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Topics - lionheart78

Pages: [1]

Notice: This thread is moderated not because we want to censor people's views & opinions about the project, rather, to discourage people from spamming the thread.  Let us keep the thread discussion clean.

Disclaimer:  I am only a thread starter and is in no way related to the development of the project.  Any technical questions and inquiries will be answered by ARIZN developer or be answered in reference to their Whitepaper and announcements.

Bitcointalk Profile :;u=221727
Bitcointalk Ann thread :
Bitcointalk Bounty:

A friend of mine requested me to spread his referral link of initiative Q, it is like an invite-only token reservation scheme,  but I do find the site attractive so in response to my friend's request, I created this topic to post his referral.  @admin, please delete this topic if this is not permitted.

Official Site:
Distribution: Invite only token reservation
Scheme: Referral
Date of Distribution: When the platform is released and operational
Expected Price: $1 per token
Initial Registration and verification: 14k Q token as of this time, this amount decreases as time pass by.

If you are interested you can use my friend's ref link:

A simple description of the site:

Initiative Q is building a new payment network and giving away significant sums of their future currency to early adopters. It’s by invite only and I have a limited number of invites. JOin and don't get behind:

Initial Q's economic model:

Initial Q's payment network:



More info about the project in this Bitcointalk thread


Campaign Bounty : 2% of Special Bounty Fund or 40K tokens


Participant just need to share either in Bitcoin related forum or Non-Bitcoin related forum but with sub-board about online earnings our Bounty Threads.
They can be posted in either English or Local Forum.
Only one Entry of each campaign per site
First come first serve basis
No limit for submission of task
Task must have your Bitcointalk Profile Link or Bitcointalk Username, else it will be rejected

Stake Distribution:
Main ANN Thread:  150 stakes per forum announcement
Main Bounty Thread : 100 stakes per forum announcement
Other Bounty Thread: 50 stakes per forum announcement

Link to Main Ann Thread :
Link to the main bounty thread :
Link to other Bounty Thread :      
[BOUNTY] UTRUST Facebook Posting Campaign

Will be updated for other incoming bounties

To Join:

Fill up the form after the task is done :
Note: Submission with Broken link of either Bitcointalk Profile or Facebook Profile will be rejected automatically. Please learn to fill the form properly.

Check it your submitted tasks here :

Bitcointalk Username : Lionheart78

Bounty Programs / [BOUNTY] UTRUST Facebook Posting Campaign
« on: August 27, 2017, 09:51:29 PM »


More info about the project in this Bitcointalk thread

We're happy to announce UTRUST's Facebook  POST/SHARE campaign!

We Distribute 2% of Special Bounty Fund or 40,000 Utrust tokens  for this bounty

1.) Your Facebook account must be open for public.
2.) No fake Facebook accounts.
3.) Junior members and above only.
4.) Your Facebook account must be at least two months old.
5.) You must have at least 150 friends.
6.) If You Don't Have Posted the share link on Sunday 23:59 Forum Time You Will Not Be Paid.
7.) General posts (Own timeline) only two posts a day and in groups you can post as much as you want.
8.) The groups must be crypto related.
9.) The post must be about UTRUST.

Payment Structure:
1. General Post (Own Timeline) 10  Stakes/Post
2. General Post (own Timeline) with 20 Friends Tagged: 30 Stakes/Post
3. Post in Public Group: 20 Stakes/Post
4. Post in Public Pages: 15 Stakes/Post
5. Post in page with 10k+ fan: 20 Stakes/Post
6. Pinned Post in public group with 500+ members: 100 stakes/week

Fill this form:
For every task you do.

Note: Submission with Broken link of either Bitcointalk Profile or Facebook Profile will be rejected automatically. Please learn to fill the form properly

Check your progress here:

Bitcointalk Username : lionheart78



Total issued UTRUST tokens is 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion Tokens)

Bounty Budget is: 5% of Total issued UTRUST Tokens- 50 MILLION UTRUST TOKENS

Bounty pool is divided into two pools: (a) Random - 2% of Total Isuued or sold tokens (i.e 20 Million Tokens- if sold whole) and, (b) Specific -  3% of Total Isuued or sold tokens (i.e 30 Million Tokens- if sold whole (edited)

Random bounty will be used just like for normal bounty campaigns and here is the structure on how it will be used.

