¿Qué plataformas están soportadas?

Actualmente soportamos los exchanges Poloniex y Bitfinex. En un futuro, plataformas como Quoine se incorporarán.

¿Hay cantidad mínima de préstamo?

Sí, para Bitfinex API se necesitan unos tokens equivalentes a 50$. Eso significa que el bot solo creará la oferta de préstamo si se ha superado ésa cantidad. Para Poloniex el mínimo son los siguientes:

    Bitcoin: 0.01 BTC
    Ethereum: 1 ETH
    Clams: 10 CLAM
    Factom: 100 FCT
    Stellar: 100 STR
    Dogecoin: 100 DOGE

¿Cuanto cuesta el servicio?

El servicio es gratis. Si quieres, puedes ayudarnos. Cualquier donación es bienvenida:
BTC: 1HNoRcK3hFBRi68KcCNzDoofiKyuj95FVB
ETH: 0x9abb086f01f144de4cd188b6a5ea6bd5445a92e4
DASH: Xp1xZfxYENAnAiMBCQYb6rD4idc3ad4Sm1

For all people interested in passive income and interest generation, I will present you a new project of us: Coinlend. Our service allows you to automatically generate interest with margin funding on Poloniex and Bitfinex.

Check out our website to see the latest interest rates and how profitable lending is:

Our goal was to make this service super simple. You just generate your API-Keys at Poloniex/Bitfinex and store them in your Coinlend Bot in a couple of simple and well-explained steps.
IMPORTANT: There is no risk in providing your API-Key to Coinlend. There is no trading or withdrawal of funds possible with the key. So to use our service, you don't need to have to trust us.
As soon as the credentials are stored, the bot will start its work and lend all funds available in your lending wallets. All other cryptocurrencies which are supported by the exchanges can be lent via the bot as well.

To get a first impression about our service I will attach some images and the most asked questions. If you have additional questions, feel free to ask. Feedback is also very welcome.

What's the purpose of this service?

It is possible to lend bitcoins as well as other cryptocurrencies at very lucrative interest rates and limited risk at exchanges like Poloniex or Bitfinex. The difficulties in doing this manually are:

    * The interest rates are very volatile.
    * The loans can be paid back by the borrower at any time.

For the best possible revenue, it is needed to log in at regular intervals to manage and renew the loans. On the platforms, there is an auto-renew functionality, which renews loans automatically if they are paid back. The renewed loans are created with the same interest rate as the previous one. That's why they are now probably above or below the current optimal interest rate. Therefore, the loans are priced to cheap and potential interest is thrown away - or the loans are priced to expensive and will not be taken by borrowers. During the time, the loan is not taken, you are missing out on interest as well. Here comes to Coinlend bot into play: The bot lends out all your funds for the best possible rates and this fully automated and 24 hours around the clock.

How does the service work?

Our main goal was to make this as easy as possible and create a simple to the user interface. You just have to register an account at Coinlend and enter your API credentials for Poloniex and/or Bitfinex on the account page. A step-by-step guide can be found here (Poloniex) and here (Bitfinex). The Bot will then check your accounts on Poloniex and/or Bitfinex and create new loans with optimal interest rate if necessary.

What is the risk?

Storing your API credentials at Coinlend does not contain any risk. No withdrawal of funds or trading is possible with these credentials. Even with the slight chance that Coinlend gets hacked and your credentials get stolen - the hacker could not do anything harmful with them.
Which platforms are supported?
Currently, we support the exchanges Poloniex and Bitfinex. Further, platforms like Quoine will follow in the future.

Are there minimum thresholds for the lending amounts?

Yes, the Bitfinex API expects an equivalent token amount of $50. This means the bot can only create a loan offer if this threshold is present on the funding wallet. For Poloniex the following minimum thresholds:

    Bitcoin: 0.01 BTC
    Ethereum: 1 ETH
    Clams: 10 CLAM
    Factom: 100 FCT
    Stellar: 100 STR
    Dogecoin: 100 DOGE

What's the cost of the service?

The service is free of charge. The project is financed by donations.

Chinese Language / 💹 - Poloniex & Bitfinex 的貸款機構
« on: September 19, 2017, 05:21:05 AM »
我將介紹一個新的提案, 給所有對於被動收入和利益有興趣的人
所有對於有興趣使用比特幣和其他加密貨幣產生收益的人,都將接觸到交易、剝頭皮和貸款等議題。 前兩個議題需要大量的時間和精湛的知識才能獲得利潤。
另一方面,比特幣貸款是一種非常有限的風險的被動方式。 如果你把比特幣放在交易所上,你不用擔心貸款處理本身。 交易所將確保貸款的還款和利息支付。 除此之外,借貸您的比特幣的利率相當高。 大多數時候你可以預期每年30-50%的利率。 熟悉複利的效應的每個人都知道這個效率在這個高利率下有多大的作用。

