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Topics - Zize

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What research exists on the potential addictive nature of consuming adult content, and what are the implications for mental health? How do age, gender, and cultural backgrounds shape people's attitudes towards watching pornographic material? How can parents effectively address the challenges of preventing underage access to adult content in the age of widespread internet use?

Crypto Discussion / Cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies
« on: December 08, 2023, 09:35:11 PM »
How does Xaru Exchange ensure transparency in its exchange rates between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies? What customer support services does Xaru Exchange provide for users engaging in cryptocurrency-to-fiat transactions? Does Xaru Exchange offer any special tools or features to assist users in tracking their cryptocurrency-to-fiat transactions?

General Discussion, Non Crypto Stuff / Tell us about your hobby
« on: March 31, 2023, 12:46:47 AM »
What are your hobbies? Maybe you like to play games? I really like to travel and take pictures. I think it's the best way to enjoy life and learn about new places and cultures. However, sometimes I also like to play computer games. It's a great way to distract myself and relax after a hard day at work.

Hello forum members. What video games are appropriate for teens and why? What do you think about these?

General Discussion, Non Crypto Stuff / Real estate in Armenia
« on: July 01, 2022, 08:43:00 PM »

Hello forum members. Is it worth buying real estate in Armenia? I've been looking into it for quite some time and noticed that the Armenian economy as a whole is showing good results. And what do you think?

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