Social Media campaign: 20%
Blog/Media Campaign: 20%
Translation Campaign: 25%
Signature Campaign: 30%
Slack/Telegram Campaign: 5%
*Please note that this is only structure of specific bounty.

Specific bounty will be used for some special kind of promotions. Out of it 20% (i.e 6 Million Tokens) will be reserved for Local thread moderators (those who will keep a tab on answering questions in ANN thread of UTrust in their respected language threads) . Rest 80% i.e (24 Million Tokens) will be used for special promotions(can be of any type) which we will carry from time to time to boost coin support more.

[Note: Payment will be Issued After end of ICO and Token Distribution. (allow At least 2 weeks for calculations and distributions)]

[Social Media Bounties]

Tweet about our project,retweet our tweets and share about Utrust and promote us. Help us in reaching out the mass and get your reward in UTrust Tokens

Budget: 20% of the Random Bounty Pool will be allocated for Social Media Campaign bounties which will be divided equally between Facebook and Twitter bounties.
Payments will be as follows: 5 Stakes/Week for every valid Twitter and Facebook User.
How to Join
(A)For Twitter:
(a) Follow the Official Twitter Handle:
(b) Fill this form:
(B)For Facebook:
(a) Like Official Facebook :
(b) Fill this Form:

Spreadsheet (both):

Terms and Rules

1: Minimum follower count for Twitter is 200 followers and for Facebook minimum friend is 100 friends.
2: Twitter/Facebook accounts must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted and will be ineigible for payout if is found in middle of the campaign.
3: You must be an active and regular Twitter/Facebook user, and must be Retweeting/Sharing UTrust official tweets and updates and should be posting regular updates and posts on facebook.
4: Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
5: A user can participate in both campaigns at the same time.
5: Owners and Manager reserves the right to change terms or apply new term and rules or do any reasonable changes (including payment structure and amount).

[Blog & Media Bounties]

Spread and share your thoughts about our project with the help of blogs/video content. Upload it on free/premium platform and share about our project and get Utrust Tokens as reward.

Description: Write a quality blog post, review the  project, or create a quality video presentation and earn UTrust Tokens for participating in our Blog and Media Program.

Budget: 20% of the Random Bounty Pool will be allocated for Blog/Media Campaign.

Payment Structure: All blogs and media content will be divided into 3 different categories, and will be rewarded as follows:

Good: 100 Stakes
Medium: 70 Stakes
Normal: 40 Stakes
All content will be judged on the basis of quality, traffic, views and influence.

Submit your contents using the form below:

Spreadsheet of all contents:

Terms and Conditions

1: Low quality articles and videos will not be accepted.
2: Article and videos must be genuine. Copying graphics, text and other content is not allowed. (You can use official images, logos, graphics posted on the website, ANN thread, Facebook and Twitter)
3: Articles must be longer than 500 characters, fewer than 500 characters will not be accepted.
4: Video must be at least 1:30 minutes long, shorter videos will not be accepted.
5: Article must have a link to the official website: (link)  and a link of the whitepaper: (whitepaper link)
7: Medium, Steemit, Newbium, and other general/free blogging platforms are allowed but only one post will be accepted on those platforms per user.
8: 3 blog posts/articles will be accepted in .com .net .org and other premium websites and blogs.
9: To proof your ownership of the blog or media you must add your Bitcointalk profile link to your blog posts footer, and for video creators your Bitcointalk profile must be added in in video description.
10: Manager and owners save the rights to increase or change any rules, payment structure and amount and anything else if necessary.

[Translation and Moderation Bounties]

Get Utrust Tokens as reward by translating Utrust Project’s Whitepaper, Announcement Thread and Moderating and Managing the thread. Keeping that active by posting regular updates, news announcements from official thread, Facebook and Twitter will be rewarded extra.