我們目前是一個小型的隱私安全投資者團隊,我們現在已經出借我們的硬幣了。 最初,我們在交易所手動開始貸款,但很快就注意到,監控和更新您的貸款是多麼麻煩。 這就是為什麼我們創建了。 首先只是為了自己,但正如我們注意到,全自動化的貸款比手動貸款更有利可圖,我們現在公開免費提供,所以每個人都可以從中受益。

我們的目標是使這項服務變得非常簡易。 您只需在Poloniex / Bitfinex生成您的API密鑰,並將它們存儲在您的Coinlend Bot中,並在幾個簡單且解釋良好的步驟中進行存儲。
重要提示:提供您的API-Key給Coinlend沒有風險。 關鍵是沒有可能的交易或撤回資金。 所以要使用我們的服務,你不需要信任我們。
一旦存儲憑證,機器人將開始工作,並借出貸款錢包中的所有資金。 所有其他加密貨幣也可以通過機器人借出。

要獲得有關我們服務的初步訊息,我將附上一些圖片和常見的問題。 如果您有其他問題,請隨時發問。 有任何反饋也非常歡迎您通知我們。


以有利可圖的利率和風險有限的交易所, 例如Poloniex或Bitfinex, 來借貸比特幣和其他加密貨幣, 這是有可能的。 手動執行的困難是:

    * 利率非常波動。
    * 貸款可以隨時由借款人償還。

為獲得最佳收益,需要定期登錄以管理和更新貸款。 在平台上有一個自動更新功能,如果自動更新貸款,則會自動更新貸款。 新增貸款的創建利率與前一次相同。 這就是為什麼他們現在可能高於或低於目前的最優利率。 因此,這些貸款的定價是便宜的,潛在的利益被拋棄 - 或貸款的價格昂貴,不會由借款人承擔。 在這段時間裡,貸款沒有被拿走,你也失去興趣。 這裡來到Coinlend機器人遊戲:機器人可以為您提供所有資金,以獲得最佳價格,並全天24小時完全自動化。


我們的主要目標是使其盡可能簡單,並創建一個簡單的用戶界面。 您只需在Coinlend註冊一個帳戶,並在帳戶頁面上輸入您的API憑據,用於Poloniex和/或Bitfinex。 這裡可以找到一個操作指南(Poloniex)和這裡(Bitfinex)。 然後,Bot將檢查您的Poloniex和/或Bitfinex上的帳戶並創建新的


在Coinlend存儲您的API憑據不包含任何風險。 這些憑證不可能提取資金或進行交易。 即使Coinlend遭到黑客攻擊,您的憑據被盜竊也是輕微的機會 - 黑客不會對他們造成任何傷害。
目前我們支持Poloniex和Bitfinex的交流。 此外,Quoine等平台將來會繼續。


是的,Bitfinex API預計相當的標記金額為50美元。 這意味著,如果資金錢包上存在這個門檻,機器人只能建立貸款。 對於Poloniex,以下最低門檻:

    Bitcoin: 0.01 BTC
    Ethereum: 1 ETH
    Clams: 10 CLAM
    Factom: 100 FCT
    Stellar: 100 STR
    Dogecoin: 100 DOGE


該服務是免費的。 如果您想支持我們,歡迎您的捐款:
BTC: 1HNoRcK3hFBRi68KcCNzDoofiKyuj95FVB
 LTC: LiJqtgt314furGjBaNJSj3PGm9eQ446z4v
 ETH: 0x9abb086f01f144de4cd188b6a5ea6bd5445a92e4
 ETC: 0xcdf345573134c42e5a1af14f768aef0eb2260b10
 DASH: Xp1xZfxYENAnAiMBCQYb6rD4idc3ad4Sm1
 OMG: 0x569d045046111d4b41ff9a593f6fbd2e458f9ce3
 EOS: 0x569d045046111d4b41ff9a593f6fbd2e458f9ce3
 XRP: rLW9gnQo7BQhU6igk5keqYnH3TVrCxGRzm, tag: 1525201557
 ZEC: t1ehqmcMex51A9tJkwwgfPfZvirQgbe15b8
 XMR: 4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbS1tXWSofA1g1hEWFh8
 BTS: poloniexwallet, memo: dd1fe6d095c17443
 DOGE: DKujjcM6SyMeabKtvL4jMz8bCAv1jCXitc
 MAID: 1Nc1kDCti6iSvH5jDhz52umNWiKht4oVLf

For all people interested in passive income and interest generation, I will present a new project of mine.
Everyone interested in generating revenue using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will have come in contact with topics like trading, scalping and lending. The first two topics need a tremendous amount of time and sophisticated knowledge in that area to be profitable.
Bitcoin lending on the other hand is a passive approach with very limited risk. If you lend your Bitcoins on an exchange, you do not have to care much about the loan handling itself. The exchanges will ensure the repayment of the loan as well as the interest payment. On top of this, the interest rate for lending your Bitcoin is pretty high. Most of the time you can expect rates between 30-50% per year. Everyone familiar with the compound interest effect will know how powerful this effect works at this high interest rates.

