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Topics - BitTeaser

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Это отличное видео для всех владельцев биткоинов и других альткоинов, ищущих алтернативную биржу, а так же куда вложить часть инвестиций!

2ух минутный питч – простое доступное объяснение
OpenLedger – децентрализованный смарт обменник

Так же был создан официальный канал OpenLedger  на YouTube, где вы можете наблюдать за новостями в ближайшем будущем.
А пока, пожалуйста перейдите по ссылке на YouTube, где будут размещаться все видео OpenLedger и так же можете подписаться на новости, таким образов поддержав канал, спасибо.

С уважением

Ronny Boesing

Последние новости:

OPENPOS фисы были добавлены к заработку OBITS.

OPENPOS были выпущены для краудфандинга и торговые фисы связанные с продажами этого ассета (которым владеет CCEDK) и так же аккаунт openledger. 100% фисов сгенерированных от этих транзакций будут полностью использованы как прибыль, которая будет добавлена к будущим выкупам OBITS.

Hello everybody,

BitTeaser - crypto advertising network, major info why and how this network might be interesting, you can find here  is planned to be one of the projects whose profits will be included in Obits token. With OBITS you can profit from all the transactions carried out on an up-and-coming cryptocurrency exchange. Buying OBITS is the equivalent of buying a stake in exchange’s business. Not only will you share the profits but you will also have a say in the future development of OpenLedger via exclusive voting features.
So BitTeaser profits will be part of the buyback amount and further token burns. More info about Obits and BUYBACK system

Meaning, we welcome all Obits holders or websites' owners to be part of BitTeaser crypto advertising network.

Become our webmaster - place a code - and get profits.

We already have advertisers in our database (and the number is constantly growing) that are ready to pay and be advertised. In this case it may be a win win situation for everybody.  8)

You, as webmasters will get profits, crypto network will develop and grow, and Obits will develop.

BitTeaser is a network for publishers/webmaster and advertisers. Here are some features our service has:

- ability to deposit and withdraw fiat (for now, only through Payeer, but will expand the list) also in process of implementing deposit/withdraws on debit/credit cards
- free service of uploading the articles  and ability to make money, because every article page has some campaigns
- detailed campaign statistics for specific requested time periods, if needed 
- new tab Partners, where you can find promo materials with code
- referral system, we offer it for bringing new advertisers and webmasters
- bitcoin and USD (as main currency)
- statistics on partner activity, and  brought referrals, profit of partner, etc
- CPC/CPM plus CPA model coming soon
- ability to finance, or put on hold, or activate each campaign individually
- improved security system, blockchain based to be

Also, if you are interested and have any ideas, please be free to share.  Highly appreciated.

More info about Obits, OpenLedger :  Profits etc info

Article from Forbes published Nov. 19th

Useful links for more more information:

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All questions: [email protected] or [email protected]

1 Декабря 2015 мы запускаем доступный для всех токен OBITS, крипто валюта, представляющая в виде частей OpenLedger, который является одним из первых по-настоящему децентрализованных автономных мировых бирж.
Мы ценим вас как пользователя

Токены были созданы как акции будушего, где вся прибыль генерируется от различных проектов, подключенных к платформе, и будут доступны вам, как заинтересованным лицам и крипто сообщества.

Купить зараннее, Купить сейчас перед публичным запуском!

Мы хотели бы предложить Вам возможность участвовать в предварительной продаже по цене ниже, чем цена, предложенная на дату запуска!
Если вас это интересует, пожалуйста вышлите вашу заявку на цену или покупку на  e-mail [email protected] .
Любые продажи до даты запуска будут обрабатываться вне blockchain и доступны в любой из валют, торгуемых на CCEDK, или с помощью мгновенной покупки или трейдинга.   
Так же возможно купить Obits за фиат, USD, EUR, GBP, CNY, PLN, HKD, AUD, NZD, JPY, SEK, NOK, DKK, в случае, если вас интересует покупка за другую валюту, мы это решим.
Насчет Obits

Obits предоставляет возможность извлечения прибыли от колебаний, которые обычно встречаются на рынках цифровых крипто-валюты. Наши предложения позволяют даже обычным интернет-пользователям получить прибыль от волатильности на рынке без необходимости проходить через нюансы глубокого понимания рынка. Obits является средством расширения прав и возможностей среднего пользователя, получая прибыль от рынков без полного понимания блоекчейн технологии.
Obits токены основаны на базе одной из первых в мире по-настоящему децентрализованных автономных бирж - OpenLedger, и вы найдете Obits в кошельке, созданный, возможно,  в наиболее безопасном месте!
Это означает, что запасы биржи всегда поддаются проверке, аудиту, не поддаются манипуляции  и средства пользователя всегда ликвидны, в отличие от банков, которые зависят от дробных резервов. Бизнес основан на технологии blockchain, предлагаемых Bitshares и его код полностью открыт.