Budget: 25% of the Random Bounty Pool will be allocated for Translation of ANN and Whitepaper program and 20% of Specific Bounty Pool will be allocated for Local Thread Moderator and for ones wearing signature. Please read this for details about Specific Pool allocation for Translators (
Payment Structure

Whitepaper: 300 Stakes
ANN thread+Bounty Thread: 150 Stakes
Moderation/Management: 5 Stakes per Valid Post.
Link to ANN Thread(Bitcointalk):
Whitepaper(docx file): (Please note that there is no spaces between words in this docx file. So please put space while translating. Till then I will try to find a proper WP in docx format)
ANN .PSD file :

On Aug 13,2017 , there was a little bit change announced in allocation of specific bounty. Please read this: . So now we have 2 Million Tokens for Thread managers with Utrust signatures. Stakes will be put same fro every rank (i.e equally distributed)

All Major languages are Reserved

You need to reserve your translation by filling this form

Reserve your language and work by filling this form:


Accepted users will get a PM within a day approving their request of work.

Translation Terms and Conditions

1: Translations must be original, using any kind of tools such as Google Translator or any other are not allowed. If anyone is found using the translator, then he/she will be blacklisted.
2: ANN thread translator will be responsible for the moderation as well (we have additional rewards for moderation). The translator must keep the thread active by translation of official announcements, news, posts.
3: We do not need any Single Post Dead Thread. If you failed to keep the thread active and up to date, your reward can be reduced to 50% of the actual payment or you could simply be disqualified.
4: Increasing the moderation post count by spam posts, posting false posts or paying other to ask questions in your thread is not allowed. If found then user will be ineligible for pay and no pay will be issued at the end of the campaign.
5: Newbies i.e. users with no previous experience of translation will not be accepted. Always ask before beginning translation and post your previous translation work.
6: We are not responsible to pay or accept any kind of translations if done without reserved approval. First get approval for your reservation then start translation.
5: Manager and Owners reserve the rights to add rules, or do any kind of reasonable changes. (including payment structure and payment amount)
7: Thread Moderator should know about project very well and should be able to answer question and explain things to the users having any queries or to someone willing to know the project more and know it better.
8: Users doing ANN can also participate as Local Thread Manager.

[Signature Campaign]

Promote us in forum by adding our Signature and Avatar in your profile, and earn Utrust Tokens as reward for participating in signature campaign. Post like you normally do in forum wearing our signature and avatar help us to get an attention.
Budget 30%   of Random Bounty Budget will be allocated for paying Signature campaign participants.
Payment Structure:
Payment will be based on weekly stakes:
Jr Member and Member: 15 Stakes/Week
Full Member: 30 Stakes/Week
Sr Member: 50 Stakes/Week
Hero and Legendary: 80 Stakes/Week

Rules of Signature Campaign

1: Keep the signature until the end of the Campaign. Removing signature in the middle of campaign will disqualify you from the eligible list of participants.
2: You must post a total of 50 Posts during the period of campaign.
3: Posts must be constructive and On-topic. Spamming, low quality posts, copy-paste and off topic posts will not be counted.
4: Eligible posts must be 75 Character Long. Posts shorter than 75 Character will not be counted.
5: Payment will be done once at the End of the token sale.
6: Keep your signature till spreadsheet updated with your final post count (allow at least one week to count posts) Removing signature before post count will simply disqualify you.
7: Newbies are not allowed to Join.
8: Managers and Owners reserve the rights to apply new rules. change any exist rule or do any other reasonable changes (including payment structure and amount)

How to Join

Add Signature and Avatars(Full Members and up only) according to your Profile rank and fill the form below:



Jr Member
Code: [Select]
[center][]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ● UTRUST // The FUTURE of Online Payments ● ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
PRE-ICO | 28th Aug 2017[/center]

Code: [Select]
[center]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬  ●     [url=]UTRUST // The FUTURE of Online Payments[/url]     ●  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬      [url=]whitepaper[/url]     [url=]facebook[/url]     [url=]twitter[/url]     [url=]slack[/url]       ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
[url=]PRE-ICO | 28th August 2017[/url][/center]