We are currently a small team of cryptocurrency investors and we are lending out our coins for years now. Initially we started lending manually on the exchanges, but soon noticed how cumbersome it is to monitor and renew your loans all the time. That's why we created At first only for ourselves, but as we noticed that the fully automated lending is much more profitable than the manual lending, we now made it publicly available for free, so everyone can benefit from it.

Our goal was to make this service super simple. You just generate your API-Keys at Poloniex/Bitfinex and store them in your Coinlend Bot in a couple of simple and well explained steps.
IMPORTANT: There is no risk in providing your API-Key to Coinlend. There is no trading or withdrawal of funds possible with the key. So to use our service, you don't need have to trust us.
As soon as the credentials are stored, the bot will start it's work and lend all funds available in your lending wallets. All other cryptocurrencies which are supported by the exchanges can be lent via the bot as well.

To get a first impression about our service I will attach some images and the most asked questions. If you have additional questions, feel free to ask. Feedback is also very welcome.

What's the purpose of this service?

It is possible to lend bitcoins as well as other cryptocurrencies at very lucrative interest rates and limited risk at exchanges like Poloniex or Bitfinex. The difficulties in doing this manually are:

    * The interest rates are very volatile.
    * The loans can be paid back by the borrower at any time.

For the best possible revenue, it is needed to login at regular interval to manage and renew the loans. On the platforms there is an auto-renew functionality, which renews loans automatically, if they are paid back. The renewed loans are created with the same interest rate as the previous one. That's why they are now probably above or below the current optimal interest rate. Therefore, the loans are priced to cheap and potential interest is thrown away - or the loans are price to expensive and will not be taken by borrowers. During the time, the loan is not taken, you are missing out on interest as well. Here comes to Coinlend bot into play: The bot lends out all your funds for the best possible rates and this fully automated and 24 hours around the clock.

How does the service work?

Our main goal was to make this as easy as possible and create a simple to user interface. You just have to register an account at Coinlend and enter your API credentials for Poloniex and/or Bitfinex on the account page. A step-by-step guide can be found here (Poloniex) and here (Bitfinex). The Bot will then check your accounts on Poloniex and/or Bitfinex and create new loans with optimal interest rate if necessary.

What is the risk?

Storing your API credentials at Coinlend does not contain any risk. No withdrawal of funds or trading is possible with these credentials. Even with the slight chance that Coinlend gets hacked and your credentials get stolen - the hacker could not do anything harmful with them.
Which platforms are supported?
Currently we support the exchanges Poloniex and Bitfinex. Further, platforms like Quoine will follow in the future.

Are there minimum threshold for the lending amounts?

Yes, the Bitfinex API expects an equivalent token amount of $50. This means, the bot can only create a loan offer if this threshold is present on the funding wallet. For Poloniex the following minimum thresholds:

    Bitcoin: 0.01 BTC
    Ethereum: 1 ETH
    Clams: 10 CLAM
    Factom: 100 FCT
    Stellar: 100 STR
    Dogecoin: 100 DOGE

What's the cost of the service?

The service is free of charge. If you want to support us, any donation is welcome:
BTC: 1HNoRcK3hFBRi68KcCNzDoofiKyuj95FVB
ETH: 0x9abb086f01f144de4cd188b6a5ea6bd5445a92e4
DASH: Xp1xZfxYENAnAiMBCQYb6rD4idc3ad4Sm1

Hi Leute

ich verleihe nun schon eine ganze Weile meine Coins auf Poloniex und Bitfinex. Das ist aufgrund des Zinseszins-Effekt sehr lukrativ aber auch sehr aufwendig. Deswegen habe ich vor einiger Zeit angefangen, mir einen Bot für das Lending zu schreiben. Neben dem reinen Lending werden auch umfangreiche Statistiken generiert und das Lending basierend auf diesen immer weiter optimiert.
Diesen Service möchte ich ich nun öffentlich zugänglichen machen und daher stelle ich den Bot kostenlos zur Verfügung:
Der Service ist kinderleicht zu bedienen (das hoffe ich zumindest) - Es muss lediglich ein API-Key bei Poloniex/Bitfinex erstellt werden und auf der CoinLend Account Seite eingetragen werden.

Und bevor die Frage kommt: Es besteht keinerlei Gefahr für eure Coins - Mit dem API-Key ist keine grundsätzlich keine Auszahlung von Coins möglich.

Feedback ist jederzeit willkommen!

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