Хотите узнать больше?

Вы можете найти больше информации про Obits на официальном сайте и пожалуйста обратите внимание и прочтите вопросы и ответы в разделе FAQ’s.
Информация о прибыли

С уважением,

Ronny Boesing


CCEDK / Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS


Mail: [email protected]

Новая инициатива от датской крипто биржи CCEDK и  Beyond Bitcoin show, которые стремятся открыть преимущества криптовалюта для массового рынка, в том числе пользователям социальных сетей.

Биткоину почти 7 лет, хоть идея криптовалют неуклонно и набирает обороты, но он еще не нашел массового рынка. Проблема проникновения на рынок, это то, что надеется разрешить посредством выявления массового рынка клиента.  это платформа для открытых программных решений, которые принесут массовое одобрение и принятие крипто, делая это быстро, дешево и легко для организаций путем распространения крипто токенов для большого числа пользователей.
Freebie, девелоперская команда, обеспечивает высокий масштаб, быстрый темп программных решений для бизнеса и профессионалов, работающих в крипто-сфере. Компания построила свое приложение на BitShares платформе Openledger. Несмотря на то, что биткоин имеет 10 минут и небольшой объем транзакций (размер блока и масштабирования являются одной из самых острых тем для дебатов в крипто сообществе), BitShares предлагают впечатляющие 60,000 транзакций в секунду, подтверждения, которые занимают считанные секунды, и стоит четверть цены фисов биткоина.

Социальные сообщества

ShareBits’ Sharebot позволит компаниям и частным лицам распространять токены для пользователей по широкому кругу социальных сетей - форумах, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Qora и тд. Стремление является приведение же финансовую свободу и расширение прав и возможностей социальных пользователей, которых Интернет и социальные медиа принесли к обмену информацией и содержанием. Это позволит брендам использовать свое присутствие на этих платформах, вознаграждая участников сообществ, создавая новые экономические связи за пределами влияния централизованных финансовых учреждений. Обход банков и платежных систем позволяет прямой и недорогой способ распределения финансовых вознаграждений для различной выгодной деятельности.

Интеграция с CCEDK и их ‘nanocard’ – крипто дебитная карта, надежность и независимость как блокчейн с удобством банковской карты, означает, что юзеры смогут снимать наличные в любом банкомате. Это будет иметь далеко идущие последствия для создателей контента и других фрилансеров, люди CCEDK надеятся это подтолкнет к новой экономики и новых способов перечисления денег.

Промоушен, аффилиатные програмы и токены вознагрождения

ShareBits создан на платформе OpenLedger (BitShares 2.0). Как спец промо, новые аккаунты,созданные в ноябре получат токены  QBits как поощрение. QBits это актив (asset), созданный на Openledger в маркетинговых целях, основанные на Qora крипто валюте, позволяя Openledger вознаграждать всех активных пользователей чем-то, что имеет ценность сейчас и в будущем. Так же, пользователи смогут подписаться на новую аффилиатную программу, которая будет зарабатывать вам доход от каждого нового пользователя, который подписался с помощью своей реферальной ссылке (доступно для пожизненных мемберов и с годовой подпиской). И будете получать 60% от всех фисов, собранных от всех, кого привели на BitShares.
CCEDK продолжает добавлять новые проекты на свою платформу, включая Qora и Qbits. Чтобы соединить эти проекты, команда СCEDK создала специальный токен Obits. Токен будет запущен 1 Декабря (уже идут частные продажи) и будет представлять собой широкий спектр инициатив на основе OpenLedger. Obits даст клиентам возможность воспользоваться волатильностью подписи крипто валют, не требуя глубокого понимания рынков.

С уважением,

Ronny Boesing
CCEDK / Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS
Tyttebaervej 6, Hune
DK-9492 Blokhus
Phone office: +45 36 98 11 50
Cell.: +45 50 320 000 / +45 42 70 77 70
Mail: [email protected]
Skype: ronnyboesing

Trading / BitShares 2.0 integrated on CCEDK - BTS/BTC Available!
« on: October 17, 2015, 01:12:54 AM »
BitShares 2.0 integrated on CCEDK - BTS/BTC Available!