Full Member
Code: [Select]
[center][b][color=#E5E1F7]▬▬▬[color=#DAD2FE]▬▬[color=#CEC3FE]▬▬[color=#BAACF7]▬▬[color=#AB9BEF]▬▬[color=#9C8AE8]▬▬[color=#8B78DF]▬▬  [color=#5969B2]●    [url=][font=arial black][color=#5969B2]UTRUST[/color][/font] // [font=arial][color=#4E9BED]The [font=arial black]FUTURE[/font] of Online Payments[/color][/font][/url]    ●[/color]  ▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬▬[/color]
[color=#D3F0FA]▬▬▬[color=#BDEDFD]▬▬[color=#A2E4FB]▬▬[color=#92E1FC]▬▬[color=#7CD7F6]▬▬[color=#6CD0F2]▬▬[color=#59C8EE]▬▬        [font=arial][url=][color=#926DD6]whitepaper[/color][/url]     [url=][color=#926DD6]facebook[/color][/url]     [url=][color=#926DD6]twitter[/color][/url]     [url=][color=#926DD6]slack[/color][/url][/font]         ▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬[/color]▬▬▬[/color]
[url=][font=arial black][color=#2E88E8]PRE-ICO[/color][/font] [color=#667]|[/color] [font=calibri][color=#5969B2]28th August 2017[/color][/font][/url][/b][/center]

Senior Member
Code: [Select]
[center][table][tr][td][url=][size=2pt][tt][color=#5792E1][color=#887BDD]           ▄▄███████▄▄
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[td][url=][b][font=Agency fb][size=24pt][color=#5969B2]UTRUST[/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/td]
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[b][font=Arial narrow][size=15pt][color=#4E9BED]The [font=arial black][color=#2E88E8]FUTURE[/color][/font] of Online Payments[/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/center][/td]
[td][center][b][font=Arial][size=9pt][url=][color=#5969B2]●  Download [font=arial black]WHITEPAPER[/font]  ●[/color][/url][/size][/font][/b]
[size=5pt][color=#6EAEF2]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▼ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[/color][/size]
[b][font=ubuntu][size=8pt][size=8pt][url=][color=#2E88E8]facebook[/color][/url]      [url=][color=#2E88E8]twitter[/color][/url]      [url=][color=#2E88E8]slack[/color][/url][/size][/size][/font][/b][/center][/td]
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[color=#5969B2]28[size=7pt][sup]th[/sup][/size] August 2017[/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/right][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Hero Member - Legendary
Code: [Select]
[center][table][tr][td][url=][size=2pt][tt][color=#5792E1][color=#887BDD]           ▄▄███████▄▄
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[td][url=][b][font=Agency fb][size=24pt][glow=#5969B2,2,300][color=#5969B2][size=10pt].[/size][color=#fff]UTRUST[/color][size=10pt].[/size][/color][/glow][/size][/font][/b][/url][/td]
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[b][font=Arial narrow][size=15pt][glow=#4E9BED,2,300][color=#4E9BED][size=10pt].[/size][/color][color=#fff]The [font=arial black][color=#F2F2F2]FUTURE[/color][/font] of Online Payments[/color][color=#4E9BED][size=10pt].[/size][/color][/glow][/size][/font][/b][/url][/center][/td]
[td][center][b][font=Arial][size=9pt][url=][color=#5969B2]●  Download [font=arial black]WHITEPAPER[/font]  ●[/color][/url][/size][/font][/b]
[size=5pt][color=#6EAEF2]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▼ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[/color][/size]
[b][font=ubuntu][size=8pt][size=8pt][url=][color=#2E88E8]facebook[/color][/url]      [url=][color=#2E88E8]twitter[/color][/url]      [url=][color=#2E88E8]slack[/color][/url][/size][/size][/font][/b][/center][/td]
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[glow=#5969B2,2,300][color=#fff]28[size=7pt][sup]th[/sup][/size] August 2017[/color][/glow][/size][/font][/b][/url][/right][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Joining Form:

[Slack Bounty]

We are looking for more and more readers, followers and contributors for our upcoming Token Crowd-sale event, and for early supporters we have a lot of bounties, rewards and bonus. Join our Slack Channel today and be a part of our project and earn UTrust Tokens as your reward. Payment will be paid along with all other bounties.

Budget 5%   of Random Bounty Budget will be allocated for paying Slack participants.