Great time to buy BitShares
It is a great time to buy Bithares as it went down in last few days due to BTC going up, as well as some rather large pump and dump game from some traders on Poloniex, being able to do so as long as new platform is still being filled up with balance of old accounts and not yet fully updated.

Once trading platform is fully up and operational, all sorts of trading mechanisms available on any centralized exchanges will also be available on OpenLedger, and on top of this the highest security, speed, transparency and trust not seen anywhere else, added an interesting referrals system with affiliate structure as well, so what is not to like?
Getting them bts ready to be used on OpenLedger platform

It is the time for  users getting engaged on the OpenLedger platform buying BTS initially from CCEDK via BTC. In case you have not noticed, we are still running with no deposit fee on neither crypto nor fiat!

According to information from BitShares developers the deposit and withdrawal option of BTC on OpenLedger will be available within the next few days, as well as the affiliate part of the referral system in order to make this financial platform the best available out there.
Signature campaign – Stay alert for special mailout

Webwallet -
The world's only Real Crypto Debitcard NanoCard from CCEDK
Instant order BTS

With the launch of a new and improved site, Gift Off has teamed up with, allowing digital currency users to buy gift cards with over 40 altcoins. The integration also sees the checkout becoming quick and seamless across all currencies. All digital currency users get 2% points back on selected cards including, Skype and Marks & Spencer.
From today, many more altcoin communities in the UK and Europe will be able to shop with Gift Off and purchase gift cards from over 190 retailers including Amazon, Steam Wallet, Skype and more. This has all been made possible through integration with Erik Voorhees’ groundbreaking instant exchange:
Erik said, “Gift Off's simplicity makes purchasing with cryptocurrencies a no brainer. We are excited that their integration with our API allows for even more cryptocurrency purchase offerings.”
The integration gives a boost to many altcoins, making them more useful for their users who can also set their favourite altcoin as their default currency. New coins accepted include:
CTO, Rusty Nash said, “The integration with Shapeshift has allowed us to level the playing field for many other altcoins in the UK and Europe in terms of making them useful and also giving customers an equally easy shopping experience on the site. We hope this will encourage customers to try out shopping for everyday items with a wider range of digital currencies.”

Read full article via BitTeaser - advertising crypto network

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Crypto Discussion / Chain is the project cooperating with Visa, and NASDAQ
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:40:32 AM »
Leading representatives of the financial industry invested $ 30 million in the company called Chain, which works with banks and other financial institutions, creating the infrastructure for the organization of trade and transfer of digital assets, using basic technology Bitcoin, called chain blocks or blockchain. And finally Wall Street continues to bet on a technology that until recently was considered just another fad.

The list of investors includes such financial giants like Visa, NASDAQ, venture capital division of Citigroup - Citi Ventures, Bank Capital One, a leading provider of financial technology Fiserv, as well as the phone operator Orange, which previously reported plans to invest in startups connected with cryptocurrency. Representatives of the Chain do not reveal how much the company is worth now, but we can remember that they received startup investments in the amount of $ 13.7 million.
Once again it emphasizes that Wall Street is changing its attitude to Bitcoin, which at the beginning, according to banks and other financial institutions, had no chance to change something in today's world of commerce. At the same time, all these financial companies are not interested in bitcoin itself or any other cryptocurrency as such. They are attracted by the blockchain technology, allowing bitcoin owners instantly and safely perform and record financial transactions, and they see it as one of the options that will replace the current process, which, according to them, is too complicated, costly and much worse in terms of safety and reliability. Any financial transaction, either trading stocks or foreign currencies, banks deal with many intermediary firms responsible for checking and execution of various processes.


Read full article via BitTeaser - advertising crypto network

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Mining / 21 Inc and their incredible the 21 Bitcoin Computer
« on: September 25, 2015, 10:26:25 PM »
21 Inc is a startup that received a great recognition and the biggest amount of investments among bitcoin startups, and shared their plans with public concerning their manufacture of chips, that could be integrated into every day appliances, like cell phones or any other devices having internet connection, generate digital currency as a consequence of continuous mining. In addition, the Board of Directors of 21 welcomed the former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers to their team, and investors group welcomed the technology giant Cisco Systems and a former director of strategic AMR Holdings Mark Templeton.