Join and Apply:

Join Slack:

Apply using form below:


[Note: One user can join both platforms (Telegram and Slack)]

Requirements to get paid:

1: You must join the Slack channel and stay there till the end of Crowdsale.
2: An at least 2 month old bitcointalk, twitter or reddit (or 2 month older account in any social platform)


1: User must stay on the group till the end of crowdsale.
2: User must be active and supportive in the group. inactive users can get 50% less payrate or can be simply disqualified.
3: Using bad language, spamming, advertising any other service in UTrust groups is not allowed.
4: Only one account on platform allowed. a person found to be cheating by creating multiple accounts will be disqualified.
5: Having a 2 month older Bitcointalk, Twitter, Facebook or Reddit account is mandatory.. using brand new accounts of these platforms will not be accepted.

[Note: You need an Ethereum wallet for all bounties above and wallet must be supporting  ERC20 Token form. Do not use any exchange address. User will only be responsible in this scenario if he provides wallet that doesn't supports the ERC20 Token form.]

Me and JBBSA will be taking care of this Bounty campaign.

Signature campaign is for forum only Username : lionheart78

Main Ann Thread here :
Bitcoingarden Ann thread here:
Something to Read here :

VTY wallets:
Window Wallet
Linux wallet
You can also create you wallet here
Or in this exchange :

Victorious Coin is giving away 2000 VTY per Nova Exchange Vote plus another 10000 bonus VTY once it is listed in Exchange

Added bonus:
Please show a screenshot before and after your vote for a bonus of another 3000 coins (strictly implemented incomplete screenshot wont be rewarded)
sample image after voting
Added Bonus BreakDown
  • 1500 VTY Picture before the vote
  • 1500 VTY Picture after the vote

A total  of 15000 VTY  coins maximum will be given away for this task on ea user per vote.  And you can have a dailly free vote in Novaexchange.

You can find the detail here :  CHESSCOIN OFFICIAL ANN THREAD

Give your free Vote for ChessCoin in C-CEX and get 1000 CHESS for your vote + another 2000 Chesscoin from coin Dev just pm (ISOLANI159) your vote number

Upon listing in C-CEX  there will be a raffle draw where the  participant has a chance to win 30k CHESS.
Reward will be as follow:
1 Winner of 30k CHESS
1 Winner of 20k CHESS
1 Winner of 10k CHESS

1. Vote for Chesscoin
2. Post  your vote number here
3. Post your CHESSCOIN Address

You can find Chesscoin Wallet HERE :

Current Vote at 1

This might be a long campaign
To increase Reward and make this campaign more attractive pls. feel free to donate in the Campaign Pot.
Donation Address for the Campaign : CcsugAFNVpYPJDhYwxWTEdxiA7ZjXASmsg

Donation currently 0

Giveaways & Airdrops / [ERM] Giveaway RT, Share, Comment Task giveaway!!!
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:04:28 AM »
This is one of the promotional sevice of ERM.  We are giving away 10 - 25 erm per task and it's easy as Follow, Retweet, Like and Share.

Task 1.  Follow and RT  (10 ERM)
Task 2.  First 10 constructive comment to  (20 ERM)
Task 3.  Like and share (10 ERM)

Pls post the link of the task done Thank you!

You can download ERM wallet here

Payout will be sent out daily.

Giveaways & Airdrops / ERM TASK GIVEAWAY Follow RT Share!
« on: December 13, 2014, 03:42:07 AM »
This is one of the promotional sevice of ERM.  We are giving away 10 erm per task and it's easy as Follow, Retweet, Like and Share.

Task Giveaway for this thread is done thank  you

You can download ERM wallet here


Please Vote for ERMIS on C-CEX and get 50 ERM , if ERMIS get in C-Cex today 6k ERM will be distributed to voters evenly!!!! Yes No more raffle

ERMIS Bitcointalk Thread:
Here is the instruction:

1. Vote for ERMIS in C-Cex
2. Post your Vote number
3. Download the wallet: Wallet download
4. Post your ERM address here

We will send payout daily.


Get your free 10 ghs of mining power here :

IPO DETAIL :Click here



ERMIS Mass Adoption Map

*CDA = Cooperative Development Authority ;  *NGO = Non Government Organization


IPO DETAIL :Click here


IRC: #erm


ErmisCoin is a digital currency owned by investors through IPO. The primary mission of this coin and its team is to secure our investors funds through our various pathways in investment. We are dedicated to establish a Cryptocurrency allowing our initial investors to be well rewarded for trusting us. Ensuring a constant revenue for our shareholders will be our fist and foremost task in this project. Our IPO investors will share the profits from our investment in cloud mining, purchasing mining rigs, merchandise, and business entities.

How does the PoI work?

1) Mandy purchased 1 BTC worth of ERM
2) Provided that total IPO revenue is 100 BTC, Mandy has 1% shares
3) Mandy will receive 1% ERM IPO coins
4) Mandy automatically becomes a share holder (1%) and she will receive benefits as long as she keeps her coins in her wallet; if Mandy sells her coins, she will no longer be a share holder

Click on the image for the full IPO details+coin

ERM is a merchant+coin

Here is a few of the areas we want to specialize ourselves in; merchant/supplier/manufacturer/manager.  All the digital currencies have the same target - being used in shops, stores etc. ERM will particularly focus on this area starting from the very beginning. We have many outreaches, including re-sellers, wholesalers, retailers, funding a manufacturing company and managing fields which will help us to establish the ERM business network. Connections and relations with investors, holders, clients and costumers will consolidate the coin value, and protect the profits of ERM IPO investors. In addition, all IPO investors will enjoy 10 - 20% discount on all item sold by ERM physical or online stores/shops.

Multiple functions of ERM

ERM as a Merchant

ERM is targeting the wholesaling industry dealing with countries and supplying merchandise worldwide, which we believe to be one of the foundation for value stabilization. Though many coins declare to "find merchant adoption", IPO or non-IPO alike, they barely target to be merchants themselves. It will be difficult to realize this goal since that requires serious responsibility and dedication to this effort undertaken by both the developers and the community. As a starter, the ERM team has decided to cater commodities (branded/generic), provide mining rigs and unique local goods such as handicraft from countries, for example, Indonesia and Philippines at this moment (more will be available later on). Additionally to this investment, as a  Merchant Ermis will provide many manufactured products which have already proven to provide a high profitable return.

Here are some examples that ERM is aiming to trade at the launch.

ERM as a Supplier

The ERM is targeting to be the source for goods or services. As a manufacturer, ERM will supply goods as needed. The current on-going project that ERM has contacted with local manufacturers includes handicrafts, copras (dried coconut kernels, from which oil is obtained) coffee beans, noodle comb / rollers / mixers service and more.

ERM as a Manufacturer

The ERM team will make supplies available for sale. This will particularly distinguish us from all other cryptocoins, since ERM will acquire real stores. The 1st priority ERM targets at is to nourish and establish the coin value by setting up not only profit generating assets through investment, but also real goods to generate HIGH profits. For this, the team plans to build a low cost industry but yielding high profits (this should differ from gambling or anything similar). Depending on the availability of funds, we will join the lathe industry by funding a noddle comb / roller /mixer manufacturing shop. This will assure us a very high profit (aka, low capital yet high returns; we're excited about this whole project ourselves). We already have skilled and knowledgeable people lined up ready to make this happen. We also contacted a person who can help ERM to establish it's own bag making craft using straws, accessory making using beads and other craft using the same content.

ERMIS is ready to craft this:

ERM as a Manager

ERM will also create another source of revenues by establishing managing agencies, which is a "low cost high profit" industry. With this idea ERM plan to establish an EVENT Managing Agency. One of Ermis team member knows well about  this industry, she has more than 5 years of experience as an event organizer doing all kind of work in relation to the task. 

Sample events:

Proof of Investment

We have a few above mentioned planned goals to increase our revenues. What do IPO buyers benefit from these? All ERM IPO buyers will automatically become share holders as long as they keep their coins. Share holders will receive a percentage of revenue from our investment. We will issue shares from time to time to IPO holders. Shares are calculated according to Proof of Investment (PoI), aka, the percentage of the amount of the coins someone buys during the IPO stage. This distinguishes ERM and makes it standing out from all other coins: IPO holders earns a long-term profits from Ermis.