Bitcoin startup also has the investment support from such a famous venture fund as Andreessen Horowitz. And all that support and hard work of 21 Inc helped to manufacture and introduce to the world its first product – computer, which integrates Bitcoin into standard web services and thus enables developers to create products that will already have integrated digital currency. The 21 Bitcoin Computer, that is by the way available for sale, and looks like a small device on the basis of Linux, is completely "naked" in terms of appearance, where the Bitcoin protocol is an integral part of the operating system. Any product based on this architecture - games, music or other content will include Bitcoin as primary and basement component. This product will expand the possibilities of the Internet because the device and the products will be able to exchange payments independently.

Read the full article via BitTeaser - advertising crypto network

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Добро пожаловать в будущее!

Используя обьединение крипто технологий,  OpenLedger позволяет невероятно быструю торговлю в больших объемах - и совершенно новый способ финансовых услуг на совершенно прозрачной децентрализованной платформе с несколькими счетами., давно ожидаемая крипто финансовая платформа для всего мира, насчет этого была опубликована статья в  Forbes on September 16th (, и представлена топ-менеджменту индустрии денежных переводов в крипто панели, состоящей из Датской Bitcoin и крипто биржи CCEDK, BitPay и Jon Martonis из Bitcoin Foundation на Global Money Transfer Summit в London (, Canary Wharf в Level39 (, самый большой в Европе ускоритель технологии пространство для финансов, кибер-безопастности и будущих ИТ-компаний, расположенных в здании One Canada Square в финансковом районе Dockland.

Время запуска

Назначена дата на 13 Октября 2015, но уже сейчас вы можете подписаться на странице  OpenLedger (

Крипто развивается быстро. Пять лет назад десять минут времени потраченные на подтверждения Bitcoin для децентрализованного перевода денег были революционными. Теперь, новое поколение технологий объединяет усилия, и предлагает снести оставшиеся барьеры на пути одобрения крипто.
Построенная на платформе BitShares ( и  Graphene (, OpenLedger стремится решить проблемы скорости, стабильности, безопасности и прозрачности, что по сей день слабое звено в крипто системе. В результате получается нечто замечательное.

В отличие от большинства бирж, вы сами контролируете свои ключи, поэтому средства остаются вашими, даже если вы торгуете с ними. Никто не может отменить сделку или заморозить ваш аккаунт. Точно так же, средства биржы все на blockchain, полностью прозрачно - таким образом они могут быть проверены кем угодно в любое время. OpenLedger позволяет 100 000 транзакций в секунду: скорость класса NASDAQ для торговли.

Используя платформу, вы можете торговать различными привязанными цифровыми активами с рынков по всему миру. Низкая плата и высокая ликвидность означает лучшие доходы и более низкий риск. Средства могут хранится в BITUSD для стабильности; как только вы завершили торги, вы можете снять эквивалетн в фиате как обычный денежный перевод, через гейт Ripple, через PayPal, либо NanoCard ( - дебетовая карта, которая преобразует крипто в Fiat в момент траты. Или вы можете создать смарт-контракты, которые выполняют финансовые операции автоматически, когда соблюдены определенные условия.  Мотивационный ключ ко всему это  новая реферальная программа (,  которая позволяет быстро монетизировать существующие базы пользователей.

BitShares 2.0 выравнивает все стимулы, необходимые для распространения нового типа денег в существующую экономику.
Рынки прибыльные из-за группы (сети) людей внутри них. Любой человек с влиянием в сети на людей, теперь может монетизировать свои связи таким образом, что повышает эффективность уже желаемых и важных услуг в рамках этой экономики. 

Примеров много:

•   Фаны звезд, которые уже хотят токены в знак благодарности как верным фанатам. 
•   У банков есть клиенты, которые хотят более быстрый и лучший доступ к их счетам.
•   Музыканты имеют поклонников и способ получить прибыль, которую они заслуживают от услуг проигрывания  (PeerTracks).
•   У владельцев магазинов есть постоянные клиенты и разные способы торговли для привлечения клиентов.
•   И так далее и тому подобное

BitShares предоставляет и улучшает уже существующие услуги в более эффективной и прозрачной манере.

Дивный новый мир

Последствия этого поистине невероятные. Он имеет потенциал, чтобы принести крипто к массам, используя силу и преимущества этой гениальной новой технологии без воздействия рисков.

Рассмотрим следующее

New York Wall Street брокер Joseph Msumbe ищет, чтобы поместить последние 10% его инвестиционного портфеля в прибыльный проект. Однажды он решает проверить новую платформу под названием OpenLedger. OpenLedger является финансовой платформой для крипто валют на которой вы сможете торговать активами по всему миру, на всех фондовых рынках в считанные секунды.
В торговле его первой неделе на платформе Openledger Джозефу удается закрыть некоторые большие сделки и сделать большую сумму денег. Он решает отправить часть прибыли от этой неделе отправить своей семье в Кисуму, Кения. С нажатием кнопки деньги теперь уже на банковском счету жены, благодаря сотрудничеству между крипто сервисами и международных компаний по денежным переводам, и жена теперь может распоряжаться деньгами как ей угодно. Жена Джозефа, Катарина, имеет свою собственную NanoCard, в евро, так что она в состоянии платить арендную плату и счета либо через банк, либо через ее Bitcoin дебетовую карту.

OpenLedger: мощный, быстрый, международный

Не забываем и про самого Джозефа: после отправки денег к жене, он решает пойти в центр города, чтобы обналичить несколько долларов с его NanoCard, на этот раз, в долларах США. Через час он использует ту же самую карту, чтобы заплатить за свой обед в местном суши ресторане.
Все средства для торговли и расходов в BitUSD с его OpenLedger кошелька, надежно, расположенного непосредственно в blockchain. BitUSD финансирует все расходы мгновенно - когда перевод сделан, когда кэш снимается из банкомата, и когда оплачиваются рестораны.
В каждом случае, его жена может даже получать SMS, чтобы подтвердить в соответствии с интегрированной процедуры счета с мульти-подписями, что Джозеф не тратит слишком много денег, даже если торговля идет хорошо, и выше ожиданий!

Мир меняется, быстро. Через несколько лет мы, возможно, традиционные финансовые услуги будут неудел. Чтобы получить больше информации, пожалуйста идите на Чтобы купить BitShares как инвестицию или купить BitUSD, стабильную крипто валюту привязанную к долару США, можете посетить датскую биржу CCEDK (, которая один из спонсоров и партнеров OpenLedger.

Больше статей про OpenLedger – ниже по списку!

•   OpenLedger Taking Off Oct 13th with BitShares 2.0 Engine
•   Bitcoin Exchange CCEDK Unveils 'Groundbreaking' Crypto Platform At Global Money Summit
•   The world’s first decentralized fintech exchange OpenLedger unveiled at Global Money Transfer Summit in London on E39, Canary Wharf
•   OpenLedger - the most powerful crypto-financial platform in the world?
•   Money Services in the Coming Decade - You’ve Got to Treat it Like a Lady.

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Mining / BitTeaser: How to choose Cloud Mining Service
« on: September 22, 2015, 10:41:53 PM »
Couple of companies that specialize in cloud mining, since its very beginning were planning nothing but the way to steal the funds and unfortunately a lot of people around the world had a chance to experience that. From the very beginning, Bitcoin was a sweet candy for majority of scammers, who managed to steal from unsuspecting users millions of dollars, and if you look at it globally, then this is not only a problem of the individual user and even the company but it affects the entire industry in general.

The period from the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 turned out to be saturated with various events in cryptocurrency world. There were a lot of positive news, the list is almost endless, but as an example: Microsoft allowed its users making payments through BitPay system, Coinbase was granted with the license for exchange trading from government financial regulators of the US, CCEDK presented Bitcoin Debit NanoCard, upcoming project OpenLedger promises to be the best decentralized financial platform and many other news, positively affecting the confidence of investors in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, there was more than enough negativity: stealing of 19 000 BTC from one of the leading crypto exchanges Bitstamp and more than 7 000 BTC from BTER because of hack attacks, scamming from the owners of popular cloud mining Hashprofit, leak of information on security issues of and other events affecting the reputation of the cryptocurrency in the world of Internet investments. Nevertheless cryptocurrency profitable investments and not only, it is the whole new chapter in financial world.
But you always have to get the experience even from bad situation that will allow you to make more wise and thoughtful decisions next time........