Benefits of IPO investors
  • 30% on the cloudmining payout (lifetime)
  • 10% profit sharing from the revenue generated by ERM funded business entity
  • the initial chance to sell ERM according to the price they see fits
  • the privilege of acquiring ERM coins as coin holder

Benefits of Coin Holders

  • 50% on the cloudmining payout will be placed as buy support.
  • 10% profit sharing from the revenue generated by ERM funded business entity will be used as buy support.
  • Bought coin will then be distributed to the coin holder according to the equivalent % of their holdings to the total coins.

Mission of the ERM team

Our mission is to establish strong and profitable businesses in order to support and strengthen the coin value, and in the meantime give back a portion of the revenue to the community including IPO holders, and also to support the coin development. A schematic of the overall ERM organization is shown below.

  • 100% pure PoS
  • 10 millions ERM for IPO sell
  • Max total coins : 20 millions
  • Minimum stake coin age: 2 hours
  • Maximum stake coin age: (dynamic) 30 days
  • Block time: 1 min
  • Block hash: SHA256
  • Maturity: 100
  • Stake percentage: (dynamic) 10%

  • Projects development (Shops,services, revenue generators)
  • Wallet development (features to be implanted)
  • Coin development (working on the latest securing methods)
  • Marketing Development ( Social networks, paid advertising's)
  • Websites Development
  • Cloud mining
  • Be a re-seller of whatever mining machine we are using
  • Fund our ERM profit generating businesses
  • Offer multiple service to create a constant revenue ( Loan system, Image Hosting website, Remittance and more to come)
  • Launch a unique platform for the shareholders to market their initial IPO share. (The share from the 30% btc payout)

Main Idea

The main idea behind this coin is to provide a winning situation for all of the holders. Most of the coins out there are mostly created to be pumped and eventually dumped but we are here to take the cryptocurrency world to another level. We have decided to make it more than a simple currency by making this coin a real revenue coin.

While we provide many sources of revenues and more solid features along the way, you will notice the difference between ErmisCoin and all the other Cryptocoins. People are not going to be holding ErmisCoin simply to catch a pump and dump wave, but they will be holding it with the potential of sharing revenues which will be constantly growing as Ermis network grows.

ErmisCoin is created as a revenue generating company. With every company the start is always a bit hard but please bear with us and we will show you how powerful our system is made to be!

Our Indonesian team:

Task is easy post a comment on our BTT Ann Thread and get 1 - 15 magicoin depends on  the quality of your post .  After commenting on the thread post the link here and your magicoin wallet address.

Note: You can post reply as many as you want just post the reply here and it is still be rewarded

Earn more magicoin, visit our other giveaway thread :

About the coin:

Magicoin MAGIC (MAGI) - The MagiCurrency


Magicoin video contest (1 BTC reward+ 20,000 MAGIC bonus):

Magicoin slogan contest (5,000 MAGIC bonus):

We most welcome (many many) miners with small-scale rigs, not "big".
We hope MGC are distributed among many many people, rather than big holder.
We do not want to be quick in and out, pump and down.
We do progress but be patient!

04/27 A few updates: up and running

A quick look of the homepage (

Here is for fresh news & updates & plans. Be sure to check back.
New wallet (v1.0.1.2).

Exchanges: RockyTrade  SwapHole

Much more bounties available: PM me what you can do to improve MGC

The number of coins to be mined gradually increases with time (two weeks stabilizing at the normal value). Don't worry if you missed a few days of initial mining. Come and stay with us, and digggggg bigggggg Magicoins!!! ::)

See here what matrix961 got  :o
I've been solo mining at about 750 kh/s and my first few blocks were around 6 coins each. I then had 1 or 2 at around 7 coins each this morning. I went home for lunch to check again and was surprised. I had gotten another 2 blocks around 12:00-12:16pm EST for 188 each! Is that right?

*Edit* I'm assuming the 2 blocks were from the magic time as stated above... :P



- v1.0.1.2
- Openssl heartbleed fixed (all source compiling should use openssl built on Apr. 7, 2014 or later)
- Update seeds (basically .conf file is not necessary for network sync)
- Update checkpoints

zip file:

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