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Mining / BitTeaser: is a sketchy cloud mining?
« on: September 22, 2015, 10:38:52 PM » got on the wrong path, recently has stolen funds of their own users. Cloud mining services are famous for pretty sketchy reputation in the crypto world. To add, lately, certain cloud mining services were caught to be regular pyramid scheme. rehab after hacks and loss of 3500 BTC

Majority are not even surprised by announcement about being hacked. The company cloud attracted a lot of attention from investors, but also hackers and people with less honorable intentions.  Taking into consideration that the company was keeping funds in hot wallet, it was only the question of time, when hackers find the way or time to attack

And the major attack happened in June 2015, when 3500 BTC were stolen from the wallet, and most part of the funds belonged to the company itself.  In general, users’ money was not touched, what is pretty surprising. But then again, storing a large amount of money in your hot wallet, and be permanently connected to the Internet is not a wise decision.

However, customers still felt the effects. Income from of mining decreased by 80%, and it seemed it should allow the company to make up for the loss of However, users of still felt the consequences. Income from mining decreased by 80%, and it seemed like that was supposed to be like a help to compensate the loss, so instead of regarding the situation as a loss, owners of the mining platform decided to take money from the funds that should be paid to customers.

Since income was seriously diminished, most users of started selling their cloud computing power to compensate at least some of their own expenses. This led to a drastic reduction in the cost for each kh / s, and almost triggered market collapse.
But that's not the worst, because it seems that the owners of the platform managed to take control of the situation, and decided to slightly reduce the balance on the users’ accounts by offering in return pathetic mining capacities.
Reinvestment without customers’ agreement

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Using a combination of crypto technologies, OpenLedger enables blazingly fast high-volume trading - and a totally new way of doing financial services.

Crypto is evolving fast. Five years ago bitcoin’s ten-minute confirmation time for decentralised money transfer was revolutionary. Now, a new generation of technologies has come together, bringing the principles of crypto closer to their logical conclusion and offering to demolish the remaining barriers to adoption.

Built on the BitShares platform and powered by Graphene, OpenLedger seeks to solve the problems of speed, stability, security and transparency that still dog the ecosystem. The result is something remarkable.

Unlike most exchanges, you control your own private keys, so funds remain yours even when you’re trading with them. No one can reverse a transaction or freeze your account. Similarly, the exchange’s funds are all on the blockchain, totally transparently - so they can be audited by anyone, any time. Aggregated order books between exchanges means greater liquidity and depth than with any single exchange. Despite that, it’s super-fast - OpenLedger allows 100,000 transactions per second: NASDAQ-grade speed for trading.

Using the platform, you can trade different pegged digital assets from markets around the world. Low fees and high liquidity means better yields and lower risk. Funds can be held as BITUSD for stability; once you’ve finished trading, you can withdraw them to the fiat equivalent as a normal money transfer, to a Ripple gateway, through PayPal, or to the NanoCard - a debit card that converts crypto to fiat as you spend it. Or you can create Smart Contracts, which execute a financial transaction automatically when certain conditions are met.

Brave new world

The implications of this are truly incredible. It has the potential to bring crypto to the masses, leveraging the power and benefits of this ingenious new technology without exposure to the risks.

Consider the following scene.

New York Wall Street broker Joseph Msumbe is looking to place the last 10% of his portfolio in a profitable project. One day he decides to test a new platform everybody has been talking about called OpenLedger. OpenLedger is a financial platform for cryptocurrencies on which you are able to trade assets across the entire world’s stock markets in the matter of seconds.

In his first week’s trading on the Openledger platform Joseph manages to close some great deals and make a large amount of money. He decides to send part of this week’s profit back to his family in Kisumu, Kenya. With the click of a button the money is now in his wife’s bank account, thanks to a collaboration between a crypto service and a global remittance company, ready for her to do with it as she wants. Joseph’s wife, Katarin, has her own NanoCard, denominated in EUR as well, so she is able to pay her rent and bills either via her bank or via her bitcoin debit card.

OpenLedger: powerful, fast, international money

Not to forget Joseph himself: after sending money back to his wife he decides to go downtown to cash out a few dollars with his NanoCard, this time denominated in USD. He uses the same card an hour later to pay for his dinner at the local Sushi restaurant. All funds for trading and spending originate as BitUSD from his OpenLedger wallet, securely located directly on the blockchain. The BitUSD funds all of his costs instantly - when a transfer is made, when cash is withdrawn from an ATM, and when he pays the restaurant. In each case, his wife can even receive an SMS for her to confirm according to the integrated multi-signature account procedure – ensuring that Joseph doesn’t overspend even when trading is going well and above expectations!

The world is changing, fast. In a few years we may not recognise the face of financial services any more. For more information, visit To buy BitShares as an investment or pick up some BitUSD, the stable USD-pegged cryptocurrency, visit Danish exchange CCEDK, one of OpenLedger's sponsors.

This article was sponsored by Ronny Boesing and CCEDK

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Bitcoin Exchange CCEDK Set To Unveil 'Groundbreaking' Crypto Platform At Global Money Summit

Cryptocurrencies. Don’t you just love them and 2015 has certainly seen a plethora of debate and discussion around cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain. The way we use money and make payments is also changing. And, now with the OpenLedger, a decentralized exchange platform, Denmark’s Crypto Coins Exchange DK Aps (CCEDK) is positioning itself and jockeying to be at the forefront of the revolution.

Ronny Boesing, CEO of CCEDK, is set to unveil what is being held up as a “groundbreaking” new crypto financial platform today in London at GMTS2015, the tenth Global Money Transfer Summit organized by the International Association of Money Transfer Networks (IAMTN).

For those that don’t already know, OpenLedger is more than just an exchange. It’s  a network of exchanges – with eight exchanges based in as many countries already. And, no doubt others will want to join the party too to share market depth, products and services.

You welcome to read full article here
Article written by Roger Aitken



One of the most obvious paths how to spread the word about bitcoin and make it available for majority of people, who are far from let’s say progressive technical inventions is to make bitcoin available as a payment option in shopping malls, groceries stores, gas stations, and boutiques etc.
Bitcoin attracts a lot of attention of intellectual and business elite of the world. Hundreds companies and investors are funding and developing crypto related startups and blockchain protocol.
Services like online wallets Coinbase or, Bitcoin Debit card like Nanocard that allows to spend bitcoins anywhere in the world, BitPesa, that brought cheap money transfer service into Africa, and crypto currency exchanges like Bitstamp, Bitfinex, CCEDK, Poloniex, LocalBitcoins  and many others constantly working and developing new improved services for their users.
The popularity and peoples’ mass acceptance of Bitcoin is unstoppable now.  Banks and other financial institutions feel the serious threat they have ever faced.  And most countries’ governments cannot stop making barriers to prevent the blossom of crypto world, while gift cards, coupons, securities are widely accepted.

Ukraine gives a perfect example

In Kiev, there is a grocery store that operates since summer 2015 and sells natural groceries with Bitcoin as an optional payment system. The store is very popular because of the food assortment they offer, the owner spent a lot of time for negotiations with local farmers to supply products like meat, vegetables and fruits to the store.  And sausages are bought directly from the factory that uses only local Ukrainian meat and uses it for making sausages indeed.  So customers have an opportunity to buy products with high quality, because this is the main goal of the store owner plus innovative payment system, as bitcoin, brings this grocery store into completely new level of market with almost zero competition.
Accounting method

The store’s rate is based on BTC-E, while USD rate is the average between “buy” and “sell” of one famous Ukrainian bank. Just for now, bitcoin acceptance is manual, and looks like Google-Excel calculator/converter, that allows transferring the amount of the bill with 10% discount into bitcoins. The Bitcoin price is calculated automatically after you put in the amount into the field “Order amount in hryvna”.
The best side of it, that the store operated with one Bitcoin wallet, that confirms “honesty” if you will, because customers can follow all transactions, that brings an incredible positive reputation to the store and is a big step to transparent accounting.  To add, the Bitcoin ATM was ordered and soon going to be implemented. For now, the scheme is that the buyer makes a transfer, gets a receipt from ATM and the deal is closed, very simple.
Customer Service

From an operational point of view, it takes more time and effort to service customer with Bitcoins than customers with regular debit cards (only couple seconds). But this problem can be solved with ATM, or usually bitcoin users get 10-20% discount if they pay with bitcoin, what gives an option to purchase goods with discount and no commissions. 
Operation with Bitcoins is easier than with the banks

From the very beginning, the only payment option was cash, after certain requests from people, the owner of the store filled in the form in the bank for having payment terminal in the store, with all pretty strict documents and applications, delays etc., it week more than 3 weeks to finally have a terminal to accept debit/credit cards. It might me much quicker process in more let’s say progressive countries, but just for comparison, Bitcoin terminal implementation took only 3 days. Plus there are no monthly bank fees with Bitcoin terminal, and Bitcoin ATM is cheaper than regular POS.
Ukrainian entrepreneurs choose Bitcoin

When government will start to think about "regulations" of cryptocurrency, many small and medium businesses in the country will be already operating with at least bitcoin. New customers, who prefer to use some alternative to regular debit cards, will join already existing crypto community. The community will grow because of programmers, hackers, online shops and casinos, torrent trackers, crypto followers and anarchists, cryptographers, mathematicians, journalists and others who are somewhere accidentally hear or read about Bitcoin and will be interested because of their profession, hobby or simple progress desire.  The laws of the market are simple in terms of if you can cut costs, reduce them. Economic reality will ruthlessly displace most of the banks, as decentralization technology provides service allowing avoiding financial institutions. And sarcastic comments toward bitcoin, treating and discussing it as some deception model will not take any place, because bitcoin practice is more and more popular and practical.  As expected, small businesses are the first to adapt cryptocurrency rather than large corporations. Now among the leading suppliers of natural products in Ukraine there are no large companies accepting Bitcoin.
Where will progressive Ukrainians buy high quality food? Most definitely their choice will not stop on the supermarkets, where cheap synthetic food stored for 3 years thanks to preservatives, chemical additives, etc., but more people will be attracted by small high quality, progressive grocery stores, that care about their valued customers. 

Why it is so important to supply high quality organic products?

The availability of natural cheese, butter, milk and other products helps society to develop a healthy and rich environment, stay in shape and save time from visiting doctors. It is way more pleasurable and progressive to buy high quality products with digital currency – bitcoin.

Via BitTeaser - bitcoin ppc network

Bitcoin-Based Google Search Rival Shares Profits With Users

A new startup is using bitcoin micropayments on internet search platforms that reward ALL users – and wants to revolutionize the way we use them.The company, SearchTrade, says bitcoin technology allows everyone to share in profits generated from ads, keywords and individual searches. At the moment, all these profits flow to the search giants like Google and Bing.SearchTrade co-founder and CEO Vishal Gupta said new technology like bitcoin gives us a chance to disrupt online behemoths, turning them into something more collaborative and equitable.
"Search is the single most important activity on the internet. Everyone does it, every day. Search drives far more traffic than any social network or viral news site, and it makes a ton of money."
"We're asking people to imagine how much better the internet would be if everyone could share the benefits of that activity."

Search's Four Stakeholders

 The principle behind SearchTrade is simple: give a share of financial rewards to all stakeholders involved in the search process, not just the company providing the platform. Bitcoin micropayments make this possible where it wasn't before. SearchTrade has identified four parties with a stake in the search process: (1) the person doing the search, (2) the 'owner' of a keyword being searched, (3) developers who build apps that use the search platform, and (4) advertisers who pay to place marked ads among the search results. SearchTrade's system takes revenues paid by the advertisers, and makes payouts to the other three, proportionate to their role in the process.The search engine itself is based on popular existing platforms, and SearchTrade is building its own additions. Gupta said he╒d love to provide users with as much choice as possible, with developers building more localized options.
The Three Ways to Earn Bitcoin

 Stakeholders can earn payments from SearchTrade in three ways:
(1) By searching. Simply performing a search will earn the user a small fraction of a bitcoin, which goes into the user's wallet.
(2) By 'owning' keywords. Users can 'buy' keywords to search terms they predict will be popular, and earn every time someone searches that term. Keyword prices are set by the open market and SearchTrade provides an exchange platform for users to buy and sell words.
(3) By developing web and mobile apps that use SearchTrade's platform. SearchTrade is looking for developers to build hundreds of different apps that all use its search facilities. About a quarter of revenues are shared between these developers. They earn bitcoins when a user performs a search using their app, even if the users are not signed-up SearchTrade users themselves.
In order to deter 'click farms' (massive operations using cheap labour to game advertising systems by using them 24/7) SearchTrade limits the number of searches per user per day to 40, and limits access to individual IP addresses.
About the Company & Founders

Singapore-based SearchTrade was founded by Mumbai natives Vishal Gupta and Rashmit Gupta. It currently has a team of 23, including 12 active mobile, web and database developers.Vishal Gupta is a Founding Member of the Bitcoin Alliance of India, a non-profit that organizes bitcoin meetups in multiple cities and engages with law bodies and government departments on determining cryptocurrency policies. He is also the founder and CEO of Moving Trumpet Communications, which specializes in OOH ('out-of-house', or outdoor) advertising in the Indian corporate market.

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